Class PDFFontDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PDFFontDescriptor extends PDFDictionary
Class representing a font descriptor (/FontDescriptor object).

Font descriptors are specified on page 222 and onwards of the PDF 1.3 spec.

  • Constructor Details

    • PDFFontDescriptor

      public PDFFontDescriptor(String basefont, int ascent, int descent, int capHeight, int flags, PDFRectangle fontBBox, int italicAngle, int stemV)
      Create the /FontDescriptor object
      ascent - the maximum height above the baseline
      descent - the maximum depth below the baseline
      capHeight - height of the capital letters
      flags - various characteristics of the font
      fontBBox - the bounding box for the described font
      basefont - the base font name
      italicAngle - the angle of the vertical dominant strokes
      stemV - the width of the dominant vertical stems of glyphs
  • Method Details

    • setMetrics

      public void setMetrics(int avgWidth, int maxWidth, int missingWidth, int leading, int stemH, int xHeight)
      Set the optional metrics.
      avgWidth - The average width of characters in this font. The default value is 0.
      maxWidth - The maximum width of characters in this font. The default value is 0.
      missingWidth - missing width
      leading - the desired spacing between lines of text. The default value is 0.
      stemH - The vertical width of the dominant horizontal stems of glyphs in the font. The default value is 0.
      xHeight - The y-coordinate of the top of flat non-ascending lowercase letters, measured from the baseline. The default value is 0.
    • setFontFile

      public void setFontFile(FontType subtype, AbstractPDFStream fontfile)
      Set the optional font file stream
      subtype - the font type defined in the font stream
      fontfile - the stream containing an embedded font
    • getFontFile

      public AbstractPDFStream getFontFile()
      the FontFile or null if the font is not embedded
    • setCIDSet

      public void setCIDSet(AbstractPDFStream cidSet)
      Sets the CIDSet stream for this font descriptor. (Optional)
      cidSet - the CIDSet stream
    • getCIDSet

      public AbstractPDFStream getCIDSet()
      the CIDSet stream or null if not applicable