Class PDFCIDFontDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PDFCIDFontDescriptor extends PDFFontDescriptor
Class representing a font descriptor for CID fonts. Font descriptors for CID fonts are specified on page 227 and onwards of the PDF 1.3 spec.
  • Constructor Details

    • PDFCIDFontDescriptor

      public PDFCIDFontDescriptor(String basefont, int[] fontBBox, int capHeight, int flags, int italicAngle, int stemV, String lang)
      Create a /FontDescriptor object.
      basefont - the base font name
      fontBBox - the bounding box for the described font
      flags - various characteristics of the font
      capHeight - height of the capital letters
      stemV - the width of the dominant vertical stems of glyphs
      italicAngle - the angle of the vertical dominant strokes
      lang - the language
  • Method Details

    • setCIDSet

      public void setCIDSet(PDFStream cidSet)
      Set the CID set stream.
      cidSet - the PDF stream containing the CID set