Class KnuthBox

Direct Known Subclasses:
KnuthBlockBox, KnuthInlineBox

public class KnuthBox extends KnuthElement
An instance of this class represents an unbreakable piece of content with fixed width: for example an image, a syllable (but only if letter spacing is constant), ... A KnuthBox is never a feasible breaking point. The represented piece of content is never suppressed. Besides the inherited methods and attributes, this class has some more attributes to store information about the content height and its vertical positioning, and the methods used to get them.
  • Constructor Details

    • KnuthBox

      public KnuthBox(int width, Position pos, boolean auxiliary)
      Creates a new KnuthBox.
      width - the width of this box
      pos - the Position stored in this box
      auxiliary - is this box auxiliary?
  • Method Details

    • isBox

      public boolean isBox()
      isBox in class ListElement
      true if this element is a KnuthBox.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object