Class KnuthBlockBox

public class KnuthBlockBox extends KnuthBox
Knuth box used to represent a line in block-progression-dimension (i.e. the width is its height).
  • Constructor Details

    • KnuthBlockBox

      public KnuthBlockBox(int width, MinOptMax range, int bpdim, Position pos, boolean auxiliary)
      Creates a new box.
      width - block progression dimension of this box
      range - min, opt, max inline progression dimension of this box
      bpdim - natural width of the line represented by this box.
      pos - the Position stored in this box
      auxiliary - is this box auxiliary?
    • KnuthBlockBox

      public KnuthBlockBox(int width, List list, Position pos, boolean auxiliary)
      Creates a new box.
      width - block progression dimension of this box
      list - footnotes cited by elements in this box. The list contains the corresponding FootnoteBodyLayoutManagers
      pos - the Position stored in this box
      auxiliary - is this box auxiliary?
    • KnuthBlockBox

      public KnuthBlockBox(int width, List list, Position pos, boolean auxiliary, List<FloatContentLayoutManager> fclms)
  • Method Details

    • getFootnoteBodyLMs

      public List<FootnoteBodyLayoutManager> getFootnoteBodyLMs()
      the LMs for the footnotes cited in this box.
    • hasAnchors

      public boolean hasAnchors()
      true if this box contains footnote citations.
    • addElementList

      public void addElementList(List list)
      Adds the given list of Knuth elements to this box' list of elements.
      list - elements corresponding to a footnote body
    • getElementLists

      public List getElementLists()
      Returns the list of Knuth sequences registered by this box.
      a list of KnuthElement sequences corresponding to footnotes cited in this box
    • getIPDRange

      public MinOptMax getIPDRange()
      the inline progression dimension of this box.
    • getBPD

      public int getBPD()
      Returns the natural width (without stretching nor shrinking) of the line represented by this box.
      the line width
    • getFloatContentLMs

      public List<FloatContentLayoutManager> getFloatContentLMs()
    • hasFloatAnchors

      public boolean hasFloatAnchors()