Class FontSetup


public final class FontSetup extends Object
Default fonts for FOP application; currently this uses PDF's fonts by default. Assigns the font (with metrics) to internal names like "F1" and assigns family-style-weight triplets to the fonts
  • Method Details

    • setup

      public static void setup(FontInfo fontInfo, boolean base14Kerning)
      Sets up a font info
      fontInfo - font info
      base14Kerning - true if base14 kerning applies
    • setup

      public static void setup(FontInfo fontInfo, List embedFontInfoList, InternalResourceResolver resourceResolver, boolean base14Kerning)
      Sets up the font info object. Adds metrics for basic fonts and useful family-style-weight triplets for lookup.
      fontInfo - the font info object to set up
      embedFontInfoList - a list of EmbedFontInfo objects
      resourceResolver - the font resolver
      base14Kerning - true if base14 kerning applies