Class FontManager


public class FontManager extends Object
The manager of fonts. The class holds a reference to the font cache and information about font substitution, referenced fonts and similar.
  • Constructor Details

    • FontManager

      public FontManager(InternalResourceResolver resourceResolver, FontDetector fontDetector, FontCacheManager fontCacheManager)
      Main constructor
      resourceResolver - the URI resolver
      fontDetector - the font detector
      fontCacheManager - the font cache manager
  • Method Details

    • setResourceResolver

      public void setResourceResolver(InternalResourceResolver resourceResolver)
      Sets the font resource resolver
      resourceResolver - resource resolver
    • getResourceResolver

      public InternalResourceResolver getResourceResolver()
    • isBase14KerningEnabled

      public boolean isBase14KerningEnabled()
      true if kerning on base 14 fonts is enabled
    • setBase14KerningEnabled

      public void setBase14KerningEnabled(boolean value)
      Controls whether kerning is activated on base 14 fonts.
      value - true if kerning should be activated
    • setFontSubstitutions

      public void setFontSubstitutions(FontSubstitutions substitutions)
      Sets the font substitutions
      substitutions - font substitutions
    • getFontSubstitutions

      protected FontSubstitutions getFontSubstitutions()
      Returns the font substitution catalog
      the font substitution catalog
    • setCacheFile

      public void setCacheFile(URI cacheFileURI)
      Sets the font cache file
      cacheFileURI - the URI of the font cache file
    • disableFontCache

      public void disableFontCache()
      Whether or not to cache results of font triplet detection/auto-config
    • getFontCache

      public FontCache getFontCache()
      Returns the font cache instance used by this font manager.
      the font cache
    • saveCache

      public void saveCache() throws FOPException
      Saves the FontCache as necessary
      FOPException - fop exception
    • deleteCache

      public void deleteCache() throws FOPException
      Deletes the current FontCache file
      FOPException - if an error was thrown while deleting the cache
    • setup

      public void setup(FontInfo fontInfo, FontCollection[] fontCollections)
      Sets up the fonts on a given FontInfo object. The fonts to setup are defined by an array of FontCollection objects.
      fontInfo - the FontInfo object to set up
      fontCollections - the array of font collections/sources
    • setReferencedFontsMatcher

      public void setReferencedFontsMatcher(FontTriplet.Matcher matcher)
      Sets the FontTriplet.Matcher that can be used to identify the fonts that shall be referenced rather than embedded.
      matcher - the font triplet matcher
    • getReferencedFontsMatcher

      public FontTriplet.Matcher getReferencedFontsMatcher()
      Gets the FontTriplet.Matcher that can be used to identify the fonts that shall be referenced rather than embedded.
      the font triplet matcher (or null if none is set)
    • updateReferencedFonts

      public void updateReferencedFonts(List<EmbedFontInfo> fontInfoList)
      Updates the referenced font list using the FontManager's referenced fonts matcher (getReferencedFontsMatcher()).
      fontInfoList - a font info list
    • updateReferencedFonts

      public void updateReferencedFonts(List<EmbedFontInfo> fontInfoList, FontTriplet.Matcher matcher)
      Updates the referenced font list.
      fontInfoList - a font info list
      matcher - the font triplet matcher to use
    • autoDetectFonts

      public void autoDetectFonts(boolean autoDetectFonts, FontAdder fontAdder, boolean strict, FontEventListener listener, List<EmbedFontInfo> fontInfoList) throws FOPException
      Detect fonts from the operating system via FOPs autodetect mechanism.
      autoDetectFonts - if autodetect has been enabled
      fontAdder - the font adding mechanism
      strict - whether to enforce strict validation
      listener - the listener for font related events
      fontInfoList - a list of font info objects
      FOPException - if an exception was thrown auto-detecting fonts