Class RetrieveMarker

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Constants

public class RetrieveMarker extends AbstractRetrieveMarker
Class modelling the fo:retrieve-marker formatting object. This will create a layout manager that will retrieve a marker based on the information.
  • Constructor Details

    • RetrieveMarker

      public RetrieveMarker(FONode parent)
      Create a new RetrieveMarker instance that is a child of the given FONode.
      parent - the parent FONode
  • Method Details

    • processNode

      public void processNode(String elementName, Locator locator, Attributes attlist, PropertyList pList) throws FOPException
      Initialize the node with its name, location information, and attributes The attributes must be used immediately as the sax attributes will be altered for the next element. NOTE: An fo:retrieve-marker is only permitted as a descendant of an fo:static-content.
      processNode in class FObj
      elementName - element name (e.g., "fo:block")
      locator - Locator object (ignored by default)
      attlist - Collection of attributes passed to us from the parser.
      pList - the property list of the parent node
      FOPException - for errors or inconsistencies in the attributes
    • bind

      public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException
      Bind property values from the property list to the FO node. Must be overridden in all FObj subclasses that have properties applying to it. Store a reference to the parent PropertyList to be used when the retrieve-marker is resolved.
      bind in class AbstractRetrieveMarker
      pList - the PropertyList where the properties can be found.
      FOPException - if there is a problem binding the values
    • startOfNode

      public void startOfNode() throws FOPException
      Description copied from class: FObj
      Called after processNode() is called. Subclasses can do additional processing.
      startOfNode in class FObj
      FOPException - FOP Exception
    • endOfNode

      public void endOfNode() throws FOPException
      Description copied from class: FObjMixed
      Primarily used for making final content model validation checks and/or informing the FOEventHandler that the end of this FO has been reached. The default implementation simply calls FONode.finalizeNode(), without sending any event to the FOEventHandler.

      Note: the recommended way to override this method in subclasses is

      super.endOfNode(); // invoke finalizeNode()

      getFOEventHandler().endXXX(); // send endOfNode() notification

      endOfNode in class FObjMixed
      FOPException - FOP Exception
    • getRetrievePosition

      public int getRetrievePosition()
      Return the value for the retrieve-position property
      the value for retrieve-position-within-table; one of Constants.EN_FSWP, Constants.EN_FIC, Constants.EN_LSWP, Constants.EN_LEWP.
    • getRetrieveBoundary

      public int getRetrieveBoundary()
      Return the value for the retrieve-boundary property
      the value for retrieve-boundary; one of Constants.EN_PAGE, Constants.EN_PAGE_SEQUENCE, Constants.EN_DOCUMENT.
    • getLocalName

      public String getLocalName()
      Returns the local name (i.e. without namespace prefix) of the node
      Specified by:
      getLocalName in class AbstractRetrieveMarker
      the local name of this node
    • getNameId

      public int getNameId()
      Returns the Constants class integer value of this node
      Specified by:
      getNameId in class AbstractRetrieveMarker
    • restoreFOEventHandlerState

      protected void restoreFOEventHandlerState()
      Specified by:
      restoreFOEventHandlerState in class AbstractRetrieveMarker