Class GlyphPositioningState


public class GlyphPositioningState extends GlyphProcessingState

The GlyphPositioningState implements an state object used during glyph positioning processing.

This work was originally authored by Glenn Adams (

  • Constructor Details

    • GlyphPositioningState

      public GlyphPositioningState()
      Construct default (reset) glyph positioning state.
    • GlyphPositioningState

      public GlyphPositioningState(GlyphSequence gs, String script, String language, String feature, int fontSize, int[] widths, int[][] adjustments, ScriptContextTester sct)
      Construct glyph positioning state.
      gs - input glyph sequence
      script - script identifier
      language - language identifier
      feature - feature identifier
      fontSize - font size (in micropoints)
      widths - array of design advancements (in glyph index order)
      adjustments - positioning adjustments to which positioning is applied
      sct - script context tester (or null)
    • GlyphPositioningState

      public GlyphPositioningState(GlyphPositioningState ps)
      Construct glyph positioning state using an existing state object using shallow copy except as follows: input glyph sequence is copied deep except for its characters array.
      ps - existing positioning state to copy from
  • Method Details

    • reset

      public GlyphPositioningState reset(GlyphSequence gs, String script, String language, String feature, int fontSize, int[] widths, int[][] adjustments, ScriptContextTester sct)
      Reset glyph positioning state.
      gs - input glyph sequence
      script - script identifier
      language - language identifier
      feature - feature identifier
      fontSize - font size (in micropoints)
      widths - array of design advancements (in glyph index order)
      adjustments - positioning adjustments to which positioning is applied
      sct - script context tester (or null)
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth(int gi)
      Obtain design advancement (width) of glyph at specified index.
      gi - glyph index
      design advancement, or zero if glyph index is not present
    • adjust

      public boolean adjust(GlyphPositioningTable.Value v)
      Perform adjustments at current position index.
      v - value containing adjustments
      true if a non-zero adjustment was made
    • adjust

      public boolean adjust(GlyphPositioningTable.Value v, int offset)
      Perform adjustments at specified offset from current position index.
      v - value containing adjustments
      offset - from current position index
      true if a non-zero adjustment was made
    • getAdjustment

      public int[] getAdjustment()
      Obtain current adjustments at current position index.
      array of adjustments (int[4]) at current position
    • getAdjustment

      public int[] getAdjustment(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Obtain current adjustments at specified offset from current position index.
      offset - from current position index
      array of adjustments (int[4]) at specified offset
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if offset is invalid
    • apply

      public boolean apply(GlyphPositioningSubtable st)
      Apply positioning subtable to current state at current position (only), resulting in the consumption of zero or more input glyphs.
      st - the glyph positioning subtable to apply
      true if subtable applied, or false if it did not (e.g., its input coverage table did not match current input context)
    • apply

      public boolean apply(GlyphTable.RuleLookup[] lookups, int nig)
      Apply a sequence of matched rule lookups to the nig input glyphs starting at the current position. If lookups are non-null and non-empty, then all input glyphs specified by nig are consumed irregardless of whether any specified lookup applied.
      lookups - array of matched lookups (or null)
      nig - number of glyphs in input sequence, starting at current position, to which the lookups are to apply, and to be consumed once the application has finished
      true if lookups are non-null and non-empty; otherwise, false
    • applyDefault

      public void applyDefault()
      Apply default application semantices; namely, consume one input glyph.
      applyDefault in class GlyphProcessingState
    • setAdjusted

      public void setAdjusted(boolean adjusted)
      Set adjusted state, used to record effect of non-zero adjustment.
      adjusted - true if to set adjusted state, otherwise false to clear adjusted state
    • getAdjusted

      public boolean getAdjusted()
      Get adjusted state.
      adjusted true if some non-zero adjustment occurred and was recorded by setAdjusted(boolean); otherwise, false.