Class UnresolvedPageNumber

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Resolvable

public class UnresolvedPageNumber extends TextArea implements Resolvable
Unresolvable page number area. This is a word area that resolves itself to a page number from an id reference.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • FIRST

      public static final boolean FIRST
      Indicates that the reference refers to the first area generated by a formatting object.
      See Also:
    • LAST

      public static final boolean LAST
      Indicates that the reference refers to the last area generated by a formatting object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UnresolvedPageNumber

      public UnresolvedPageNumber()
    • UnresolvedPageNumber

      public UnresolvedPageNumber(String id, Font f)
      Create a new unresolved page number.
      id - the id reference for resolving this
      f - the font for formatting the page number
    • UnresolvedPageNumber

      public UnresolvedPageNumber(String id, Font f, boolean type)
      Create a new unresolved page number.
      id - the id reference for resolving this
      f - the font for formatting the page number
      type - indicates whether the reference refers to the first or last area generated by a formatting object
  • Method Details

    • getIDRefs

      public String[] getIDRefs()
      Get the id references for this area.
      Specified by:
      getIDRefs in interface Resolvable
      the id reference for this unresolved page number
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Get the (resolved or unresolved) text.
      getText in class TextArea
      the text
    • resolveIDRef

      public void resolveIDRef(String id, List<PageViewport> pages)
      Resolve the page number idref This resolves the idref for this object by getting the page number string from the first page in the list of pages that apply for this ID. The page number text is then set to the String value of the page number. TODO: [GA] May need to run bidi algorithm and script processor on resolved page number.
      Specified by:
      resolveIDRef in interface Resolvable
      id - an id whose PageViewports have been determined
      pages - the list of PageViewports associated with this ID
    • isResolved

      public boolean isResolved()
      Check if this is resolved.
      Specified by:
      isResolved in interface Resolvable
      true when this has been resolved
    • applyVariationFactor

      public boolean applyVariationFactor(double variationFactor, int lineStretch, int lineShrink)
      recursively apply the variation factor to all descendant areas
      applyVariationFactor in class AbstractTextArea
      variationFactor - the variation factor that must be applied to adjustment ratios
      lineStretch - the total stretch of the line
      lineShrink - the total shrink of the line
      true if there is an UnresolvedArea descendant
    • collectInlineRuns

      public List collectInlineRuns(List runs)
      Collection bidi inline runs. Override of @{link InlineParent} implementation. N.B. [GA] without this override, the page-number-citation_writing_mode_rl layout engine test will fail. It may be that the test needs to be updated rather than using this override.
      collectInlineRuns in class InlineParent
      runs - current list of inline runs
      modified list of inline runs, having appended new run