Debian packages on transit

only installed packages

Packages with section python

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                   Version                                   Architecture
+++-====================================  -====================================     -====================================                                                           
un  androguard                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  black                                  23.1.0-1                                  all          uncompromising Python code formatter (Python 3)
ii  cython3                                0.29.32-2+b1                              amd64        C-Extensions for Python 3
ii  dh-python                              5.20230130+deb12u1                        all          Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
ii  docutils-common                        0.19+dfsg-6                               all          text processing system for reStructuredText - common data
un  flake8                                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  flit                                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  gyp                                    0.1+20220404git9ecf45e-2                  all          Cross-platform build script generator
ii  helpdev                                0.7.1-3                                   all          Helper tool to get environment information
ii  idle                                   3.11.2-1                                  all          IDE for Python using Tkinter (default version)
ii  idle-python3.11                        3.11.2-6+deb12u2                          all          IDE for Python (v3.11) using Tkinter
ii  idle3                                  3.11.2-1                                  all          IDE for Python using Tkinter (transitional package)
ii  ipython3                               8.5.0-4                                   all          Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
un  isympy-common                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  isympy3                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets 6.0.0-11                                  all          Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension
ii  jython                                 2.7.3+repack1-1                           all          Python seamlessly integrated with Java
un  libreoffice-script-provider-python     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  mercurial-crecord                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  mercurial-keyring                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  meteo-qt                               3.3-1                                     amd64        Application to display weather information
un  mugshot                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  nemo-python                            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  pycodestyle                            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  pyflakes3                              2.5.0-1                                   all          passive checker of Python 3 programs
ii  pyhoca-gui                                                    all          Graphical X2Go client written in (wx)Python
ii  pylint                                 2.16.2-2                                  all          Python 3 code static checker and UML diagram generator
un  pyqt5-dev                              <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python-apt-common                      2.6.0                                     all          Python interface to libapt-pkg (locales)
ii  python-babel-localedata                2.10.3-1                                  all          tools for internationalizing Python applications - locale data files
ii  python-caja-common                     1.26.0-1                                  all          Python binding for Caja components (common files)
in  python-cffi                            <none>                                    all          (no description available)
un  python-dev-is-python3                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python-gi-dev                          3.42.2-3+b1                               amd64        development headers for GObject Python bindings
ii  python-gmpy2-common                    2.1.2-2                                   all          common files for python3-gmpy2
un  python-gmpy2-doc                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python-greenlet-dev                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
in  python-ipaddr                          <none>                                    all          (no description available)
ii  python-is-python3                      3.11.2-1+deb12u1                          all          symlinks /usr/bin/python to python3
ii  python-matplotlib-data                 3.6.3-1                                   all          Python based plotting system (data package)
ii  python-qtawesome-common                1.2.2+dfsg-1                              all          common files for QtAwesome
ii  python-tinycss2-common                 1.2.1-2                                   all          Low-level CSS parser (test data)
ii  python3                                3.11.2-1+b1                               amd64        interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
un  python3-abydos                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-aiosqlite                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-alabaster                      0.7.12-1                                  all          Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme (Python 3)
ii  python3-all                            3.11.2-1+b1                               amd64        package depending on all supported Python 3 runtime versions
ii  python3-all-dev                        3.11.2-1+b1                               amd64        package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
ii  python3-apparmor                       3.0.8-3                                   all          AppArmor Python3 utility library
ii  python3-appdirs                        1.4.4-3                                   all          determining appropriate platform-specific directories (Python 3)
ii  python3-apt                            2.6.0                                     amd64        Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg
ii  python3-argcomplete                    2.0.0-1                                   all          bash tab completion for argparse (for Python 3)
ii  python3-argon2                         21.1.0-2                                  amd64        Argon2 password hashing library - Python 3.x Module
ii  python3-asn1crypto                     1.5.1-2                                   all          Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (Python 3)
ii  python3-astroid                        2.14.2-1                                  all          rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's AST (Python3)
ii  python3-asttokens                      2.2.1-1                                   all          annotate Python asbtract syntax trees with code references (Python 3)
ii  python3-async-timeout                  4.0.2-1                                   all          timeout context manager for asyncio programs in Python
un  python3-asyncpg                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-atomicwrites                   1.4.1-1                                   all          Atomic file writes - Python 3.x
ii  python3-attr                           22.2.0-1                                  all          Attributes without boilerplate (Python 3)
ii  python3-autopage                       0.4.0-3                                   all          library to provide automatic paging for console output
ii  python3-autopep8                       2.0.1-1                                   all          tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to PEP 8
un  python3-avahi                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-babel                          2.10.3-1                                  all          tools for internationalizing Python applications - Python 3.x
ii  python3-backcall                       0.2.0-4                                   all          Callback functions for Python
ii  python3-bcrypt                         3.2.2-1                                   amd64        password hashing library for Python 3
un  python3-beaker                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-beniget                        0.4.1-3                                   all          collection of compile-time Python AST analyzers
ii  python3-binaryornot                    0.4.4+dfsg-5                              all          check if a file is binary or text (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-bleach                         5.0.1-2                                   all          whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing library (Python 3)
ii  python3-blinker                        1.5-1                                     all          Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling (Python3)
un  python3-braceexpand                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-breathe                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-brial                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-brotli                         1.0.9-2+b6                                amd64        lossless compression algorithm and format (Python 3 version)
ii  python3-bs4                            4.11.2-2                                  all          error-tolerant HTML parser for Python 3
un  python3-build                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-bytecode                       0.14.0-2                                  all          Python module to generate, modify and optimize Python bytecode
un  python3-cairocffi                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-caja                           1.26.0-1+b2                               amd64        Python3 binding for Caja components
ii  python3-certifi                        2022.9.24-1                               all          root certificates for validating SSL certs and verifying TLS hosts (python3)
ii  python3-chardet                        5.1.0+dfsg-2                              all          Universal Character Encoding Detector (Python3)
ii  python3-charset-normalizer             3.0.1-2                                   all          charset, encoding and language detection (Python 3)
ii  python3-cinderclient                   1:9.1.0-3                                 all          Python bindings to the OpenStack Volume API - Python 3.x
ii  python3-click                          8.1.3-2                                   all          Wrapper around optparse for command line utilities - Python 3.x
un  python3-click-threading                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-cliff                          4.0.0-2                                   all          command line interface formulation framework - Python 3.x
ii  python3-cloudpickle                    2.2.0-1                                   all          Extended pickling support for Python 3 objects
ii  python3-cmd2                           2.4.2+ds-3                                all          Enhanced Python cmd module - Python 3.x
ii  python3-colorama                       0.4.6-2                                   all          Cross-platform colored terminal text in Python - Python 3.x
ii  python3-colour                         0.1.5-3                                   all          converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X
ii  python3-configobj                      5.0.8-1                                   all          simple but powerful config file reader and writer for Python 3
ii  python3-contourpy                      1.0.7-1+b1                                amd64        Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
ii  python3-cookiecutter                   1.7.3-3                                   all          create projects from project templates (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-coverage                       6.5.0+dfsg1-2+b1                          amd64        code coverage tool for Python 3
ii  python3-cpuinfo                        5.0.0-5                                   all          Python module for getting CPU info (Python 3)
ii  python3-cryptography                   38.0.4-3                                  amd64        Python library exposing cryptographic recipes and primitives (Python 3)
un  python3-cryptography-vectors           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-cson                           0.8-1+b3                                  amd64        python parser for the Coffeescript Object Notation (CSON)
ii  python3-cssselect                      1.2.0-2                                   all          cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
ii  python3-cupshelpers                    1.5.18-1                                  all          Python utility modules around the CUPS printing system
ii  python3-cycler                         0.11.0-1                                  all          composable kwarg iterator (Python 3)
ii  python3-cypari2                        2.1.2-4+b1                                amd64        Python interface to PARI -- Python 3
un  python3-cysignals-bare                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-cysignals-pari                 1.11.2+ds-2+b1                            amd64        interrupt and signal handling for Cython -- Python 3 - PARI/GP
ii  python3-dateutil                       2.8.2-2                                   all          powerful extensions to the standard Python 3 datetime module
ii  python3-dbus                           1.3.2-4+b1                                amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (Python 3 interface)
ii  python3-debconf                        1.5.82                                    all          interact with debconf from Python 3
ii  python3-debian                         0.1.49                                    all          Python 3 modules to work with Debian-related data formats
ii  python3-debianbts                      4.0.1                                     all          Python interface to Debian's Bug Tracking System
ii  python3-debtcollector                  2.5.0-2                                   all          collection of patterns to collect technical debt - Python 3.x
ii  python3-debugpy                        1.6.6+ds-1                                all          Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python 3
ii  python3-decorator                      5.1.1-3                                   all          simplify usage of Python decorators by programmers
un  python3-defcon                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
in  python3-defer                          <none>                                    all          (no description available)
ii  python3-defusedxml                     0.7.1-2                                   all          XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules (for Python 3)
ii  python3-deprecation                    2.1.0-2                                   all          Library to handle automated deprecations
ii  python3-dev                            3.11.2-1+b1                               amd64        header files and a static library for Python (default)
ii  python3-diff-match-patch               20200713-2                                all          robust algorithms for synchronizing plain text (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-dill                           0.3.6-1                                   all          Serialize all of Python 3 (almost)
un  python3-distance                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-distlib                        0.3.6-1                                   all          low-level components of python distutils2/packaging
ii  python3-distro                         1.8.0-1                                   all          Linux OS platform information API
ii  python3-distutils                      3.11.2-3                                  all          distutils package for Python 3.x
un  python3-distutils-extra                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-django-hyperkitty              <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-dns                            3.2.1-2                                   all          DNS client module for Python 3
ii  python3-docstring-to-markdown          0.11-2                                    all          On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown
ii  python3-docutils                       0.19+dfsg-6                               all          text processing system for reStructuredText (implemented in Python 3)
ii  python3-dogpile.cache                  1.1.8-2                                   all          caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock - Python 3.x
ii  python3-entrypoints                    0.4-2                                     all          Discover and load entry points from installed packages (Python 3)
ii  python3-examples                       3.11.2-1                                  all          examples for the Python language (default version)
ii  python3-executing                      1.2.0-2                                   all          Inspect Python AST node being executed
ii  python3-fastjsonschema                 2.16.3-2                                  all          validation of JSON documents by JSON schema drafts 04/06/07
ii  python3-filelock                       3.9.0-1                                   all          platform independent file locking module
ii  python3-flake8                         5.0.4-4                                   all          code checker using pycodestyle and pyflakes - Python 3.x
un  python3-flake8-polyfill                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-fonttools                      4.38.0-1+b1                               amd64        Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Python 3 Library)
ii  python3-fpylll                         0.5.9-1+b1                                amd64        Python wrapper for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices -- Python 3
ii  python3-fs                             2.4.16-2                                  all          Python filesystem abstraction
ii  python3-future                         0.18.2-6                                  all          Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - Python 3.x
ii  python3-gast                           0.5.2-2                                   all          compatibility layer for the AST of various Python versions (Python3 version)
un  python3-gccjit                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-gdal                           3.6.2+dfsg-1+b2                           amd64        Python 3 bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
un  python3-gdbm                           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-genshi                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-gevent                         22.10.2-3                                 amd64        gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library
ii  python3-gi                             3.42.2-3+b1                               amd64        Python 3 bindings for gobject-introspection libraries
ii  python3-gi-cairo                       3.42.2-3+b1                               amd64        Python 3 Cairo bindings for the GObject library
ii  python3-glanceclient                   1:4.1.0-2                                 all          Client library for Openstack glance server - Python 3.x
ii  python3-gmpy2                          2.1.2-2+b1                                amd64        interfaces GMP to Python 3 for fast, unbound-precision computations
ii  python3-gpg                            1.18.0-3+b1                               amd64        Python interface to the GPGME GnuPG encryption library (Python 3)
ii  python3-greenlet                       2.0.2-1                                   amd64        Lightweight in-process concurrent programming (python3)
ii  python3-gssapi                         1.8.2-1+b1                                amd64        Python 3 interface to GSSAPI
un  python3-gst-1.0                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-guestfs                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-html5lib                       1.1-3                                     all          HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
ii  python3-httplib2                       0.20.4-3                                  all          comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python3
ii  python3-ibus-1.0                       1.5.27-5                                  all          Intelligent Input Bus - introspection overrides for Python (Python 3)
un  python3-icalendar                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-idna                           3.3-1+deb12u1                             all          Python IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) handling (Python 3)
ii  python3-ifaddr                         0.1.7-2                                   all          Pure Python implementation for detecting IP addresses
ii  python3-imagesize                      1.4.1-1                                   all          Python module for getting image size or DPI
ii  python3-importlib-metadata             4.12.0-1                                  all          library to access the metadata for a Python package - Python 3.x
un  python3-importlib-resources            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-inflection                     0.3.1-3                                   all          Port of Ruby on Rails' inflector (Python 3)
un  python3-installer                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-intervaltree                   3.0.2-1.1                                 all          mutable, self-balancing interval tree (Python 3)
ii  python3-invoke                         2.0.0-1                                   all          Pythonic task execution - Python 3.x
un  python3-iptables                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-ipykernel                      6.17.0-1                                  all          IPython kernel for Jupyter (Python 3)
ii  python3-ipython                        8.5.0-4                                   all          Enhanced interactive Python shell (Python 3 version)
ii  python3-ipython-genutils               0.2.0-5                                   all          IPython vestigial utilities for Python 3
ii  python3-ipywidgets                     6.0.0-11                                  all          Interactive widgets for the Jupyter notebook (Python 3)
ii  python3-iso8601                        1.0.2-1                                   all          Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - Python 3.x
ii  python3-isort                          5.6.4-1                                   all          library for sorting Python imports (Python 3)
ii  python3-jaraco.classes                 3.2.1-3                                   all          additional routines for obtaining class names
ii  python3-jedi                           0.18.2-1                                  all          autocompletion tool for Python 3
ii  python3-jeepney                        0.8.0-3                                   all          pure Python D-Bus interface
ii  python3-jellyfish                      0.8.9-1+b4                                amd64        Library for approximate and phonetic matching of strings (Python 3)
ii  python3-jinja2                         3.1.2-1                                   all          small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
ii  python3-jinja2-time                    0.2.0-4                                   all          Jinja2 extension for dates and times - Python 3.x
ii  python3-jmespath                       1.0.1-1                                   all          JSON Matching Expressions (Python 3)
ii  python3-json-pointer                   2.3-2                                     all          resolve JSON pointers - Python 3.x
ii  python3-jsonpatch                      1.32-2                                    all          library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x
ii  python3-jsonschema                     4.10.3-1                                  all          An(other) implementation of JSON Schema (Draft 3, 4, 6, 7)
ii  python3-jupyter-client                 7.4.9-2                                   all          Jupyter protocol client APIs (Python 3)
ii  python3-jupyter-console                6.4.4-2                                   all          Jupyter terminal client (Python 3)
ii  python3-jupyter-core                   4.12.0-1                                  all          Core common functionality of Jupyter projects for Python 3
ii  python3-jupyterlab-pygments            0.2.2-3                                   all          Syntax coloring scheme for pygments using JupyterLab (Python 3)
ii  python3-jwt                            2.6.0-1                                   all          Python 3 implementation of JSON Web Token
ii  python3-kerberos                       1.1.14-3.1+b7                             amd64        GSSAPI interface module - Python 3.x
ii  python3-keyring                        23.9.3-2                                  all          store and access your passwords safely
ii  python3-keyrings.alt                   4.2.0-1                                   all          alternate backend implementations for python3-keyring
ii  python3-keystoneauth1                  5.0.0-2                                   all          authentication library for OpenStack Identity - Python 3.x
ii  python3-keystoneclient                 1:5.0.1-3                                 all          client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - Python 3.x
ii  python3-kiwisolver                     1.4.4-1+b1                                amd64        fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver - Python 3.X
ii  python3-lazr.restfulclient             0.14.5-1                                  all          client for lazr.restful-based web services (Python 3)
ii  python3-lazr.uri                       1.0.6-3                                   all          library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs
ii  python3-lazy-object-proxy              1.9.0-1+b1                                amd64        Python 3 fast and thorough lazy object proxy
un  python3-levenshtein                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-lib2to3                        3.11.2-3                                  all          Interactive high-level object-oriented language (lib2to3)
ii  python3-libapparmor                    3.0.8-3                                   amd64        AppArmor library Python3 bindings
ii  python3-libevdev                       0.5-3                                     all          Python 3 wrapper for libevdev
ii  python3-libsass                        0.22.0-1                                  amd64        SASS for Python 3: a straightforward binding of libsass for Python
ii  python3-libvirt                        9.0.0-1                                   amd64        libvirt Python 3 bindings
ii  python3-lldb                           1:14.0-55.7~deb12u1                       amd64        Next generation, high-performance debugger, python lib
ii  python3-lldb-14                        1:14.0.6-12                               amd64        Next generation, high-performance debugger, python3 lib
un  python3-llfuse                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-logilab-common                 1.9.8-1                                   all          useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects (Python3)
ii  python3-louis                          3.24.0-1                                  all          Python bindings for liblouis
ii  python3-lz4                            4.0.2+dfsg-1+b2                           amd64        Python interface to the lz4 compression library (Python 3)
un  python3-m2r                            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-magic                          2:0.4.26-3                                all          python3 interface to the libmagic file type identification library
ii  python3-mako                           1.2.4+ds-1                                all          fast and lightweight templating for the Python 3 platform
ii  python3-markdown                       3.4.1-2                                   all          text-to-HTML conversion library/tool (Python 3 version)
ii  python3-markupsafe                     2.1.2-1+b1                                amd64        HTML/XHTML/XML string library
ii  python3-matplotlib                     3.6.3-1+b1                                amd64        Python based plotting system in a style similar to Matlab (Python 3)
ii  python3-matplotlib-inline              0.1.6-2                                   all          Matplotlib backend for inline use in IPython and Jupyter
ii  python3-mccabe                         0.7.0-1                                   all          Python code complexity checker (Python 3)
un  python3-mdx-math                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-memory-allocator               0.1.2-3+b2                                amd64        memory allocation extension class for cython -- Python 3
un  python3-migrate                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-minimal                        3.11.2-1+b1                               amd64        minimal subset of the Python language (default python3 version)
ii  python3-more-itertools                 8.10.0-2                                  all          library with routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (Python 3)
ii  python3-mpmath                         1.2.1-2                                   all          library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (Python3)
ii  python3-msgpack                        1.0.3-2+b1                                amd64        Python 3 implementation of MessagePack format
ii  python3-munch                          2.5.0-2                                   all          dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects - Python 3.x
un  python3-munkres                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-mutagen                        1.46.0-1                                  all          audio metadata editing library (Python 3)
ii  python3-mypy-extensions                0.4.3-4                                   all          Experimental type system extensions for mypy typechecker (Python 3)
un  python3-mysqldb                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-nacl                           1.5.0-2                                   amd64        Python bindings to libsodium (Python 3)
ii  python3-nbclient                       0.7.2-1                                   all          Client to execute jupyter notebooks
ii  python3-nbconvert                      6.5.3-3                                   all          Jupyter notebook conversion (Python 3)
ii  python3-nbformat                       5.5.0-1                                   all          Jupyter notebook format (Python 3)
un  python3-nbsphinx                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-neovim                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-nest-asyncio                   1.5.4-1                                   all          Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops
ii  python3-netaddr                        0.8.0-2                                   all          manipulation of various common network address notations (Python 3)
ii  python3-networkx                       2.8.8-1                                   all          tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks (Python3)
ii  python3-neutronclient                  1:8.1.0-2                                 all          client API library for Neutron - Python 3.x
ii  python3-nose                           1.3.7-9                                   all          test discovery and running for Python3 unittest
ii  python3-notebook                       6.4.12-2.2                                all          Jupyter interactive notebook (Python 3)
ii  python3-novaclient                     2:18.1.0-3                                all          client library for OpenStack Compute API - 3.x
ii  python3-numpy                          1:1.24.2-1+deb12u1                        amd64        Fast array facility to the Python 3 language
ii  python3-numpydoc                       1.5.0-1                                   all          Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format -- Python3
ii  python3-oauthlib                       3.2.2-1                                   all          generic, spec-compliant implementation of OAuth for Python3
un  python3-objgraph                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-olefile                        0.46-3                                    all          Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
un  python3-omegaconf                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-opencv                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-opengl                         3.1.6+dfsg-3                              all          Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3)
ii  python3-openssl                        23.0.0-1                                  all          Python 3 wrapper around the OpenSSL library
ii  python3-openstackclient                6.0.0-4                                   all          OpenStack Command-line Client - Python 3.x
ii  python3-openstacksdk                   0.101.0-2                                 all          SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack - Python 3.x
ii  python3-os-client-config               2.1.0-1                                   all          OpenStack client configuration library - Python 3.x
ii  python3-os-service-types               1.7.0-2                                   all          lib for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data - Python 3.x
ii  python3-osc-lib                        2.6.2-2                                   all          OpenStackClient Library - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.config                    1:9.0.0-3                                 all          Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.context                   5.0.0-2                                   all          WSGI context helpers for OpenStack - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.i18n                      5.1.0-3                                   all          Oslo Internationalization Utilities - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.log                       5.0.1-1                                   all          OpenStack logging configuration library - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.serialization             5.0.0-2                                   all          utilities for serialization , especially JSON - Python 3.x
ii  python3-oslo.utils                     6.0.1-2                                   all          set of utility functions for OpenStack - Python 3.x
ii  python3-packaging                      23.0-1                                    all          core utilities for python3 packages
ii  python3-pampy                          2.0.2-1                                   all          Python module for simple PAM authentications (Python 3)
un  python3-pandas                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pandocfilters                  1.5.0-1                                   all          python3 bindings for Pandoc's filters
ii  python3-paramiko                       2.12.0-2                                  all          Make ssh v2 connections (Python 3)
ii  python3-parso                          0.8.3-1                                   all          Python parser that supports error recovery - Python 3.X
ii  python3-pathspec                       0.11.0-1                                  all          utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths (Python 3)
ii  python3-pbr                            5.10.0-2                                  all          inject useful and sensible default behaviors into setuptools - Python 3.x
ii  python3-pep8                           1.7.1-11                                  all          Python PEP 8 code style checker - Python 3
ii  python3-pexpect                        4.8.0-4                                   all          Python 3 module for automating interactive applications
un  python3-pgmagick                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pickleshare                    0.7.5-5                                   all          File system based database that uses Python pickles for Python 3
ii  python3-pip                            23.0.1+dfsg-1                             all          Python package installer
ii  python3-pip-whl                        23.0.1+dfsg-1                             all          Python package installer (pip wheel)
ii  python3-pkg-resources                  66.1.1-1                                  all          Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
ii  python3-pkgconfig                      1.5.5-2                                   all          Python interface to the pkg-config command line tool
ii  python3-platformdirs                   2.6.0-1                                   all          determining appropriate platform-specific directories (Python 3)
ii  python3-pluggy                         1.0.0+repack-1                            all          plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - 3.x
ii  python3-ply                            3.11-5                                    all          Lex and Yacc implementation for Python3
ii  python3-ppl                            0.8.7-1+b4                                amd64        Python interface to PPL -- Python 3
ii  python3-prettytable                    3.6.0-1                                   all          library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables (Python3)
ii  python3-primecountpy                   0.1.0-2+b3                                amd64        Python interface to primecount -- Python 3
ii  python3-prometheus-client              0.16.0-0.1                                all          Python 3 client for the Prometheus monitoring system
ii  python3-prompt-toolkit                 3.0.36-2                                  all          library for building interactive command lines (Python 3)
ii  python3-psutil                         5.9.4-1+b1                                amd64        module providing convenience functions for managing processes (Python3)
un  python3-psycopg2                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-ptyprocess                     0.7.0-5                                   all          Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal from Python 3
ii  python3-pure-eval                      0.2.2-1                                   all          Safely evaluate Python AST nodes without side effects
ii  python3-py                             1.11.0-1                                  all          Advanced Python development support library (Python 3)
un  python3-py-stringmatching              <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pyasn1                         0.4.8-3                                   all          ASN.1 library for Python (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-pyatspi                        2.46.0-2                                  all          Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - Python3 bindings
un  python3-pychromecast                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pycodestyle                    2.10.0-1                                  all          Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8) - Python 3.x
ii  python3-pycryptodome                   3.11.0+dfsg1-4                            amd64        cryptographic Python library (Python 3)
ii  python3-pycurl                         7.45.2-3                                  amd64        Python bindings to libcurl (Python 3)
ii  python3-pydevd                         2.9.5+ds-4                                amd64        Debugger used by debugpy (command line script)
ii  python3-pydocstyle                     6.2.3-3                                   all          Python docstring style checker (Python 3 library)
ii  python3-pydot                          1.4.2-1                                   all          Python interface to Graphviz's dot (Python 3)
ii  python3-pyflakes                       2.5.0-1                                   all          passive checker of Python 3 programs - Python modules
un  python3-pyfuse3                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pygame                         2.1.2+dfsg-5+b1                           amd64        SDL bindings for games development (Python 3)
ii  python3-pygments                       2.14.0+dfsg-1                             all          syntax highlighting package written in Python 3
ii  python3-pygraphviz                     1.7-3+b4                                  amd64        Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (Python 3)
ii  python3-pyinotify                      0.9.6-2                                   all          simple Linux inotify Python bindings
un  python3-pylev                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-pylint-django                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-pylint-plugin-utils            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pylint-venv                    2.3.0-2                                   all          Pylint hook to use same pylint with different virtual envs
ii  python3-pyls-spyder                    0.4.0-2                                   all          Spyder plugin for the Python Language Server
ii  python3-pylsp                          1.7.1-1                                   all          Python implementation of the Language Server Protocol
ii  python3-pylsp-black                    1.2.1-2                                   all          Black plugin for the Python Language Server
ii  python3-pylsp-jsonrpc                  1.0.0-3                                   all          Python server implementation of the JSON RPC 2.0 protocol
un  python3-pymssql                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pynvim                         0.4.2-2                                   all          Python3 library for scripting Neovim processes through its msgpack-rpc API
un  python3-pyopencl                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pyparsing                      3.0.9-1                                   all          alternative to creating and executing simple grammars - Python 3.x
ii  python3-pyperclip                      1.8.2-2                                   all          Cross-platform clipboard module for Python3
ii  python3-pyqt5                          5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5
un  python3-pyqt5.qsci                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtchart                  5.15.6+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Charts module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia             5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtopengl                 5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning            5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtquick                  5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtremoteobjects          5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's RemoteObjects module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtsensors                5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtserialport             5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtsql                    5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtsvg                    5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qttexttospeech           5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for QtSpeech module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel             5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebChannel module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine              5.15.6-1                                  amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebEngine module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit                 5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets             5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module
ii  python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns            5.15.9+dfsg-1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module
ii  python3-pyqt5.sip                      12.11.1-1                                 amd64        runtime module for Python extensions using SIP
un  python3-pyqtgraph                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pysimplesoap                   1.16.2-5                                  all          simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)
un  python3-pytest                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-pytest-flake8                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-pytest-pylint                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-pythran                        0.11.0+ds-7                               amd64        ahead of time compiler for Python
ii  python3-pytoolconfig                   1.2.5-1                                   all          Python Tool Configuration Library
ii  python3-pytz-deprecation-shim          0.1.0.post0-3                             all          Shims to help you safely remove pytz
ii  python3-pyudev                         0.24.0-1                                  all          Python3 bindings for libudev
un  python3-pyxdameraulevenshtein          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-qdarkstyle                     3.1+ds1-1                                 all          Dark stylesheet for Python-based Qt application
ii  python3-qstylizer                      0.2.2-1                                   all          Python package for construction of PyQt/PySide stylesheets
ii  python3-qtawesome                      1.2.2+dfsg-1                              all          iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications (Python 3)
ii  python3-qtconsole                      5.4.0-1                                   all          Jupyter - Qt console (Python 3)
ii  python3-qtpy                           2.3.0-1                                   all          Abstraction layer for PySide2/PySide6/PyQt5/PyQt6 (Python 3)
ii  python3-qtsass                         0.3.2-2                                   all          Python package to bridge the gap between SASS and Qt-CSS
ii  python3-rencode                        1.0.6-2+b4                                amd64        Python encoding library similar to bittorrent's bencode (Python 3)
ii  python3-reportbug                      12.0.0                                    all          Python modules for interacting with bug tracking systems
ii  python3-requests                       2.28.1+dfsg-1                             all          elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings
un  python3-requests-kerberos              <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-requestsexceptions             1.4.0-3                                   all          import exceptions from bundled packages in requests. - Python 3.x
ii  python3-rfc3986                        1.5.0-2                                   all          validating URI references per RFC 3986 - Python 3.x
un  python3-rfc3987                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-roman                          3.3-3                                     all          module for generating/analyzing Roman numerals for Python 3
ii  python3-rpy2                           3.5.9-1                                   amd64        Python3 interface to the GNU R language and environment (version 2)
ii  python3-rtree                          1.0.1-1                                   all          R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS - Python 3 module
ii  python3-ruamel.yaml                    0.17.21-1                                 all          roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-sage                           9.5-6                                     amd64        Open Source Mathematical Software - Python 3 library
ii  python3-sagenb-export                  3.2-4                                     all          Convert SageNB Notebooks (Python 3)
ii  python3-sagetex                        3.6.1+ds-1                                all          Embed Sage code and plots into LaTeX -- Python 3
ii  python3-scipy                          1.10.1-2                                  amd64        scientific tools for Python 3
ii  python3-scour                          0.38.2-2                                  all          SVG scrubber and optimizer (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-secretstorage                  3.3.3-1                                   all          Python module for storing secrets - Python 3.x version
ii  python3-send2trash                     1.8.1~b0-2                                all          Python module for sending file to trash natively
ii  python3-setuptools                     66.1.1-1                                  all          Python3 Distutils Enhancements
ii  python3-setuptools-scm                 7.1.0-3                                   all          blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for Python 3
ii  python3-setuptools-whl                 66.1.1-1                                  all          Python Distutils Enhancements (wheel package)
ii  python3-simplegeneric                  0.8.1-5                                   all          simple generic functions for Python3
ii  python3-simplejson                     3.18.3-1                                  amd64        simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x
ii  python3-sip                            4.19.25+dfsg-5+b1                         amd64        Python 3/C++ bindings generator runtime library
ii  python3-sipbuild                       6.7.7+dfsg-1                              amd64        Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries — the build system
ii  python3-six                            1.16.0-4                                  all          Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
un  python3-skbio                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-skimage                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-slugify                        4.0.0-2                                   all          Python module that provides tools for slugifying unicode strings
un  python3-smbc                           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-snowballstemmer                2.2.0-2                                   all          Pure Python Snowball stemming library
un  python3-socks                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-softlayer                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-software-properties            0.99.30-4.1~deb12u1                       all          manage the repositories that you install software from
ii  python3-sortedcontainers               2.4.0-2                                   all          sorted container types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet (Python 3)
ii  python3-soupsieve                      2.3.2-1                                   all          modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup (Python 3)
ii  python3-speg                           0.3-4+b4                                  amd64        PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization
ii  python3-sphinx                         5.3.0-4                                   all          documentation generator for Python projects
un  python3-sphinx-celery                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-sphinx-rtd-theme               <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-sphinx-tabs                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-sphinxcontrib.websupport       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-spyder                         5.4.2+ds-5+deb12u1                        all          Richly-featured Python IDE - Python modules
ii  python3-spyder-kernels                 2.4.2-1                                   all          Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console - Python 3
un  python3-spyder-unittest                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-sqlalchemy                     1.4.46+ds1-1                              all          SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python 3
un  python3-sqlalchemy-ext                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-stack-data                     0.6.2-3                                   all          Better tracebacks for Python
ii  python3-stevedore                      4.0.2-2                                   all          manage dynamic plugins for Python applications - python3
ii  python3-svn                            1.9.15-1+b3                               amd64        A(nother) Python 3 interface to Subversion
ii  python3-sympy                          1.11.1-1                                  all          Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python (Python 3)
ii  python3-systemd                        235-1+b2                                  amd64        Python 3 bindings for systemd
un  python3-talloc                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-terminado                      0.17.0-1                                  all          Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets (Python 3)
ii  python3-textdistance                   4.5.0-1                                   all          Library for calculating distances between sequences
ii  python3-three-merge                    0.1.1-4                                   all          Perform a 3-way merge between strings at a character level
ii  python3-tinycss                        0.4-6+b1                                  amd64        complete yet simple CSS parser (Python3 version)
ii  python3-tinycss2                       1.2.1-2                                   all          Low-level CSS parser (Python3 version)
ii  python3-toml                           0.10.2-1                                  all          library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 3.x
un  python3-tomli                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-tomlkit                        0.11.7-1                                  all          style-preserving TOML library for Python
ii  python3-tornado                        6.2.0-3                                   amd64        scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - Python 3 package
ii  python3-traitlets                      5.5.0-1                                   all          Lightweight Traits-like package for Python 3
un  python3-translate                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-twisted                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-typing-extensions              4.4.0-1                                   all          Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
ii  python3-tz                             2022.7.1-4                                all          Python3 version of the Olson timezone database
ii  python3-tzlocal                        4.2-1                                     all          tzinfo object for the local timezone
ii  python3-ufolib2                        0.14.0+dfsg1-1                            all          Unified Font Object (UFO) fonts library
un  python3-uinput                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-unicodedata2                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-unidecode                      1.3.6-1                                   all          ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (Python 3 module)
ii  python3-unidiff                        0.7.3-1                                   all          Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library (Python 3)
ii  python3-uno                            4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2                         amd64        Python-UNO bridge
un  python3-uritemplate                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-uritools                       4.0.0-1                                   all          RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse
ii  python3-urllib3                        1.26.12-1                                 all          HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python3
un  python3-urwid                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  python3-venv                           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-virtualenv                     20.17.1+ds-1                              all          Python virtual environment creator
un  python3-vobject                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-wadllib                        1.3.6-4                                   all          Python 3 library for navigating WADL files
un  python3-wand                           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-warlock                        2.0.1-2                                   all          object model built on top of JSON schema - Python 3.x
ii  python3-watchdog                       2.2.1-1                                   all          Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events
ii  python3-wcwidth                        0.2.5+dfsg1-1.1                           all          determine printable width of a string on a terminal
un  python3-webcolors                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-webencodings                   0.5.1-5                                   all          Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard
ii  python3-websockets                     10.4-1                                    all          implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)
un  python3-whatthepatch                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-wheel                          0.38.4-2                                  all          built-package format for Python
ii  python3-wheel-whl                      0.38.4-2                                  all          built-package format for Python (wheel wheel)
un  python3-whichcraft                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-widgetsnbextension             6.0.0-11                                  all          Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension (Python 3)
ii  python3-willow                         1.4-3                                     all          Python image library combining Pillow, Wand and OpenCV (Python 3)
ii  python3-wrapt                          1.14.1-2+b2                               amd64        decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 3.x
un  python3-wsgi-intercept                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-wurlitzer                      3.0.3-1                                   all          Capture C-level output in context managers
ii  python3-wxgtk4.0                       4.2.0+dfsg-3                              amd64        Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
ii  python3-x2go                  all          Python module providing X2Go client API (Python 3)
ii  python3-xapian                         1.4.22-1                                  amd64        Xapian search engine interface for Python3
ii  python3-xapp                           2.4.0-1                                   all          Python 3 XApp library
ii  python3-xdg                            0.28-2                                    all          Python 3 library to access standards
ii  python3-xlib                           0.33-2                                    all          interface for Python 3 to the X11 protocol
un  python3-xlrd                           <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  python3-yaml                           6.0-3+b2                                  amd64        YAML parser and emitter for Python3
ii  python3-yapf                           0.32.0-1                                  all          public modules for yapf (Python 3)
ii  python3-zeroconf                       0.47.3-1                                  all          Pure Python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery (Python3)
ii  python3-zipp                           1.0.0-6                                   all          pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper - Python 3.x
ii  python3-zmq                            24.0.1-4+b1                               amd64        Python3 bindings for 0MQ library
ii  python3-zxcvbn                         4.4.28-3                                  all          Realistic password strength estimator - Python3 module
ii  python3.11                             3.11.2-6+deb12u2                          amd64        Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.11)
ii  python3.11-dev                         3.11.2-6+deb12u2                          amd64        Header files and a static library for Python (v3.11)
ii  python3.11-examples                    3.11.2-6+deb12u2                          all          Examples for the Python language (v3.11)
ii  python3.11-minimal                     3.11.2-6+deb12u2                          amd64        Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.11)
un  python3.11-venv                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  scour                                  0.38.2-2                                  all          SVG scrubber and optimizer (CLI and debhelper)
ii  sphinx-common                          5.3.0-4                                   all          documentation generator for Python projects - common data
ii  sphinx-rtd-theme-common                1.2.0+dfsg-1                              all          sphinx theme from (common files)
ii  spyder-common                          5.4.2+ds-5+deb12u1                        all          Common files for the Spyder Python IDE
ii  tox                                    3.28.0-2                                  all          virtualenv-based automation of test activities
un  virtualenv                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  yapf3                                  0.32.0-1                                  all          Python code formatter for different styles (Python 3)

482 packages                               

Generated by dpkg-www 2.64