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Package: python3-widgetsnbextension
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: python
Installed-Size: 28
Maintainer: Debian Python Team <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Source: ipywidgets
Version: 6.0.0-11
Depends: python3-notebook, python3:any, jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets (= 6.0.0-11)
Enhances: python3-notebook
Description: Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension (Python 3)
 Notebooks come alive when interactive widgets are used. Learning becomes an
 immersive and fun experience. Researchers can easily see how changing inputs
 to a model impact the results.
 This package contains the server-side Jupyter notebook extension as a Python 3
 module that may be installed via the notebook.nbextensions executable module.
 This package should *not be necessary* for Debian software to use; instead you
 should directly use the jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets package. It is
 provided only for compatibility with non-Debian software.

Files owned by package python3-widgetsnbextension:


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