Debian packages on transit

only installed packages

Package: npm
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 2941
Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Version: 9.2.0~ds1-1
Provides: arborist (= 6.1.5), node-libnpmaccess (= 7.0.1), node-libnpmdiff (= 5.0.6), node-libnpmexec (= 5.0.6), node-libnpmfund (= 4.0.6), node-libnpmhook (= 9.0.1), node-libnpmorg (= 5.0.1), node-libnpmpack (= 5.0.6), node-libnpmpublish (= 7.0.6), node-libnpmsearch (= 6.0.1), node-libnpmteam (= 5.0.1), node-libnpmversion (= 4.0.1), node-npm (= 9.2.0), node-npm-packlist (= 7.0.4), node-npmcli-arborist (= 6.1.5), node-npmcli-config (= 6.1.0), node-npmcli-disparity-colors (= 3.0.0), node-npmcli-git (= 4.0.3), node-npmcli-installed-package-contents (= 2.0.1), node-npmcli-map-workspaces (= 3.0.0), node-npmcli-metavuln-calculator (= 5.0.0), node-npmcli-mock-registry (= 1.0.0), node-npmcli-name-from-folder (= 1.0.1), node-npmcli-node-gyp (= 3.0.0), node-npmcli-package-json (= 3.0.0), node-npmcli-promise-spawn (= 6.0.1), node-npmcli-query (= 3.0.0), node-npmcli-run-script (= 6.0.0), node-npmcli-smoke-tests (= 1.0.0), node-pacote (= 15.0.7), node-qrcode-terminal (= 0.12.0), pacote (= 15.0.7), qrcode-terminal (= 0.12.0)
Depends: ca-certificates, node-abbrev, node-agent-base, node-aproba, node-archy, node-base64-js, node-binary-extensions, node-cacache (>= 17), node-chalk (>= 5.1.2-2~), node-chownr, node-ci-info, node-cli-table3, node-colors, node-columnify, node-cssesc, node-debug, node-depd, node-diff, node-emoji-regex, node-encoding, node-events, node-glob, node-got, node-graceful-fs, node-gyp, node-hosted-git-info (>= 6), node-http-proxy-agent, node-https-proxy-agent, node-ieee754, node-ini, node-ip, node-ip-regex, node-json-parse-better-errors, node-jsonparse, node-lru-cache, node-minimatch, node-minipass, node-mkdirp, node-ms, node-negotiator, node-nopt, node-normalize-package-data, node-npm-bundled, node-npm-normalize-package-bin, node-npm-package-arg (>= 10), node-npmlog, node-once, node-p-map, node-postcss-selector-parser, node-promise-retry, node-promzard, node-read, node-read-package-json, node-rimraf, node-semver, node-ssri, node-string-width, node-strip-ansi, node-tar, node-text-table, node-validate-npm-package-license, node-validate-npm-package-name, node-which, node-wrappy, node-write-file-atomic, node-yallist, nodejs:any
Recommends: git, node-tap
Suggests: node-opener
Description: package manager for Node.js
 Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine.
 npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform.  It puts
 modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency
 conflicts intelligently.
 It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases.
 Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop
 node programs.
 Install also node-opener to have full npm features enabled.

Files owned by package npm:


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