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a metapackage for GAP documentation

 This package contains a definition of a structure for GAP (package)
documentation, based on XML. It also contains conversion programs for producing text-, PDF- or HTML-versions of such documents, with hyperlinks if possible.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

A Tour of NTL   (package: libntl-dev)
Information about using the Number Theory Library

A Tutorial for PARI/GP
This booklet is intended to be a guided tour and a tutorial to the GP calculator.
Formats: [dvi] [pdf]

Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP

 The Alnuth package provides various methods to compute with number fields
which are given by a defining polynomial or by generators. Some of the methods provided in this package are written in GAP code. The other part of the methods is imported from the computer algebra system PARI/GP. Hence this package contains some GAP functions and an interface to some functions in the computer algebra system PARI/GP. The main methods included in Alnuth are: creating a number field, computing its maximal order (using PARI/GP), computing its unit group (using PARI/GP) and a presentation of this unit group, computing the elements of a given norm of the number field (using PARI/GP), determining a presentation for a finitely generated multiplicative subgroup (using PARI/GP), and factoring polynomials defined over number fields (using PARI/GP).
Formats: [html] [pdf]

An Atlas of Group Representations

 The package provides a GAP interface to the Atlas_of_Group_Representations
Formats: [html] [pdf]

An introduction to GP2C
This manual describes how to use the GP2C compiler to run your GP scripts faster.
Formats: [html] [dvi]

Asymptote User Manual   (package: asymptote-doc)
This document describes the Asymptote system and programming language.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

cddlib Reference Manual
This is a reference manual for cddlib-094. The manual describes the library functions and data types implemented in the cddlib C-library which is to perform fundamental polyhedral computations such as representation conversions and linear programming in both floating-point and GMP rational exact arithmetic. Please read the accompanying README file and test programs to complement the manual.
The new functions added in this version include dd MatrixCanonicalize to find a non- redundant proper H- or V-representation, dd FindRelativeInterior to find a relative interior point of an H-polyhedron, and dd ExistsRestrictedFace (Farkas-type alternative theorem verifier) to check the existence of a point satisfying a specified system of linear inequalities possibly including multiple strict inequalities.
The new functions are particularly important for the development of related software packages MinkSum (by Ch. Weibel) and Gfan (by Anders Jensen).

Computation with polycyclic groups

 This package provides various algorithms for computations with polycyclic
groups defined by polycyclic presentations.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group

 The AutPGrp package introduces a new function to compute the automorphism
group of a finite p-group. The underlying algorithm is a refinement of the methods described in O'Brien (1995). In particular, this implementation is more efficient in both time and space requirements and hence has a wider range of applications than the ANUPQ method. Our package is written in GAP code and it makes use of a number of methods from the GAP library such as the MeatAxe for matrix groups and permutation group functions. We have compared our method to the others available in GAP. Our package usually out-performs all but the method designed for finite abelian groups. We note that our method uses the small groups library in certain cases and hence our algorithm is more effective if the small groups library is installed.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

Debian Maxima Manual
This manual documents the maxima computer algebra system.

Debian Maxima Manual   (package: maxima-doc)
This manual documents the maxima computer algebra system.

example help book for GAPDoc

 This document tries to use all elements that exist in GAPDoc. In addition,
the final output not only contains the usual content, but also an appendix with the source text. There are also links from the usual content to the corresponding source text. This should enable new users to learn GAPDoc quickly.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

FactInt: Advanced Methods for Factoring Integers

 This package for GAP provides a general-purpose integer factorization
routine, which makes use of a combination of factoring methods. In particular it contains implementations of the following algorithms:
 - Pollard's p-1
 - Williams' p+1
 - Elliptic Curves Method (ECM)
 - Continued Fraction Algorithm (CFRAC)
 - Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve (MPQS)
It also contains code by Frank Lübeck for making use of Richard P. Brent's tables of factors of integers of the form b^k ± 1. FactInt is completely written in the GAP language and contains / requires no external binaries.
Formats: [html] [text] [pdf]

fpLLL: a library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices
This document describes fpLLL, describing both the tools and the library

Free Group Algorithms

 The FGA package installs methods for computations with finitely generated
subgroups of free groups and provides a presentation for their automorphism groups.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

GAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library

 The PrimGrp package provides the library of primitive permutation groups
which includes, up to permutation isomorphism (i.e., up to conjugacy in the corresponding symmetric group), all primitive permutation groups of degree < 4096.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

GAP reference manual
This manual contains the official definitions of GAP functions. It should give all information to someone who wants to use GAP as it is. It is not intended to be read cover-to-cover.

Gfan version 0.6: A User’s Manual
Gfan is a software package for computing Gröbner fans and tropical varieties. These are polyhedral fans associated to polynomial ideals. The maximal cones of a Gröbner fan are in bijection with the marked reduced Gröbner bases of its defining ideal. The software computes all marked reduced Gröbner bases of an ideal. Their union is a universal Gröbner basis. The tropical variety of a polynomial ideal is a certain subcomplex of the Gröbner fan. Gfan contains algorithms for computing this complex for general ideals and specialized algorithms for tropical curves, tropical hypersurfaces and tropical varieties of prime ideals. In addition to the above core functions the package contains many tools which are useful in the study of Gröbner bases, initial ideals and tropical geometry. The full list of commands can be found in Appendix B. For ordinary Gröbner basis computations Gfan is not competitive in speed compared to programs such as CoCoA, Singular and Macaulay2.

Gmsh Reference Manual   (package: gmsh-doc)
This is the reference manual for gmsh.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

GP2C types and the description system.
The main feature GP2C adds above GP is the use of types. Types give a semantic to PARI objects, so that GP2C can generate code that use specialized (hence faster) PARI functions instead of generic ones.
Formats: [html] [dvi]

IO: Bindings for low level C library I/O routines

 The purpose of this package is to allow efficient and flexible
Input/Output operations from GAP. This is achieved by providing bindings to the low-level I/O functions in the C-library. On top of this an implementation of buffered I/O in the GAP language is provided. Further, a framework for serialisation of arbitrary GAP objects is implemented. Finally, an implementation of the client side of the HTTP protocol is included in the package. This package allows one to use file based I/O, access to links and file systems, pipes, sockets, and the UDP and TCP/IP protocols.

LAGUNA: Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras

 “LAGUNA” stands for “Lie AlGebras and UNits of group Algebras”. LAGUNA extends
the GAP functionality for computations in group rings. Besides computing some general properties and attributes of group rings and their elements, LAGUNA is able to perform two main kinds of computations. Namely, it can verify whether a group algebra of a finite group satisfies certain Lie properties; and it can calculate the structure of the normalized unit group of a group algebra of a finite p-group over the field of p elements.
Formats: [html] [text] [pdf]

PARI/GP Reference Card
This is a four-pages reference card of the GP functions.
Formats: [dvi] [pdf]

PSPP   (package: pspp)
PSPP is a tool for statistical analysis of sampled data. It reads a syntax file and a data file, analyzes the data, and writes the results to a listing file, standard output or various other output formats. The language accepted by PSPP is similar to those accepted by SPSS statistical products. The details of PSPP's language are given in this manual. Besides the command line tools it also features a GTK+ based GUI named psppire, that is user friendly and also provides an integrated help system.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

SageMath Manual
This is the manual for SageMath.

The GAP Character Table Library
There are three different kinds of character tables in the GAP library, namely ordinary character tables, Brauer tables, and generic character tables. Note that the Brauer table and the corresponding ordinary table of a group determine the decomposition matrix of the group (or the decomposition matrices of its blocks). These decomposition matrices can be computed with GAP (see Operations Concerning Blocks in the GAP Reference Manual for details).
Formats: [html] [pdf]

The GAP Library of Tables of Marks

 The concept of a Table of Marks was introduced by W.Burnside in his book
"Theory of Groups of Finite Order". Therefore a table of marks is sometimes called a Burnside matrix. The table of marks of a finite group G is a matrix whose rows and columns are labelled by the conjugacy classes of subgroups of G and where for two subgroups H and K the (H, K)-entry is the number of fixed points of K in the transitive action of G on the cosets of H in G. So the table of marks characterizes the set of all permutation representations of G. Moreover, the table of marks gives a compact description of the subgroup lattice of G, since from the numbers of fixed points the numbers of conjugates of a subgroup K contained in a subgroup H can be derived. For small groups the table of marks of G can be constructed directly in GAP by first computing the entire subgroup lattice of G. However, for larger groups this method is unfeasible. The GAP Table of Marks library provides access to several hundred table of marks and their maximal subgroups.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

The GAP Small Groups Library

 The SmallGrp package provides the library of groups of certain "small"
orders. The groups are sorted by their orders and they are listed up to isomorphism; that is, for each of the available orders a complete and irredundant list of isomorphism type representatives of groups is given.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

The GAP Tutorial
This manual contains a tutorial introduction to GAP.

The GNU BC arbitrary precision calculator   (package: bc)
bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language. A standard math library is available by command line option. If requested, the math library is defined before processing any files. bc starts by processing code from all the files listed on the command line in the order listed. After all files have been processed, bc reads from the standard input. All code is executed as it is read. (If a file contains a command to halt the processor, bc will never read from the standard input.)

The GNU DC arbitrary precision calculator   (package: dc)
GNU dc is a reverse-polish desk calculator which supports unlimited precision arithmetic. It also allows you to define and call macros. Normally DC reads from the standard input; if any command arguments are given to it, they are filenames, and DC reads and executes the contents of the files instead of reading from standard input. All normal output is to standard output; all error messages are written to standard error.

The GNU GSL Reference Manual in html format   (package: gsl-ref-html)
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for numerical computing. The routines have been written from scratch in C, and present a modern Applications Programming Interface (API) for C programmers, allowing wrappers to be written for very high level languages. The source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

The GNU Octave Library   (package: octave-doc)
This document describes the Octave libraries. Octave is a (mostly MATLAB® compatible) high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.
Formats: [html] [info] [pdf]

The GNU Octave Manual   (package: octave-doc)
Octave is a (mostly MATLAB® compatible) high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.
Formats: [html] [info] [pdf]

The GNU Octave Reference Card   (package: octave-doc)
Octave is a (mostly MATLAB® compatible) high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command-line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.

Transitive Groups Library

 The TransGrp package provides the library of transitive groups.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

User's Guide to PARI/GP
This manual describe the interface to the PARI library and the GP calculator.
Formats: [dvi] [pdf]

User's Guide to the PARI library
The first part of this book introduces the general concepts of PARI programming and describe useful general purpose functions. The second part describes all available public low-level functions.
Formats: [dvi] [pdf]

Utility functions in GAP

 The Utils package provides a collection of utility functions gleaned from
many packages.
Formats: [html] [pdf]

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