Section: Tachyon Manual (1)
Updated: September 2022
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tachyon-nox - parallel/multiprocessor ray tracer with no X support  


tachyon-nox ,modelfile /[,options/]  


Valid options and accepted formats are as follows (** denotes default behaviour).  

Model file formats supported:

the model files originated with this package
AC3D model files
the NFF scene format used by Eric Haines' SPD

Message Options:

verbose messages on
verbose messages off **

Speed Tuning Options:

-raydepth xxx
maximum ray recursion depth
-numthreads xxx
(** default is auto-determined)
-boundthresh xxx
(** default threshold is 16)

Shading Options:

best quality rendering (and slowest) **
good quality rendering, but no shadows
low quality rendering, preview (and fast)
worst quality rendering, preview (and fastest)

Lighting Options:

-rescale_lights xxx rescale light intensity values by
specified factor (performed before other lighting overrides take effect)
-auto_skylight xxx
force use of ambient occlusion lighting, auto-rescaling direct light sources to compensate for ambient occlusion factor (use value 0.7 as a good starting point)
-add_skylight xxx
force use of ambient occlusion lighting, manually-rescaling direct light sources to compensate for ambient occlusion factor
-skylight_samples xxx number of sample rays to shoot

Specular Highlight Shading Options:

Phong specular highlights
Blinn's specular highlights **
fast approximation to Blinn's highlights
disable specular highlights

Transparency Shading Options:

-trans_max_surfaces xxx
limit the number of transparent surfaces shown to the number specified
original implementation **
Raster3D angle-based opacity modulation
opacity post-multiply used by VMD

Transparent Surface Shadowing Options:

transparent objects cast shadows **
transparent objects do not cast shadows

Fog Shading Options:

radial fog implementation **
planar OpenGL-like fog used by VMD

Surface Normal/Winding Order Fixup Mode:

-normalfixup [off|flip|guess] (** off is default)

Antialiasing Options:

-aasamples xxx
maximum supersamples taken per pixel (** default is 0, or scene file determined)

Output Options:

-res Xres Yres
override scene-defined output image size
-o outfile.tga
set output file name
clamp pixel values to [0 to 1) **
normalize pixel values to [0 to 1)
-gamma val
normalize apply gamma correction
-format BMP
24-bit Windows BMP (uncompressed)
-format JPEG
24-bit JPEG (compressed, but lossy)
-format PNG
24-bit PNG (compressed, lossless)
-format PPM
24-bit PPM (uncompressed)
-format PPM48
48-bit PPM (uncompressed)
-format PSD48
48-bit PSD (uncompressed)
-format RGB
24-bit SGI RGB (uncompressed)
-format TARGA
24-bit Targa (uncompressed) **

Animation Related Options:

-camfile filename.cam
animate using file of camera positions
disable writing of output frames to disk (only used for doing real-time rendering)

Interactive Spaceball/SpaceNavigator Control:

enable Spaceball/SpaceNavigator camera flight
-spaceballport serialportdevicename (only for serial devices)

Getting Help:

display help message and exit
display version string and exit
display banner and exit



Model file formats supported:
Message Options:
Speed Tuning Options:
Shading Options:
Lighting Options:
Specular Highlight Shading Options:
Transparency Shading Options:
Transparent Surface Shadowing Options:
Fog Shading Options:
Surface Normal/Winding Order Fixup Mode:
Antialiasing Options:
Output Options:
Animation Related Options:
Interactive Spaceball/SpaceNavigator Control:
Getting Help:

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Time: 20:57:48 GMT, April 27, 2024