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# With Xfig, it's possible to let TeX do the formatting of text in
# the figure. To switch this on, select "Special flag = ON" in the
# "Text Flags" section down in the middle when in "text-insert-mode"
# (Or specify this flag in the "Edit" window), and then, to turn the
# .fig file into an .eps file, you can use this file TeXfig2eps:
# make -f fig2eps myfile.eps

%.eps: %.fig
        fig2dev -L pstex $< $*.pstex
        fig2dev -L pstex_t -p $*.pstex $< $*.pstex_t
        (echo '\documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty} ';\
         echo '\usepackage{graphics,color}\begin{document} ';\
         cat $*.pstex_t;\
         echo ' \end{document}')>$*.tex
        latex $*.tex
        dvips -E -o $@ $*.dvi 
        #Now I use a simple programme that tries to get the
        #bounding box right, as dvips ajusts it to the TeX text only.
        #(see dvips(1)). the bbtest below simply takes the "bb.ps"
        #file available elsewhere, and feeds it through gs.
        #bbtest $@

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Wed May 22 22:39:32 CEST 2024.