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hvextern.sty ----------------

v 0.32 2022-06-23  - fixed introduced bug
                   - added checkCode also for pdflatex and xelatex 
v 0.31 2022-06-20  - added package option checkCode to run the external 
                     file only if the code changes.
v 0.30 2022-06-09  - added \hfuzz=\maxdimen for filename to prevent
                     overfull box messages
v 0.29 2022-06-06  - use skin "enhanced jigsaw" for tcolorbox
                   - output  -> showoutput
v 0.28 2022-06-01  - added option output
                   - added macro \defMarkerType for own marker setting
                     (is only a link to the internal macro \hv@extern@ExampleType)
v 0.27 2022-05-27  - suppress overfull warnings for filename output
                   - fix for tcolorbox with minipage and breakable
                   - write filename in tt
                   - added verbose message for force=false
v 0.26 2022-05-23  - set filenames for twocolumn mode outer/inner
                   - added keywords outerFN and shiftFN
v 0.25 2022-05-19  - added framesep keyword
                   - added keywords for vertical space
                   - added keyword textOptions for reading text output
                   - use \hv@marginpar instead of \marginpar/\marginnote
v 0.24 2022-05-11  - fix introduced bug for \hv@rm
                   - added tcolorbox support for \runExtCmd
                   . added keywords pagesep and mpsep
v 0.23 2022-05-08  - added \runExtCmd
                   - added doctype shell
v 0.22 2022-05-05  - added mpvalign, tclbox
v 0.21 2022-04-30  - added java support
v 0.20 2022-04-27  - use L3 for the comma separated lists
                     cleanup and runsequence
                   - move the config files into the main file
v 0.19 2022-04-23  first CTAN version

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat May 18 06:42:04 CEST 2024.