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PHP                                                                        NEWS
09 May 2024, PHP 8.2.19

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-13772 (Invalid execute_data->opline pointers in observer fcall
    handlers when JIT is enabled). (Bob)
  . Fixed bug GH-13931 (Applying zero offset to null pointer in
    Zend/zend_opcode.c). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13942 (Align the behavior of zend-max-execution-timers with
    other timeout implementations). (Kévin Dunglas)
  . Fixed bug GH-14003 (Broken cleanup of unfinished calls with callable convert
    parameters). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-14013 (Erroneous dnl appended in configure). (Peter Kokot)
  . Fixed bug GH-10232 (If autoloading occurs during constant resolution
    filename and lineno are identified incorrectly). (ranvis)
  . Fixed bug GH-13727 (Missing void keyword). (Peter Kokot)

- Fibers:
  . Fixed bug GH-13903 (ASAN false positive underflow when executing copy()).

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-13563 (Setting bool values via env in FPM config fails).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- Intl:
  . Fixed build for icu 74 and onwards. (dunglas)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fix shift out of bounds on 32-bit non-fast-path platforms. (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed incorrect assumptions across compilation units for static calls.

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug GH-10495 (feof on OpenSSL stream hangs indefinitely).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- PDO SQLite:
  . Fix GH-13984 (Buffer size is now checked before memcmp). (Saki Takamachi)
  . Fix GH-13998 (Manage refcount of agg_context->val correctly).
    (Saki Takamachi)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug GH-13836 (Renaming a file in a Phar to an already existing
    filename causes a NULL pointer dereference). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13833 (Applying zero offset to null pointer in zend_hash.c).
  . Fix potential NULL pointer dereference before calling EVP_SignInit. (icy17)

  . Fixed bug GH-13827 (Null pointer access of type 'zval' in phpdbg_frame).

- Posix:
  . Fix usage of reentrant functions in ext/posix. (Arnaud)

- Session:
  . Fixed bug GH-13856 (Member access within null pointer of type 'ps_files' in
    ext/session/mod_files.c). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13891 (memleak and segfault when using ini_set with
    session.trans_sid_hosts). (nielsdos, kamil-tekiela)
  . Fixed buffer _read/_write size limit on windows for the file mode. (David Carlier)

- Streams:
  . Fixed file_get_contents() on Windows fails with "errno=22 Invalid
    argument". (Damian Wójcik)
  . Fixed bug GH-13264 (Part 1 - Memory leak on stream filter failure).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-13860 (Incorrect PHP_STREAM_OPTION_CHECK_LIVENESS case in
    ext/openssl/xp_ssl.c - causing use of dead socket). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11678 (Build fails on musl 1.2.4 - lfs64). (Arnaud)

- Treewide:
  . Fix gcc-14 Wcalloc-transposed-args warnings. (Cristian Rodríguez)

11 Apr 2024, PHP 8.2.18

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-13612 (Corrupted memory in destructor with weak references).
  . Fixed bug GH-13784 (AX_GCC_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE failure). (Remi)
  . Fixed bug GH-13670 (GC does not scale well with a lot of objects created in
    destructor). (Arnaud)

- DOM:
  . Add some missing ZPP checks. (nielsdos)
  . Fix potential memory leak in XPath evaluation results. (nielsdos)
  . Fix phpdoc for DOMDocument load methods. (VincentLanglet)

  . Fixed incorrect check in fpm_shm_free(). (nielsdos)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug GH-12019 (add GDLIB_CFLAGS in feature tests). (Michael Orlitzky)

- Gettext:
  . Fixed sigabrt raised with dcgettext/dcngettext calls with gettext 0.22.5
    with category set to LC_ALL. (David Carlier)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fix GH-13452 (Fixed handshake response [mysqlnd]). (Saki Takamachi)
  . Fix incorrect charset length in check_mb_eucjpms(). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed GH-13508 (JITed QM_ASSIGN may be optimized out when op1 is null).
    (Arnaud, Dmitry)
  . Fixed GH-13712 (Segmentation fault for enabled observers when calling trait
    method of internal trait when opcache is loaded). (Bob)

- PDO:
  . Fix various PDORow bugs. (Girgias)

- Random:
  . Fixed bug GH-13544 (Pre-PHP 8.2 compatibility for mt_srand with unknown
    modes). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-13690 (Global Mt19937 is not properly reset in-between
    requests when MT_RAND_PHP is used). (timwolla)

- Session:
  . Fixed bug GH-13680 (Segfault with session_decode and compilation error).

- Sockets:
  . Fixed bug GH-13604 (socket_getsockname returns random characters in the end
    of the socket name). (David Carlier)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-13531 (Unable to resize SplfixedArray after being unserialized
    in PHP 8.2.15). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13685 (Unexpected null pointer in zend_string.h). (nielsdos)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug GH-11808 (Live filesystem modified by tests). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed GH-13402 (Added validation of `\n` in $additional_headers of mail()).
  . Fixed bug GH-13203 (file_put_contents fail on strings over 4GB on Windows).
  . Fixed bug GHSA-pc52-254m-w9w7 (Command injection via array-ish $command
    parameter of proc_open). (CVE-2024-1874) (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GHSA-wpj3-hf5j-x4v4 (__Host-/__Secure- cookie bypass due to
    partial CVE-2022-31629 fix). (CVE-2024-2756) (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GHSA-h746-cjrr-wfmr (password_verify can erroneously return true,
    opening ATO risk). (CVE-2024-3096) (Jakub Zelenka)

- XML:
  . Fixed bug GH-13517 (Multiple test failures when building with
    --with-expat). (nielsdos)

14 Mar 2024, PHP 8.2.17

- Core:
  . Fix ZTS persistent resource crashes on shutdown. (nielsdos)

- Curl:
  . Fix failing tests due to string changes in libcurl 8.6.0. (Ayesh)

- DOM:
  . Fix reference access in dimensions for DOMNodeList and DOMNodeMap.

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug GH-13344 (finfo::buffer(): Failed identify data 0:(null),
    backport). (nielsdos)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #75712 (getenv in php-fpm should not read $_ENV, $_SERVER).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug GH-12019 (detection of image formats in system gd library).
    (Michael Orlitzky)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-11950 ([mysqlnd] Fixed not to set CR_MALFORMED_PACKET to error
    if CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR is already set). (Saki Takamachi)

  . Fixed bug GH-13354 (pg_execute/pg_send_query_params/pg_send_execute
    with null value passed by reference). (George Barbarosie)

- Standard:
  . Fixed array key as hash to string (case insensitive) comparison typo
    for the second operand buffer size (albeit unused for now). (A. Slepykh)

15 Feb 2024, PHP 8.2.16

- Core:
  . Fixed timer leak in zend-max-execution-timers builds. (withinboredom)
  . Fixed bug GH-12349 (linking failure on ARM with mold). (Jan Palus)
  . Fixed bug GH-13097 (Anonymous class reference in trigger_error / thrown
    Exception). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13215 (GCC 14 build failure). (Remi)

- Curl:
  . Fix missing error check in curl_multi_init(). (divinity76)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-12996 (Incorrect SCRIPT_NAME with Apache ProxyPassMatch when
    plus in path). (Jakub Zelenka)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug GH-10344 (imagettfbbox(): Could not find/open font UNC path).
  . Fixed bug GH-10614 (imagerotate will turn the picture all black, when
    rotated 90). (nielsdos)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-12107 (When running a stored procedure (that returns a result
    set) twice, PHP crashes). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-13232 (Segmentation fault will be reported when JIT is off but
    JIT_debug is still on). (nielsdos)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed LibreSSL undefined reference when OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE not set.
   (David Carlier).

- PDO_Firebird:
  . Fix GH-13119 (Changed to convert float and double values into strings using
    `H` format). (SakiTakamachi)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug #71465 (PHAR doesn't know about litespeed). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-13037 (PharData incorrectly extracts zip file). (nielsdos)

- Random:
  . Fixed bug GH-13138 (Randomizer::pickArrayKeys() does not detect broken
    engines). (timwolla)

- Session:
  . Fixed bug GH-12504 (Corrupted session written when there's a fatal error
    in autoloader). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-13071 (Copying large files using mmap-able source streams may
    exhaust available memory and fail). (nielsdos)

18 Jan 2024, PHP 8.2.15

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-12953 (false positive SSA integrity verification failed when
    loading composer classmaps with more than 11k elements). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12966 (missing cross-compiling 3rd argument so Autoconf doesn't
    emit warnings). (Peter Kokot)
  . Fixed bug GH-13727 (missing void keyword for C generate code for feature test).
    (Peter Kokot/David Carlier)

- Cli:
  . Fix incorrect timeout in built-in web server when using router script and
    max_input_time. (ilutov)

- FFI:
  . Fixed bug GH-9698 (stream_wrapper_register crashes with FFI\CData).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-12905 (FFI::new interacts badly with observers). (nielsdos)

- GD:
  . Fixed GH-13082 undefined behavior with GdFont instances handling with
    imageload* and imagechar*. (David Carlier)

- Intl:
  . Fixed GH-12943 (IntlDateFormatter::__construct accepts 'C' as valid locale).
    (David Carlier)

- Hash:
  . Fixed bug GH-12936 (hash() function hangs endlessly if using sha512 on
    strings >= 4GiB). (nielsdos)

  . Fix crash on Apache shutdown with persistent connections. (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #64727 (JIT undefined array key warning may overwrite DIM
    with NULL when DIM is the same var as result). (ilutov)
  . Added workaround for SELinux mprotect execheap issue.
    See https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218258. (ilutov)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug GH-12987 (openssl_csr_sign might leak new cert on error).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- PDO:
  . Fix GH-12969 (Fixed PDO::getAttribute() to get PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES).

  . Fixed bug GH-12767 (Unable to turn on autocommit mode with setAttribute()).

  . Fixed auto_reset_persistent handling and allow_persistent type. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-12974 (Apache crashes on shutdown when using pg_pconnect()).

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug #77432 (Segmentation fault on including phar file). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug GH-12962 (Double free of init_file in phpdbg_prompt.c). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
  . Fix getting the address of an uninitialized property of a SimpleXMLElement
    resulting in a crash. (nielsdos)

- Tidy:
  . Fixed bug GH-12980 (tidynode.props.attribute is missing
    "Boolean Attributes" and empty attributes). (nielsdos)

21 Dec 2023, PHP 8.2.14

- Core:
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #54325 (Use-after-free of name in var-var with malicious
    error handler). (ilutov)
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #64209 (In-place modification of filename in
    php_message_handler_for_zend). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-12758 / GH-12768 (Invalid opline in OOM handlers within
    ZEND_FUNC_GET_ARGS and ZEND_BIND_STATIC). (Florian Engelhardt)
  . Fix various missing NULL checks. (nielsdos, dstogov)
  . Fixed bug GH-12835 (Leak of call->extra_named_params on internal __call).

- Date:
  . Fixed improbably integer overflow while parsing really large (or small)
    Unix timestamps. (Derick)

- DOM:
  . Fixed bug GH-12616 (DOM: Removing XMLNS namespace node results in invalid
    default: prefix). (nielsdos)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-12705 (Segmentation fault in fpm_status_export_to_zval).
    (Patrick Prasse)

- FTP:
  . Fixed bug GH-9348 (FTP & SSL session reuse). (nielsdos)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug GH-12635 (Test bug69398.phpt fails with ICU 74.1). (nielsdos)

- LibXML:
  . Fixed bug GH-12702 (libxml2 2.12.0 issue building from src). (nono303)
  . Fixed test failures for libxml2 2.12.0. (nielsdos)

- MySQLnd:
  . Avoid using uninitialised struct. (mikhainin)
  . Fixed bug GH-12791 (Possible dereference of NULL in MySQLnd debug code).

- Opcache:
  . Fixed JIT bug (Function JIT emits "Uninitialized string offset" warning
    at the same time as invalid offset Error). (Girgias)
  . Fixed JIT bug (JIT emits "Attempt to assign property of non-object"
    warning at the same time as Error is being thrown). (Girgias)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug #50713 (openssl_pkcs7_verify() may ignore untrusted CAs).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

  . Fixed bug GH-12628 (The gh11374 test fails on Alpinelinux). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed the default value of $fetchMode in PDO::pgsqlGetNotify() (kocsismate)

  . Fixed bug GH-12763 wrong argument type for pg_untrace. (degtyarov)

  . Fixed bug GH-12675 (MEMORY_LEAK in phpdbg_prompt.c). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug GH-12838 ([SOAP] Temporary WSDL cache files not being deleted).

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-12721 (SplFileInfo::getFilename() segfault in combination
    with GlobIterator and no directory separator). (nielsdos)

- SQLite3:
  . Fixed bug GH-12633 (sqlite3_defensive.phpt fails with sqlite 3.44.0).

- Standard:
  . Fix memory leak in syslog device handling. (danog)
  . Fixed bug GH-12621 (browscap segmentation fault when configured in the
    vhost). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12655 (proc_open() does not take into account references
    in the descriptor array). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug #79945 (Stream wrappers in imagecreatefrompng causes segfault).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- Zip:
  . Fixed bug GH-12661 (Inconsistency in ZipArchive::addGlob remove_path Option
    Behavior). (Remi)

23 Nov 2023, PHP 8.2.13

- Core:
  . Fixed double-free of non-interned enum case name. (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-12457 (Incorrect result of stripos with single character
    needle). (SakiTakamachi)
  . Fixed bug GH-12468 (Double-free of doc_comment when overriding static
    property via trait). (ilutov)
  . Fixed segfault caused by weak references to FFI objects. (sj-i)
  . Fixed max_execution_time: don't delete an unitialized timer. (Kévin Dunglas)
  . Fixed bug GH-12558 (Arginfo soft-breaks with namespaced class return type
    if the class name starts with N). (kocsismate)

- DOM:
  . Fix registerNodeClass with abstract class crashing. (nielsdos)
  . Add missing NULL pointer error check. (icy17)
  . Fix validation logic of php:function() callbacks. (nielsdos)

- Fiber:
  . Fixed bug GH-11121 (ReflectionFiber segfault). (danog, trowski, bwoebi)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-9921 (Loading ext in FPM config does not register module
    handlers). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-12232 (FPM: segfault dynamically loading extension without
    opcache). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug #76922 (FastCGI terminates conn after FCGI_GET_VALUES).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- Intl:
  . Removed the BC break on IntlDateFormatter::construct which threw an
    exception with an invalid locale. (David Carlier)

- Opcache:
  . Added warning when JIT cannot be enabled. (danog)
  . Fixed bug GH-8143 (Crashes in zend_accel_inheritance_cache_find since
    upgrading to 8.1.3 due to corrupt on-disk file cache). (turchanov)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug GH-12489 (Missing sigbio creation checking in openssl_cms_verify).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

  . Fixed bug GH-11374 (Backport upstream fix, Different preg_match result
    with -d pcre.jit=0). (mvorisek)

  . Fixed bug GH-12392 (Segmentation fault on SoapClient::__getTypes).
  . Fixed bug #66150 (SOAP WSDL cache race condition causes Segmentation
    Fault). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #67617 (SOAP leaves incomplete cache file on ENOSPC). (nielsdos)
  . Fix incorrect uri check in SOAP caching. (nielsdos)
  . Fix segfault and assertion failure with refcounted props and arrays.
  . Fix potential crash with an edge case of persistent encoders. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #75306 (Memleak in SoapClient). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug #75708 (getimagesize with "&$imageinfo" fails on StreamWrappers).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- XMLReader:
  . Add missing NULL pointer error check. (icy17)

- XMLWriter:
  . Add missing NULL pointer error check. (icy17)

- XSL:
  . Add missing module dependency. (nielsdos)
  . Fix validation logic of php:function() callbacks. (nielsdos)

26 Oct 2023, PHP 8.2.12

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-12207 (memory leak when class using trait with doc block).
  . Fixed bug GH-12215 (Module entry being overwritten causes type errors in
    ext/dom). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12273 (__builtin_cpu_init check). (Freaky)
  . Fixed bug #80092 (ZTS + preload = segfault on shutdown). (nielsdos)

- CLI:
  . Ensure a single Date header is present. (coppolafab)

- CType:
  . Fixed bug GH-11997 (ctype_alnum 5 times slower in PHP 8.1 or greater).

- DOM:
  . Restore old namespace reconciliation behaviour. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-8996 (DOMNode serialization on PHP ^8.1). (nielsdos)

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug GH-11891 (fileinfo returns text/xml for some svg files). (usarise)

- Filter:
  . Fix explicit FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR with FILTER_CALLBACK (ilutov)

- Hash:
  . Fixed bug GH-12186 (segfault copying/cloning a finalized HashContext).

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug GH-12243 (segfault on IntlDateFormatter::construct).
    (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-12282 (IntlDateFormatter::construct should throw an exception
    on an invalid locale). (David Carlier)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-12297 (PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)
    'mysqlnd.so' in Unknown on line). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed opcache_invalidate() on deleted file. (mikhainin)
  . Fixed bug GH-12380 (JIT+private array property access inside closure
    accesses private property in child class). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug GH-11956 (Backport upstream fix, PCRE regular expressions with
    JIT enabled gives different result). (nielsdos)

- SimpleXML:
  . Fixed bug GH-12170 (Can't use xpath with comments in SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12223 (Entity reference produces infinite loop in
    var_dump/print_r). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12167 (Unable to get processing instruction contents in
    SimpleXML). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-12169 (Unable to get comment contents in SimpleXML).

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-12190 (binding ipv4 address with both address and port at 0).
    (David Carlier)

- XML:
  . Fix return type of stub of xml_parse_into_struct(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix memory leak when calling xml_parse_into_struct() twice. (nielsdos)

- XSL:
  . Fix type error on XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc return value with
    SimpleXML. (nielsdos)

28 Sep 2023, PHP 8.2.11

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-11937 (Constant ASTs containing objects). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-11790 (On riscv64 require libatomic if actually needed).
    (Jeremie Courreges-Anglas)
  . Fixed bug GH-11876: ini_parse_quantity() accepts invalid quantities.
  . Fixed bug GH-12073 (Segfault when freeing incompletely initialized
    closures). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-12060 (Internal iterator rewind handler is called twice).
  . Fixed bug GH-12102 (Incorrect compile error when using array access on TMP
    value in function call). (ilutov)

- DOM:
  . Fix memory leak when setting an invalid DOMDocument encoding. (nielsdos)

- Iconv:
  . Fixed build for NetBSD which still uses the old iconv signature.
    (David Carlier)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug GH-12020 (intl_get_error_message() broken after
    MessageFormatter::formatMessage() fails). (Girgias)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-10270 (Invalid error message when connection via SSL fails:
    "trying to connect via (null)"). (Kamil Tekiela)

  . Fixed memory leak with failed SQLPrepare. (NattyNarwhal)
  . Fixed persistent procedural ODBC connections not getting closed.

- SimpleXML:
  . Fixed bug #52751 (XPath processing-instruction() function is not
    supported). (nielsdos)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-11972 (RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator regression in 8.1.18).

- SQLite3:
  . Fixed bug GH-11878 (SQLite3 callback functions cause a memory leak with
    a callable array). (nielsdos, arnaud-lb)

31 Aug 2023, PHP 8.2.10

- CLI:
  . Fixed bug GH-11716 (cli server crashes on SIGINT when compiled with
    ZEND_RC_DEBUG=1). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10964 (Improve man page about the built-in server).
    (Alexandre Daubois)

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-11416 (Crash with DatePeriod when uninitialised objects are
    passed in). (Derick)

- Core:
  . Fixed strerror_r detection at configuration time. (Kévin Dunglas)
  . Fixed trait typed properties using a DNF type not being correctly bound.
  . Fixed trait property types not being arena allocated if copied from
    an internal trait. (Girgias)
  . Fixed deep copy of property DNF type during lazy class load.
    (Girgias, ilutov)
  . Fixed memory freeing of DNF types for non arena allocated types.
    (Girgias, ju1ius)

- DOM:
  . Fix DOMEntity field getter bugs. (nielsdos)
  . Fix incorrect attribute existence check in DOMElement::setAttributeNodeNS.
  . Fix DOMCharacterData::replaceWith() with itself. (nielsdos)
  . Fix empty argument cases for DOMParentNode methods. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11791 (Wrong default value of DOMDocument::xmlStandalone).
  . Fix json_encode result on DOMDocument. (nielsdos)
  . Fix manually calling __construct() on DOM classes. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11830 (ParentNode methods should perform their checks
    upfront). (nielsdos)
  . Fix viable next sibling search for replaceWith. (nielsdos)
  . Fix segfault when DOMParentNode::prepend() is called when the child
    disappears. (nielsdos)

- FFI:
  . Fix leaking definitions when using FFI::cdef()->new(...). (ilutov)

- Hash:
  . Fix use-of-uninitialized-value in hash_pbkdf2(), fix missing $options
    parameter in signature. (ilutov)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-11440 (authentication to a sha256_password account fails over
    SSL). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11438 (mysqlnd fails to authenticate with sha256_password
    accounts using passwords longer than 19 characters).
    (nielsdos, Kamil Tekiela)
  . Fixed bug GH-11550 (MySQL Statement has a empty query result when
    the response field has changed, also Segmentation fault).
  . Fixed invalid error message "Malformed packet" when connection is dropped.
    (Kamil Tekiela)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-11715 (opcache.interned_strings_buffer either has no effect or
    opcache_get_status() / phpinfo() is wrong). (nielsdos)
  . Avoid adding an unnecessary read-lock when loading script from shm if
    restart is in progress. (mikhainin)

  . Revert behaviour of receiving SIGCHLD signals back to the behaviour
    before 8.1.22. (nielsdos)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #81992 (SplFixedArray::setSize() causes use-after-free).

- Standard:
  . Prevent int overflow on $decimals in number_format. (Marc Bennewitz)
  . Fixed bug GH-11870 (Fix off-by-one bug when truncating tempnam prefix)

03 Aug 2023, PHP 8.2.9

- Build:
  . Fixed bug GH-11522 (PHP version check fails with '-' separator).

- CLI:
  . Fix interrupted CLI output causing the process to exit. (nielsdos)

- Core:
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #60011 (Mis-compilation of by-reference nullsafe operator).
  . Fixed line number of JMP instruction over else block. (ilutov)
  . Fixed use-of-uninitialized-value with ??= on assert. (ilutov)
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #60411 (Fix double-compilation of arrow-functions). (ilutov)
  . Fixed build for FreeBSD before the 11.0 releases. (David Carlier)

- Curl:
  . Fix crash when an invalid callback function is passed to

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-11368 (Date modify returns invalid datetime). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug GH-11600 (Can't parse time strings which include (narrow)
    non-breaking space characters). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug GH-11854 (DateTime:createFromFormat stopped parsing datetime with
    extra space). (nielsdos, Derick)

- DOM:
  . Fixed bug GH-11625 (DOMElement::replaceWith() doesn't replace node with
    DOMDocumentFragment but just deletes node or causes wrapping <></>
    depending on libxml2 version). (nielsdos)

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug GH-11298 (finfo returns wrong mime type for xz files). (Anatol)

- FTP:
  . Fix context option check for "overwrite". (JonasQuinten)
  . Fixed bug GH-10562 (Memory leak and invalid state with consecutive
    ftp_nb_fget). (nielsdos)

- GD:
  . Fix most of the external libgd test failures. (Michael Orlitzky)

- Intl:
  . Fix memory leak in MessageFormatter::format() on failure. (Girgias)

- Libxml:
  . Fixed bug GHSA-3qrf-m4j2-pcrr (Security issue with external entity loading
    in XML without enabling it). (CVE-2023-3823) (nielsdos, ilutov)

- MBString:
  . Fix GH-11300 (license issue: restricted unicode license headers).

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-10914 (OPCache with Enum and Callback functions results in
    segmentation fault). (nielsdos)
  . Prevent potential deadlock if accelerated globals cannot be allocated.

  . Fixed bug GH-11498 (SIGCHLD is not always returned from proc_open).

- PDO:
  . Fix GH-11587 (After php8.1, when PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is true
    and PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES is true, decimal zeros are no longer
    filled). (SakiTakamachi)

- PDO SQLite:
  . Fix GH-11492 (Make test failure: ext/pdo_sqlite/tests/bug_42589.phpt).
    (KapitanOczywisty, CViniciusSDias)

- Phar:
  . Add missing check on EVP_VerifyUpdate() in phar util. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GHSA-jqcx-ccgc-xwhv (Buffer mismanagement in phar_dir_read()).
    (CVE-2023-3824) (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug GH-9669 (phpdbg -h options doesn't list the -z option). (adsr)

- Session:
  . Removed broken url support for transferring session ID. (ilutov)

- Standard:
  . Fix serialization of RC1 objects appearing in object graph twice. (ilutov)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-11735 (Use-after-free when unregistering user stream wrapper
    from itself). (ilutov)

- SQLite3:
  . Fix replaced error handling in SQLite3Stmt::__construct. (nielsdos)

- XMLReader:
  . Fix GH-11548 (Argument corruption when calling XMLReader::open or
    XMLReader::XML non-statically with observer active). (Bob)

06 Jul 2023, PHP 8.2.8

- CLI:
  . Fixed bug GH-11246 (cli/get_set_process_title fails on MacOS).
    (James Lucas)

- Core:
  . Fixed build for the riscv64 architecture/GCC 12. (Daniil Gentili)

- Curl:
  . Fixed bug GH-11433 (Unable to set CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING to NULL).

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-11455 (Segmentation fault with custom object date properties).

- DOM:
  . Fixed bugs GH-11288 and GH-11289 and GH-11290 and GH-9142 (DOMExceptions
    and segfaults with replaceWith). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10234 (Setting DOMAttr::textContent results in an empty
    attribute value). (nielsdos)
  . Fix return value in stub file for DOMNodeList::item. (divinity76)
  . Fix spec compliance error with '*' namespace for
    DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS. (nielsdos)
  . Fix DOMElement::append() and DOMElement::prepend() hierarchy checks.
  . Fixed bug GH-11347 (Memory leak when calling a static method inside an
    xpath query). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #67440 (append_node of a DOMDocumentFragment does not reconcile
    namespaces). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #81642 (DOMChildNode::replaceWith() bug when replacing a node
    with itself). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #77686 (Removed elements are still returned by getElementById).
  . Fixed bug #70359 (print_r() on DOMAttr causes Segfault in
    php_libxml_node_free_list()). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #78577 (Crash in DOMNameSpace debug info handlers). (nielsdos)
  . Fix lifetime issue with getAttributeNodeNS(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix "invalid state error" with cloned namespace declarations. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #55294 and #47530 and #47847 (various namespace reconciliation
    issues). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #80332 (Completely broken array access functionality with
    DOMNamedNodeMap). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fix allocation loop in zend_shared_alloc_startup(). (nielsdos)
  . Access violation on smm_shared_globals with ALLOC_FALLBACK. (KoudelkaB)
  . Fixed bug GH-11336 (php still tries to unlock the shared memory ZendSem
    with opcache.file_cache_only=1 but it was never locked). (nielsdos)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug GH-9356 Incomplete validation of IPv6 Address fields in
    subjectAltNames (James Lucas, Jakub Zelenka).

  . Fix preg_replace_callback_array() pattern validation. (ilutov)

  . Fixed intermittent segfault with pg_trace. (David Carlier)

- Phar:
  . Fix cross-compilation check in phar generation for FreeBSD. (peter279k)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-11338 (SplFileInfo empty getBasename with more than one
    slash). (nielsdos)

- Standard:
  . Fix access on NULL pointer in array_merge_recursive(). (ilutov)
  . Fix exception handling in array_multisort(). (ilutov)

- SQLite3:
  . Fixed bug GH-11451 (Invalid associative array containing duplicate
    keys). (nielsdos)

08 Jun 2023, PHP 8.2.7

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-11152 (Unable to alias namespaces containing reserved class
    names). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-9068 (Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised
    value(s)). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11189 (Exceeding memory limit in zend_hash_do_resize leaves
    the array in an invalid state). (Bob)
  . Fixed bug GH-11063 (Compilation error on old GCC versions). (ingamedeo)
  . Fixed bug GH-11222 (foreach by-ref may jump over keys during a rehash).

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-11281 (DateTimeZone::getName() does not include seconds in
    offset). (nielsdos)

- Exif:
  . Fixed bug GH-10834 (exif_read_data() cannot read smaller stream wrapper
    chunk sizes). (nielsdos)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-10461 (PHP-FPM segfault due to after free usage of
    child->ev_std(out|err)). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug #64539 (FPM status page: query_string not properly JSON encoded).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed memory leak for invalid primary script file handle. (Jakub Zelenka)

- Hash:
  . Fixed bug GH-11180 (hash_file() appears to be restricted to 3 arguments).

- LibXML:
  . Fixed bug GH-11160 (Few tests failed building with new libxml 2.11.0).

- MBString:
  . Fix bug GH-11217 (Segfault in mb_strrpos / mb_strripos when using negative
    offset and ASCII encoding). (ilutov)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-11134 (Incorrect match default branch optimization). (ilutov)
  . Fixed too wide OR and AND range inference. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed missing class redeclaration error with OPcache enabled. (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-11245 (In some specific cases SWITCH with one default
    statement will cause segfault). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed maximum argument count of pcntl_forkx(). (nielsdos)

  . Fixed parameter parsing of pg_lo_export(). (kocsismate)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug GH-11099 (Generating phar.php during cross-compile can't be
    done). (peter279k)

- Soap:
  . Fixed bug GHSA-76gg-c692-v2mw (Missing error check and insufficient random
    bytes in HTTP Digest authentication for SOAP).
    (CVE-2023-3247) (nielsdos, timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-8426 (make test fail while soap extension build). (nielsdos)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-11178 (Segmentation fault in spl_array_it_get_current_data
    (PHP 8.1.18)). (nielsdos)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug GH-11138 (move_uploaded_file() emits open_basedir warning for
    source file). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-11274 (POST/PATCH request switches to GET after a HTTP 308
    redirect). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-10031 ([Stream] STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS over HTTP emitted
    irregularly for last chunk of data). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11175 (Stream Socket Timeout). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11177 (ASAN UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer when timeout = -1
    passed to stream_socket_accept/stream_socket_client). (nielsdos)

11 May 2023, PHP 8.2.6

- Core:
  . Fix inconsistent float negation in constant expressions. (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-8841 (php-cli core dump calling a badly formed function).
  . Fixed bug GH-10737 (PHP 8.1.16 segfaults on line 597 of
    sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c). (nielsdos, ElliotNB)
  . Fixed bug GH-11028 (Heap Buffer Overflow in zval_undefined_cv.). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11108 (Incorrect CG(memoize_mode) state after bailout in ??=).

- Date:
  . Fixed bug where the diff() method would not return the right result around
    DST changeover for date/times associated with a timezone identifier. (Derick)
  . Fixed out-of-range bug when converting to/from around the LONG_MIN unix
    timestamp. (Derick)

- DOM:
  . Fixed bug #80602 (Segfault when using DOMChildNode::before()).
    (Nathan Freeman)
  . Fixed incorrect error handling in dom_zvals_to_fragment(). (nielsdos)

- Exif:
  . Fixed bug GH-9397 (exif read : warnings and errors : Potentially invalid
    endianess, Illegal IFD size and Undefined index). (nielsdos)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug GH-11071 (TZData version not displayed anymore). (Remi)

  . Fixed bug GH-10968 (Segfault in preg_replace_callback_array()). (ilutov)

- Reflection:
  . Fixed bug GH-10983 (State-dependant segfault in
    ReflectionObject::getProperties). (nielsdos)

- SPL:
  . Handle indirect zvals and use up-to-date properties in
    SplFixedArray::__serialize. (nielsdos)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug GH-10990 (mail() throws TypeError after iterating over
    $additional_headers array by reference). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-9775 (Duplicates returned by array_unique when using enums).

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-10406 (feof() behavior change for UNIX based socket
    resources). (Jakub Zelenka)

13 Apr 2023, PHP 8.2.5

- Core:
  . Added optional support for max_execution_time in ZTS/Linux builds
    (Kévin Dunglas)
  . Fixed use-after-free in recursive AST evaluation. (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-8646 (Memory leak PHP FPM 8.1). (nielsdos)
  . Re-add some CTE functions that were removed from being CTE by a mistake.
  . Remove CTE flag from array_diff_ukey(), which was added by mistake.
  . Fixed bug GH-10801 (Named arguments in CTE functions cause a segfault).
  . Fixed bug GH-8789 (PHP 8.0.20 (ZTS) zend_signal_handler_defer crashes on
    apache). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10015 (zend_signal_handler_defer crashes on apache shutdown).
  . Fixed bug GH-10810 (Fix NUL byte terminating Exception::__toString()).
  . Fix potential memory corruption when mixing __callStatic() and FFI. (ilutov)

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-10747 (Private and protected properties in serialized Date*
    objects throw). (Derick)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-10611 (fpm_env_init_main leaks environ). (nielsdos)
  . Destroy file_handle in fpm_main. (Jakub Zelenka, nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug #74129 (Incorrect SCRIPT_NAME with apache ProxyPassMatch when
    spaces are in path). (Jakub Zelenka)

- FTP:
  . Propagate success status of ftp_close(). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10521 (ftp_get/ftp_nb_get resumepos offset is maximum 10GB).

  . Fix build failure with Clang 16. (orlitzky)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-8979 (Possible Memory Leak with SSL-enabled MySQL
    connections). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed build for macOS to cater with pkg-config settings. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-8065 (opcache.consistency_checks > 0 causes segfaults in
    PHP >= 8.1.5 in fpm context). (nielsdos)

- OpenSSL:
  . Add missing error checks on file writing functions. (nielsdos)

- PDO Firebird:
  . Fixed bug GH-10908 (Bus error with PDO Firebird on RPI with 64 bit kernel
    and 32 bit userland). (nielsdos)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug GH-10766 (PharData archive created with Phar::Zip format does
    not keep files metadata (datetime)). (nielsdos)
  . Add missing error checks on EVP_MD_CTX_create() and EVP_VerifyInit().

  . Fixed missing and inconsistent error checks on SQLAllocHandle. (nielsdos)

  . Fixed typo in the array returned from pg_meta_data (extended mode).
    (David Carlier)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug GH-10519 (Array Data Address Reference Issue). (Nathan Freeman)
  . Fixed bug GH-10907 (Unable to serialize processed SplFixedArrays in
    PHP 8.2.4). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10844 (ArrayIterator allows modification of readonly props).

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug GH-10885 (stream_socket_server context leaks). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-10052 (Browscap crashes PHP 8.1.12 on request shutdown
    (apache2)). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed oss-fuzz #57392 (Buffer-overflow in php_fgetcsv() with \0 delimiter
    and enclosure). (ilutov)
  . Fixed undefined behaviour in unpack(). (nielsdos)

16 Mar 2023, PHP 8.2.4

- Core:
  . Fixed incorrect check condition in ZEND_YIELD. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed incorrect check condition in type inference. (nielsdos)
  . Fix incorrect check in zend_internal_call_should_throw(). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed overflow check in OnUpdateMemoryConsumption. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-9916 (Entering shutdown sequence with a fiber suspended in a
    Generator emits an unavoidable fatal error or crashes). (Arnaud)
  . Fixed bug GH-10437 (Segfault/assertion when using fibers in shutdown
    function after bailout). (trowski)
  . Fixed SSA object type update for compound assignment opcodes. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed language scanner generation build. (Daniel Black)
  . Fixed zend_update_static_property() calling zend_update_static_property_ex()
    misleadingly with the wrong return type. (nielsdos)
  . Fix bug GH-10570 (Fixed unknown string hash on property fetch with integer
    constant name). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed php_fopen_primary_script() call resulted on zend_destroy_file_handle()
    freeing dangling pointers on the handle as it was uninitialized. (nielsdos)

- Curl:
  . Fixed deprecation warning at compile time. (Max Kellermann)
  . Fixed bug GH-10270 (Unable to return CURL_READFUNC_PAUSE in readfunc
    callback). (Pierrick Charron)

- Date:
  . Fix GH-10447 ('p' format specifier does not yield 'Z' for 00:00). (Derick)
  . Fix GH-10152 (Custom properties of Date's child classes are not
    serialised). (Derick)

- FFI:
  . Fixed incorrect bitshifting and masking in ffi bitfield. (nielsdos)

- Fiber:
  . Fixed assembly on alpine x86. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10496 (segfault when garbage collector is invoked inside of
    fiber). (Bob, Arnaud)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-10315 (FPM unknown child alert not valid). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-10385 (FPM successful config test early exit). (nielsdos)

- GMP:
  . Properly implement GMP::__construct(). (nielsdos)

- Intl:
  . Fixed bug GH-10647 (Spoolchecker isSuspicious/areConfusable methods
    error code's argument always returning NULL0. (Nathan Freeman)

  . Fixed JSON scanner and parser generation build.
    (Daniel Black, Jakub Zelenka)

- MBString:
  . ext/mbstring: fix new_value length check. (Max Kellermann)
  . Fix bug GH-10627 (mb_convert_encoding crashes PHP on Windows). (nielsdos)

- Opcache:
  . Fix incorrect page_size check. (nielsdos)
  . Fix readonly modification check when using inc/dec operators on readonly
    property with JIT. (ilutov)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed php_openssl_set_server_dh_param() DH params errors handling. (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug #60994 (Reading a multibyte CLOB caps at 8192 chars).
    (Michael Voříšek)

  . Fixed bug GH-10715 (heap buffer overflow on --run option misuse). (nielsdos)

  . Fix GH-10672 (pg_lo_open segfaults in the strict_types mode). (girgias)

- Phar:
  . Fix incorrect check in phar tar parsing. (nielsdos)

- Random:
  . Fix GH-10390 (Do not trust arc4random_buf() on glibc). (timwolla)
  . Fix GH-10292 (Made the default value of the first param of srand() and
    mt_srand() unknown). (kocsismate)

- Reflection:
  . Fixed bug GH-10623 (Reflection::getClosureUsedVariables opcode fix with
    variadic arguments). (nielsdos)
  . Fix Segfault when using ReflectionFiber suspended by an internal function.

- Session:
  . Fixed ps_files_cleanup_dir() on failure code paths with -1 instead of 0 as
    the latter was considered success by callers. (nielsdos).

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug GH-8086 (Introduce mail.mixed_lf_and_crlf INI). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-10292 (Made the default value of the first param of srand() and
    mt_srand() unknown). (kocsismate)
  . Fix incorrect check in cs_8559_5 in map_from_unicode(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix bug GH-9697 for reset/end/next/prev() attempting to move pointer of
    properties table for certain internal classes such as FFI classes
  . Fix incorrect error check in browsecap for pcre2_match(). (nielsdos)

- Streams:
  . Fixed bug GH-10370 (File corruption in _php_stream_copy_to_stream_ex when
    using copy_file_range). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10548 (copy() fails on cifs mounts because of incorrect
    copy_file_range() len). (nielsdos)

- Tidy:
  . Fix memory leaks when attempting to open a non-existing file or a file over
    4GB. (Girgias)
  . Add missing error check on tidyLoadConfig. (nielsdos)

- Zlib:
  . Fixed output_handler directive value's length which counted the string
    terminator. (nieldos)

14 Feb 2023, PHP 8.2.3

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81744 (Password_verify() always return true with some hash).
    (CVE-2023-0567). (Tim Düsterhus)
  . Fixed bug #81746 (1-byte array overrun in common path resolve code).
    (CVE-2023-0568). (Niels Dossche)

  . Fixed bug GHSA-54hq-v5wp-fqgv (DOS vulnerability when parsing multipart
    request body). (CVE-2023-0662) (Jakub Zelenka)

02 Feb 2023, PHP 8.2.2

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-10200 (zif_get_object_vars:
    Assertion `!(((__ht)->u.flags & (1<<2)) != 0)' failed). (nielsdos)
  . Fix GH-10251 (Assertion `(flag & (1<<3)) == 0' failed). (nielsdos)
  . Fix GH-10240 (Assertion failure when adding more than 2**30 elements to an
    unpacked array). (Arnaud)
  . Fix GH-9735 (Fiber stack variables do not participate in cycle collector).
  . Fix GH-9675 (Broken run_time_cache init for internal enum methods).
    (Petar Obradović, Bob)
  . Fix GH-10248 (Assertion `!(zval_get_type(&(*(property))) == 10)' failed).

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #77106 (Missing separator in FPM FastCGI errors). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-9981 (FPM does not reset fastcgi.error_header).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug #68591 (Configuration test does not perform UID lookups).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed memory leak when running FPM config test. (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug #67244 (Wrong owner:group for listening unix socket).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- Hash:
  . Handle exceptions from __toString in XXH3's initialization (nielsdos)

  . Fixed bug GH-10112 (LDAP\Connection::__construct() refers to ldap_create()).

- Opcache:
  . Fix inverted bailout value in zend_runtime_jit() (Max Kellermann).
  . Fix access to uninitialized variable in accel_preload(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix zend_jit_find_trace() crashes. (Max Kellermann)
  . Added missing lock for EXIT_INVALIDATE in zend_jit_trace_exit. (Max Kellermann)

- Phar:
  . Fix wrong flags check for compression method in phar_object.c (nielsdos)

  . Fix undefined behaviour in phpdbg_load_module_or_extension(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix NULL pointer dereference in phpdbg_create_conditional_breal(). (nielsdos)
  . Fix GH-9710: phpdbg memory leaks by option "-h" (nielsdos)
  . Fix phpdbg segmentation fault in case of malformed input (nielsdos)

- Posix:
  . Fix memory leak in posix_ttyname() (girgias)

- Random:
  . Fixed bug GH-10247 (Theoretical file descriptor leak for /dev/urandom). (timwolla)

- Standard:
  . Fix GH-10187 (Segfault in stripslashes() with arm64). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10214 (Incomplete validation of object syntax during
    unserialize()). (timwolla)
  . Fix substr_replace with slots in repl_ht being UNDEF. (nielsdos)

- XMLWriter
  . Fix missing check for xmlTextWriterEndElement (nielsdos)

05 Jan 2023, PHP 8.2.1

- Core:
  . Fixed bug GH-9905 (constant() behaves inconsistent when class is undefined).
  . Fixed bug GH-9918 (License information for xxHash is not included in
    README.REDIST.BINS file). (Akama Hitoshi)
  . Fixed bug GH-9890 (OpenSSL legacy providers not available on Windows). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug GH-9650 (Can't initialize heap: [0x000001e7]). (Michael Voříšek)
  . Fixed potentially undefined behavior in Windows ftok(3) emulation. (cmb)
  . Fixed GH-9769 (Misleading error message for unpacking of objects). (jhdxr)

- Apache:
  . Fixed bug GH-9949 (Partial content on incomplete POST request). (cmb)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug GH-9959 (Solaris port event mechanism is still broken after bug
    #66694). (Petr Sumbera)
  . Fixed bug #68207 (Setting fastcgi.error_header can result in a WARNING).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug #80669 (FPM numeric user fails to set groups). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-8517 (Random crash of FPM master process in
    fpm_stdio_child_said). (Jakub Zelenka)

- Imap:
  . Fixed bug GH-10051 (IMAP: there's no way to check if a IMAP\Connection is
    still open). (Girgias)

- MBString:
  . Fixed bug GH-9535 (The behavior of mb_strcut in mbstring has been changed in
    PHP8.1). (Nathan Freeman)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-9968 (Segmentation Fault during OPCache Preload).
    (Arnaud, michdingpayc)

- OpenSSL:
  . Fixed bug GH-9997 (OpenSSL engine clean up segfault). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-9064 (PHP fails to build if openssl was built with --no-ec).
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-10000 (OpenSSL test failures when OpenSSL compiled with
    no-dsa). (Jakub Zelenka)

- Pcntl:
  . Fixed bug GH-9298 (Signal handler called after rshutdown leads to crash).
    (Erki Aring)

- PDO_Firebird:
  . Fixed bug GH-9971 (Incorrect NUMERIC value returned from PDO_Firebird).

- PDO/SQLite:
  . Fixed bug #81740 (PDO::quote() may return unquoted string). (CVE-2022-31631)

- Session:
  . Fixed GH-9932 (session name silently fails with . and [). (David Carlier)

- SPL:
  . Fixed GH-9883 (SplFileObject::__toString() reads next line). (Girgias)
  . Fixed GH-10011 (Trampoline autoloader will get reregistered and cannot be
    unregistered). (Girgias)

- SQLite3:
  . Fixed bug #81742 (open_basedir bypass in SQLite3 by using file URI). (cmb)

  . Fixed Windows shmget() wrt. IPC_PRIVATE. (Tyson Andre)

08 Dec 2022, PHP 8.2.0

- CLI:
  . Fixed bug #81496 (Server logs incorrect request method). (lauri)
  . Updated the mime-type table for the builtin-server. (Ayesh Karunaratne)
  . Fixed potential overflow for the builtin server via the
    PHP_CLI_SERVER_WORKERS environment variable. (yiyuaner)
  . Fixed GH-8575 by changing STDOUT, STDERR and STDIN to not close on resource
    destruction. (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Implement built-in web server responding without body to HEAD request on
    a static resource. (Vedran Miletic, Marin Martuslovic)
  . Implement built-in web server responding with HTTP status 405 to
    DELETE/PUT/PATCH request on a static resource.
    (Vedran Miletic, Marin Martuslovic)
  . Fixed bug GH-9709 (Null pointer dereference with -w/-s options).
    (Adam Saponara)

- COM:
  . Fixed bug GH-8750 (Can not create VT_ERROR variant type). (cmb)

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #81380 (Observer may not be initialized properly). (krakjoe)
  . Fixed bug GH-7771 (Fix filename/lineno of constant expressions). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-7792 (Improve class type in error messages). (ilutov)
  . Support huge pages on MacOS. (David CARLIER)
  . Fixed bug GH-8655 (Casting an object to array does not unwrap refcount=1
    references). (Nicolas Grekas)
  . Fixed bug GH-8661 (Nullsafe in coalesce triggers undefined variable
    warning). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-7821 and GH-8418 (Allow arbitrary const expressions in backed
    enums). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-8810 (Incorrect lineno in backtrace of multi-line function
    calls). (ilutov)
  . Optimised code path for newly created file with the stream plain wrapper. (Max Kellermann)
  . Uses safe_perealloc instead of perealloc for the
    ZEND_PTR_STACK_RESIZE_IF_NEEDED to avoid possible overflows. (David Carlier)
  . Reduced the memory footprint of strings returned by var_export(),
    json_encode(), serialize(), iconv_*(), mb_ereg*(), session_create_id(),
    http_build_query(), strstr(), Reflection*::__toString(). (Arnaud)
  . Fixed bug GH-8995 (WeakMap object reference offset causing TypeError).
    (Tobias Bachert)
  . Added error_log_mode ini setting. (Mikhail Galanin)
  . Updated request startup messages. (Eric Norris)
  . Fixed bug GH-7900 (Arrow function with never return type compile-time
    errors). (ilutov)
  . Fixed incorrect double to long casting in latest clang. (zeriyoshi)
  . Added support for defining constants in traits. (sj-i)
  . Stop incorrectly emitting false positive deprecation notice alongside
    unsupported syntax fatal error for `"{$g{'h'}}"`. (TysonAndre)
  . Fix unexpected deprecated dynamic property warning, which occurred when
    exit() in finally block after an exception was thrown without catching.
  . Fixed bug GH-9323 (Crash in ZEND_RETURN/GC/zend_call_function)
    (Tim Starling)
  . Fixed bug GH-9227 (Trailing dots and spaces in filenames are ignored).
  . Fixed bug GH-9285 (Traits cannot be used in readonly classes).
  . Fixed bug GH-9186 (@strict-properties can be bypassed using
    unserialization). (kocsismate)
  . Fixed bug GH-9500 (Using dnf type with parentheses after readonly keyword
    results in a parse error). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-9516 ((A&B)|D as a param should allow AB or D. Not just A).
  . Fixed observer class notify with Opcache file_cache_only=1. (ilutov)
  . Fixes segfault with Fiber on FreeBSD i386 architecture. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-9655 (Pure intersection types cannot be implicitly nullable)
  . Fixed bug GH-9589 (dl() segfaults when module is already loaded). (cmb,
  . Fixed bug GH-9752 (Generator crashes when interrupted during argument
    evaluation with extra named params). (Arnaud)
  . Fixed bug GH-9801 (Generator crashes when memory limit is exceeded during
    initialization). (Arnaud)
  . Fixed a bug with preloaded enums possibly segfaulting. (Bob)
  . Fixed bug GH-9823 (Don’t reset func in zend_closure_internal_handler).
    (Florian Sowade)
  . Fixed potential NULL pointer dereference Windows shm*() functions. (cmb)
  . Fix target validation for internal attributes with constructor property
    promotion. (kooldev)
  . Fixed bug GH-9750 (Generator memory leak when interrupted during argument
    evaluation. (Arnaud)

- Curl:
  . Added support for CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION. (David Carlier)
  . Added support for CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE. (David Carlier)
  . Added new constants from cURL 7.62 to 7.80. (Pierrick)
  . New function curl_upkeep(). (Pierrick)

- Date:
  . Fixed GH-8458 (DateInterval::createFromDateString does not throw if
    non-relative items are present). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug #52015 (Allow including end date in DatePeriod iterations)
    (Daniel Egeberg, Derick)
  . idate() now accepts format specifiers "N" (ISO Day-of-Week) and "o" (ISO
    Year). (Pavel Djundik)
  . Fixed bug GH-8730 (DateTime::diff miscalculation is same time zone of
    different type). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug GH-8964 (DateTime object comparison after applying delta less
    than 1 second). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug GH-9106: (DateInterval 1.5s added to DateTimeInterface is rounded
    down since PHP 8.1.0). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug #75035 (Datetime fails to unserialize "extreme" dates).
  . Fixed bug #80483 (DateTime Object with 5-digit year can't unserialized).
  . Fixed bug #81263 (Wrong result from DateTimeImmutable::diff). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug GH-9431 (DateTime::getLastErrors() not returning false when no
    errors/warnings). (Derick)
  . Fixed bug with parsing large negative numbers with the @ notation. (Derick)

- DBA:
  . Fixed LMDB driver hanging when attempting to delete a non-existing key
  . Fixed LMDB driver memory leak on DB creation failure (Girgias)
  . Fixed GH-8856 (dba: lmdb: allow to override the MDB_NOSUBDIR flag). (Girgias)

- FFI:
  . Fixed bug GH-9090 (Support assigning function pointers in FFI). (Adam

- Fileinfo:
  . Fixed bug GH-8805 (finfo returns wrong mime type for woff/woff2 files).

- Filter:
  . Added FILTER_FLAG_GLOBAL_RANGE to filter Global IPs. (vnsavage)

- FPM:
  . Emit error for invalid port setting. (David Carlier)
  . Added extra check for FPM proc dumpable on SELinux based systems.
    (David Carlier)
  . Added support for listening queue on macOS. (David Carlier)
  . Changed default for listen.backlog on Linux to -1. (Cristian Rodríguez)
  . Added listen.setfib pool option to set route FIB on FreeBSD. (David Carlier)
  . Added access.suppress_path pool option to filter access log entries.
    (Mark Gallagher)
  . Fixed on fpm scoreboard occasional warning on acquisition failure.
    (Felix Wiedemann)
  . Fixed bug GH-9754 (SaltStack (using Python subprocess) hangs when running
    php-fpm 8.1.11). (Jakub Zelenka)

- FTP:
  . Fix datetime format string to follow POSIX spec in ftp_mdtm(). (Jihwan Kim)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #81739: OOB read due to insufficient input validation in
    imageloadfont(). (CVE-2022-31630) (cmb)

- GMP:
  . Fixed bug GH-9308 (GMP throws the wrong error when a GMP object is passed
    to gmp_init()). (Girgias)

- Hash:
  . Fixed bug #81738: buffer overflow in hash_update() on long parameter.
    (CVE-2022-37454) (nicky at mouha dot be)
  . Fixed bug GH-10077: Fix compilation on RHEL 7 ppc64le. (Mattias Ellert)

- Intl:
  . Update all grandfathered language tags with preferred values
  . Fixed GH-7939 (Cannot unserialize IntlTimeZone objects). (cmb)
  . Fixed build for ICU 69.x and onwards. (David Carlier)
  . Declared Transliterator::$id as readonly to unlock subclassing it. (Nicolas
  . Fixed bug GH-9421 (Incorrect argument number for ValueError in NumberFormatter).

- MBString:
  . Fixed bug GH-9248 (Segmentation fault in mb_strimwidth()). (cmb)

- mysqli:
  . Fixed bug GH-9841 (mysqli_query throws warning despite using
    silenced error mode). (Kamil Tekiela)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed potential heap corruption due to alignment mismatch. (cmb)

- OCI8:
  . Added oci8.prefetch_lob_size directive to tune LOB query performance
  . Support for building against Oracle Client libraries 10.1 and 10.2 has been
    dropped. Oracle Client libraries 11.2 or newer are now required.

  . Fixed bug GH-8300 (User input not escaped when building connection string).
    (Calvin Buckley)
  . Fixed bug GH-9347 (Current ODBC liveness checks may be inadequate). (Calvin

- Opcache:
  . Allocate JIT buffer close to PHP .text segemnt to allow using direct
    IP-relative calls and jumps.
    (Su Tao, Wang Xue, Chen Hu, Lizhen Lizhen, Dmitry)
  . Added initial support for JIT performance profiling generation
    for macOs Instrument. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-8030 (Segfault with JIT and large match/switch statements).
  . Added JIT support improvement for macOs for segments and executable permission
    bit handling. (David Carlier)
  . Added JIT buffer allocation near the .text section on FreeNSD. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-9371 (Crash with JIT on mac arm64)
    (jdp1024/David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-9259 (opcache.interned_strings_buffer setting integer
    overflow). (Arnaud)
  . Added indirect call reduction for jit on x86 architectures. (wxue1)

- OPcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-9164 (Segfault in zend_accel_class_hash_copy).
    (Arnaud, Sergei Turchanov)

- OpenSSL:
  . Discard poll calls on socket when no timeout/non blocking/MSG_DONTWAIT. (Max Kellermann)
  . Fixed bug GH-9310 (SSL local_cert and local_pk do not respect
    open_basedir). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Implement FR #76935 ("chacha20-poly1305" is an AEAD but does not work like
    AEAD). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Added openssl_cipher_key_length function. (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-9517 (Compilation error openssl extension related to PR
    GH-9366). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed missing clean up of OpenSSL engine list - attempt to fix GH-8620.
    (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed bug GH-8430 (OpenSSL compiled with no-md2, no-md4 or no-rmd160 does
    not build). (Jakub Zelenka, fsbruva)

  . Fixed pcntl_(get|set)priority error handling for MacOS. (Juan Morales)

  . Implemented FR #77726 (Allow null character in regex patterns). (tobil4sk)
  . Updated bundled libpcre to 10.40. (cmb)

- PDO:
  . Fixed bug GH-9818 (Initialize run time cache in PDO methods).
    (Florian Sowade)

- PDO_Firebird:
  . Fixed bug GH-8576 (Bad interpretation of length when char is UTF-8). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #80909 (crash with persistent connections in PDO_ODBC). (Calvin
  . Fixed bug GH-8300 (User input not escaped when building connection string).
    (Calvin Buckley)
  . Fixed bug GH-9347 (Current ODBC liveness checks may be inadequate). (Calvin
  . Fixed bug GH-9372 (HY010 when binding overlong parameter). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug GH-9411 (PgSQL large object resource is incorrectly closed).

- Random:
  . Added new random extension. (Go Kudo)
  . Fixed bug GH-9067 (random extension is not thread safe). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug GH-9055 (segmentation fault if user engine throws). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9066 (signed integer overflow). (zeriyoshi)
  . Fixed bug GH-9083 (undefined behavior during shifting). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9088, GH-9056 (incorrect expansion of bytes when
    generating uniform integers within a given range). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9089 (Fix memory leak on Randomizer::__construct()
    call twice). (zeriyoshi)
  . Fixed bug GH-9212 (PcgOneseq128XslRr64::jump() should not allow negative
    $advance). (Anton Smirnov)
  . Changed Mt19937 to throw a ValueError instead of InvalidArgumentException
    for invalid $mode. (timwolla)
  . Splitted Random\Randomizer::getInt() (without arguments) to
    Random\Randomizer::nextInt(). (zeriyoshi)
  . Fixed bug GH-9235 (non-existant $sequence parameter in stub for
    PcgOneseq128XslRr64::__construct()). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9190, GH-9191 (undefined behavior for MT_RAND_PHP when
    handling large ranges). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9249 (Xoshiro256StarStar does not reject the invalid
    all-zero state). (timwolla)
  . Removed redundant RuntimeExceptions from Randomizer methods. The
    exceptions thrown by the engines will be exposed directly. (timwolla)
  . Added extension specific Exceptions/Errors (RandomException, RandomError,
    BrokenRandomEngineError). (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9415 (Randomizer::getInt(0, 2**32 - 1) with Mt19937
    always returns 1). (timwolla)
  . Fixed Randomizer::getInt() consistency for 32-bit engines. (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9464 (build on older macOs releases). (David Bohman)
  . Fixed bug GH-9839 (Pre-PHP 8.2 output compatibility for non-mt_rand()
    functions for MT_RAND_PHP). (timwolla)

- Reflection:
  . Added ReflectionFunction::isAnonymous(). (Nicolas Grekas)
  . Added ReflectionMethod::hasPrototype(). (Ollie Read)
  . Narrow ReflectionEnum::getBackingType() return type to ReflectionNamedType.
  . Fixed bug GH-8932 (ReflectionFunction provides no way to get the called
    class of a Closure). (cmb, Nicolas Grekas)

- Session:
  . Fixed bug GH-7787 (Improve session write failure message for user error
    handlers). (ilutov)
  . Fixed GH-9200 (setcookie has an obsolete expires date format). (timwolla)
  . Fixed GH-9584 (Avoid memory corruption when not unregistering custom session
    handler). (ilutov)
  . Fixed bug GH-9583 (session_create_id() fails with user defined save handler
      that doesn't have a validateId() method). (Girgias)

  . Fixed bug GH-9720 (Null pointer dereference while serializing the response).

- Sockets:
  . Added TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT socket option. (David Carlier)
  . Added SO_MEMINFO socket option. (David Carlier)
  . Added SO_RTABLE socket option (OpenBSD), equivalent of SO_MARK (Linux).
    (David Carlier)
    options. (David Carlier)
  . Added ancillary data support for FreeBSD. (David Carlier)
  . Added ancillary data support for NetBSD. (David Carlier)
  . Added SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS socket option. (David Carlier)
  . Added SO_SETFIB socket option. (David Carlier)
  . Added TCP_CONGESTION socket option. (David Carlier)
  . Added SO_ZEROCOPY/MSG_ZEROCOPY options. (David Carlier)
  . Added SOL_FILTER socket option for Solaris. (David Carlier)
  . Fixed socket constants regression as of PHP 8.2.0beta3. (Bruce Dou)

- Sodium:
  . Added sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic(). (Scott)

- SPL:
  . Uses safe_erealloc instead of erealloc to handle heap growth
    for the SplHeap::insert method to avoid possible overflows. (David Carlier)
  . Widen iterator_to_array() and iterator_count()'s $iterator parameter to
    iterable. (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug #69181 (READ_CSV|DROP_NEW_LINE drops newlines within fields).
  . Fixed bug #65069 (GlobIterator incorrect handling of open_basedir check).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- SQLite3:
  . Changed sqlite3.defensive from PHP_INI_SYSTEM to PHP_INI_USER. (bohwaz)

- Standard:
  . net_get_interfaces() also reports wireless network interfaces on Windows.
  . Finished AVIF support in getimagesize(). (Yannis Guyon)
  . Fixed bug GH-7847 (stripos with large haystack has bad performance).
  . New function memory_reset_peak_usage(). (Patrick Allaert)
  . Fixed parse_url(): can not recognize port without scheme. (pandaLIU)
  . Deprecated utf8_encode() and utf8_decode(). (Rowan Tommins)
  . Fixed the crypt_sha256/512 api build with clang > 12. (David Carlier)
  . Uses safe_erealloc instead of erealloc to handle options in getopt
    to avoid possible overflows. (David Carlier)
  . Implemented FR GH-8924 (str_split should return empty array for empty
    string). (Michael Vorisek)
  . Added ini_parse_quantity function to convert ini quantities shorthand
    notation to int. (Dennis Snell)
  . Enable arc4random_buf for Linux glibc 2.36 and onwards
    for the random_bytes. (Cristian Rodriguez)
  . Uses CCRandomGenerateBytes instead of arc4random_buf on macOs. (David Carlier).
  . Fixed bug #65489 (glob() basedir check is inconsistent). (Jakub Zelenka)
  . Fixed GH-9200 (setcookie has an obsolete expires date format). (Derick)
  . Fixed GH-9244 (Segfault with array_multisort + array_shift). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug GH-9296 (`ksort` behaves incorrectly on arrays with mixed keys).
    (Denis Vaksman)
  . Marked crypt()'s $string parameter as #[\SensitiveParameter]. (timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9464 (build on older macOs releases). (David Bohman)
  . Fixed bug GH-9518 (Disabling IPv6 support disables unrelated constants).
  . Revert "Fixed parse_url(): can not recognize port without scheme."

- Streams:
  . Set IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT if available when connecting to remote host.
    (Cristian Rodríguez)
  . Fixed bug GH-8548 (stream_wrapper_unregister() leaks memory). (ilutov)
  . Discard poll calls on socket when no timeout/non blocking/MSG_DONTWAIT. (Max Kellermann)
  . Fixed bug GH-9316 ($http_response_header is wrong for long status line).
    (cmb, timwolla)
  . Fixed bug GH-9590 (stream_select does not abort upon exception or empty
    valid fd set). (Arnaud)
  . Fixed bug GH-9653 (file copy between different filesystems). (David Carlier)
  . Fixed bug GH-9779 (stream_copy_to_stream fails if dest in append mode).
    (Jakub Zelenka)

- Windows:
  . Added preliminary support for (cross-)building for ARM64. (Yun Dou)

- XML:
  . Added libxml_get_external_entity_loader() function. (Tim Starling)

- Zip:
  . add ZipArchive::clearError() method
  . add ZipArchive::getStreamName() method
  . add ZipArchive::getStreamIndex() method
  . On Windows, the Zip extension is now built as shared library (DLL) by
    default. (cmb)
  . Implement fseek for zip stream when possible with libzip 1.9.1. (Remi)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu May 23 02:16:05 CEST 2024.