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75.1 Introduction to numericalio

numericalio is a collection of functions to read and write files and streams. Functions for plain-text input and output can read and write numbers (integer, float, or bigfloat), symbols, and strings. Functions for binary input and output can read and write only floating-point numbers.

If there already exists a list, matrix, or array object to store input data, numericalio input functions can write data into that object. Otherwise, numericalio can guess, to some degree, the structure of an object to store the data, and return that object.

‘Category: File input’ ‘Category: File output’ ‘Category: Share packages’ ‘Category: Package numericalio’

75.1.1 Plain-text input and output

In plain-text input and output, it is assumed that each item to read or write is an atom: an integer, float, bigfloat, string, or symbol, and not a rational or complex number or any other kind of nonatomic expression. The numericalio functions may attempt to do something sensible faced with nonatomic expressions, but the results are not specified here and subject to change.

Atoms in both input and output files have the same format as in Maxima batch files or the interactive console. In particular, strings are enclosed in double quotes, backslash \ prevents any special interpretation of the next character, and the question mark ? is recognized at the beginning of a symbol to mean a Lisp symbol (as opposed to a Maxima symbol). No continuation character (to join broken lines) is recognized.

75.1.2 Separator flag values for input

The functions for plain-text input and output take an optional argument, separator_flag, that tells what character separates data.

For plain-text input, these values of separator_flag are recognized: comma for comma separated values, pipe for values separated by the vertical bar character |, semicolon for values separated by semicolon ;, and space for values separated by space or tab characters. If the file name ends in .csv and separator_flag is not specified, comma is assumed. If the file name ends in something other than .csv and separator_flag is not specified, space is assumed.

In plain-text input, multiple successive space and tab characters count as a single separator. However, multiple comma, pipe, or semicolon characters are significant. Successive comma, pipe, or semicolon characters (with or without intervening spaces or tabs) are considered to have false between the separators. For example, 1234,,Foo is treated the same as 1234,false,Foo.

75.1.3 Separator flag values for output

For plain-text output, tab, for values separated by the tab character, is recognized as a value of separator_flag, as well as comma, pipe, semicolon, and space.

In plain-text output, false atoms are written as such; a list [1234, false, Foo] is written 1234,false,Foo, and there is no attempt to collapse the output to 1234,,Foo.

75.1.4 Binary floating-point input and output

numericalio functions can read and write 8-byte IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. These numbers can be stored either least significant byte first or most significant byte first, according to the global flag set by assume_external_byte_order. If not specified, numericalio assumes the external byte order is most-significant byte first.

Other kinds of numbers are coerced to 8-byte floats; numericalio cannot read or write binary non-numeric data.

Some Lisp implementations do not recognize IEEE 754 special values (positive and negative infinity, not-a-number values, denormalized values). The effect of reading such values with numericalio is undefined.

numericalio includes functions to open a stream for reading or writing a stream of bytes.

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