task_group extensions


To enable these extensions, set the TBB_PREVIEW_TASK_GROUP_EXTENSIONS macro to 1.


oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) implementation extends the tbb::task_group specification with the following members:

  • requirements for a user-provided function object



namespace oneapi {
    namespace tbb {

       class task_group {

           //only the requirements for the return type of function F are changed
           template<typename F>
           task_handle defer(F&& f);

           //only the requirements for the return type of function F are changed
           template<typename F>
           task_group_status run_and_wait(const F& f);

           //only the requirements for the return type of function F are changed
           template<typename F>
           void run(F&& f);

    } // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi

Member Functions

template<typename F>
task_handle defer(F &&f)

As an optimization hint, F might return a task_handle, which task object can be executed next.


The task_handle returned by the function must be created using *this task_group. That is, the one for which the run method is called, otherwise it is undefined behavior.

template<typename F>
task_group_status run_and_wait(const F &f)

As an optimization hint, F might return a task_handle, which task object can be executed next.


The task_handle returned by the function must be created using *this task_group. That is, the one for which the run method is called, otherwise it is undefined behavior.

template<typename F>
void run(F &&f)

As an optimization hint, F might return a task_handle, which task object can be executed next.


The task_handle returned by the function must be created with *this task_group. It means, with the one for which run method is called, otherwise it is an undefined behavior.

See also