Module Sdlevent.Old

module Old: sig .. end
Deprecated.this interface was used in version of ocamlsdl < 0.6
Callback-based event handling.

Definition of the event callbacks

type keyboard_event_func = Sdlkey.t -> Sdlevent.switch_state -> int -> int -> unit 
Keyboard event called with the activated key, its state and the coordinates of the mouse pointer
type mouse_event_func = Sdlmouse.button -> Sdlevent.switch_state -> int -> int -> unit 
Mouse button event called with the activated button, its state and the coordinates of the mouse pointer
type mousemotion_event_func = int -> int -> unit 
Mouse motion event called with the coordinates of the mouse pointer
type idle_event_func = unit -> unit 
type resize_event_func = int -> int -> unit 

Functions for setting the current event callbacks

val set_keyboard_event_func : keyboard_event_func -> unit
val set_mouse_event_func : mouse_event_func -> unit
val set_mousemotion_event_func : mousemotion_event_func -> unit
val set_idle_event_func : idle_event_func -> unit
val set_resize_event_func : resize_event_func -> unit

Event loop

val start_event_loop : unit -> unit
val exit_event_loop : unit -> unit