SDL Console

The power of Quake as a library for SDL

Project hosted on Logo
created with Mozilla Composer by Clemens Wacha
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Sourcecode (all platforms):
Windows binaries:

apt-get install libsdl-console-dev


Three consoles (from win32 example)

Streched to half screen (linux)
Yes, it runs on Mac OS X too!!

Online Documentation
The Documentation is automatically created using Doxygen. Click here to read it.
Documentation as PDF (219kb).

Here's a UML Chart that describes the internals of the console. Created with PoseidonUML.

What is it?

SDL_Console is a console that can be added to any SDL application. It is similar to Quake and other games consoles. A console is meant to be a very simple way of interacting with a program and executing commands. You can also have more than one console at a time.

Need Help!!
I plan to create a seperate OpenGL version. I need someone with OpenGL abilities to help me. Read below for more info.

Command execution: A string that is entered in the console will be passed to a user-defined function which should then parse the string and call other functions or just set parameters. This is a different behaviour as in earlier versions of the console! The built-in callback support has been completely removed. It should now be much easier to implement the console in existing projects.

Also included are simple text and font handling routines for bitmap fonts. Bitmap fonts can be loaded up and text can be outputted to the surfaces using the different fonts. These bitmap font routines can be used seperately without the console. The text drawing routines are in the files DT_*. For a *real* font engine you should check SFont.

SDL_Console is released under GNU/LGPL licence ( see for more information )

Dependencies: SDL_Console depends on the following two libraries

Future Plans:
During development I have found some more design bugs. It is now difficult to include SDL_console into a C++ project (it works good if you like global pointers). To make integration easier, I will add a polling mode. Entered command get saved in a linked list for further processing. You can poll for new commands. Right now you need a callback function that gets called when you have enterd a command.

Another point is OpenGL compatibility. It works for now but it's not very fast. I plan to make a second version of the console wich supports OpenGL natively by converting the current SDL_Surfaces to textures. Unfortunately I have never done OpenGL before. It would be great if someone could help me.


Original Project: Garret Banuk
Version 2.x, Documentation: Clemens Wacha
Version 1.x: Boris Lesner

Version History

August 28, 2003 SDL_console 2.1 released. I have made lots of bugfixes in the command line code and killed some segfaults. But most important: The console now uses a configure script for improved compatibility. Also check out the new screenshots.

March 14, 2003
New release SDL_console 2.0! New Homepage! New Documentation using DOXYGEN! New everything. Now you know what I do in my vacation :-)
Clemens Wacha

September 19, 2002
SDL_console 1.3 is released! Wacha Clemens again couldn't stop adding stuff to the code.
I has too many features and bugfixes to mention them here. For a complete list see below.
He has completely rewritten the command line and added lots of useful control keys.

September 13, 2002 SDL_console 1.2 is released thanks to Wacha Clemens who added a prompt, autoscrolling commandline, and buxfixes.
I also added CON_Free() which equals to CON_Destroy but without destroying text support of DT ( thanks to Paul Wighton ), CON_Destroy still in the lib for compatibility.

September 03, 2002 Garrett give me the SDL_console project and I hope I could add nice changes to the lib !
But's it's already stable and I think that only a few things would be added.
For now I added a debian package of SDL_Console, the SDL_image support for PNG, JPG, ... images formats, and a shared library of the lib.
SDL_console is now version 1.1.
Boris Lesner.

July 12, 2002 SDL_Console needs a new author! I no longer have the time to work on SDL_Console with my new job and other interests and due to the popularity of SDL_Console, I do not want to let the project stagnate. I'm going to give the project away to someone else to maintain and improve as they see fit. The new author will have full control of the project and may do with it as they please. If you are interested in taking over the project, please email me. Give me some information about your computer science skills, projects you've worked on, etc. After/if I get a sufficient response from interested people, I will decide who will take over the project. Thanks for all the support from everyone. I hope this project is still useful in the future.

Nov 14, 2001 Cort Stratton added a new MSVC project for the console with the new source.

Oct 8, 2001 Finally an update to SDL_console! SDL_console has now reached version 1.0. I figured it's about time since there have not been any bug fixes for a while so the code is pretty solid. There are also lots of new additions to the code and a decent Makefile system now. If anyone wants to write an autoconf system though, be my guest.
  • Backward compatibilty has been completely broken. See the API below.
  • Multiple independant consoles can be displayed on the screen. Checkout the screenshot.
  • Better Makefile system. Should be a little easier to work with now.
  • Fixed a few performance issues.
  • Cleaned up the code. Cutting and pasting everyones different coding styles into the source was getting messy.

June 12, 2001 Seung Chan Lim Has donated a version of SDL_Console with the demo in MSVC project format. You can download it below.

May 15, 2001 Now the console really works with OpenGL. =) Thanks to Cort Stratton for fixing the OpenGL support. The console example source now demonstrates it's use with OpenGL. There is also the non-OpenGL sample source included in the archive. As usual there were a few cosmetic modifications and bug fixes also.

Apr 29, 2001 I added a blinking cursor showing the current editing position due to popular demand. Ugh I didn't realize how ugly this code was. =) It's efficient, just not very neat.
  • Added a blinking cursor showing the current text position.
  • Reorganized some of the code to be more readable.
Feb 20, 2001 Thanks to Patricia Cruz for adding an OpenGL fix to the Console source.
  • Console now works within an OpenGL program and can be blitted to OpenGL surfaces.
Nov 18, 2000 Lots of new changes here, mainly thanks to Lee Thomason for submitting some of them and motivating me to work on this again.
  • Naming conventions have been changed. Console commands now start with the CON_ prefix so as not to be confused with SDL_. Also the text drawing routines now start with DT_ so that they are distinguished as being seperate from the console.
  • Console is no longer `attached' to the top of the screen, it is now a box that can be located anywhere. CON_Position(int x, int y)
  • The console can be resized without reinitializing. CON_Resize(SDL_Rect rect)
  • Tab completion lists all the matching commands rather than just completing with the first command it partially matches with. (Ya I know, this ones been overdue.)
  • An option can be set to send back the command with the parameters from the user rather than just the parameters. So now multiple commands can be sent to one function and be distinguished from each other. CON_SendFullCommand(int sendOn)
  • New command CON_Destroy() now shuts down and frees the console from the program. DT_DestroyDrawText() does the same thing for the text drawing routines.
  • CON_SetConsoleBorder() has been removed. This is because of the new free moving console. Setting a border around the edges is much more complicated so I won't bother implementing this unless people ask for it.
  • All of the help resources are going onto the webpage now rather than in the README file.
April 16, 1999
  • Scroll back buffer amount can be specified at init.
  • PageUP PageDOWN scrolling through the buffer.
  • Printing to the console is done with printf() similiar arguments.
  • Tab completion of commands.
  • Arbitrary number of commands can be added.
  • Arbitrary number of arguments to each command from the input.
  • Alpha blending onto the destination surface.(optional for speed)
  • Border/Background image.(optional for speed)
  • Any bitmap font can be used.