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4.7 Memory Handling

MPFR functions may create caches, e.g., when computing constants such as Pi, either because the user has called a function like mpfr_const_pi directly or because such a function was called internally by the MPFR library itself to compute some other function. When more precision is needed, the value is automatically recomputed; a minimum of 10% increase of the precision is guaranteed to avoid too many recomputations.

MPFR functions may also create thread-local pools for internal use to avoid the cost of memory allocation. The pools can be freed with mpfr_free_pool (but with a default MPFR build, they should not take much memory, as the allocation size is limited).

At any time, the user can free various caches and pools with mpfr_free_cache and mpfr_free_cache2. It is strongly advised to free thread-local caches before terminating a thread, and all caches before exiting when using tools like ‘valgrind’ (to avoid memory leaks being reported).

MPFR allocates its memory either on the stack (for temporary memory only) or with the same allocator as the one configured for GMP: see Section “Custom Allocation” in GNU MP. This means that the application must make sure that data allocated with the current allocator will not be reallocated or freed with a new allocator. So, in practice, if an application needs to change the allocator with mp_set_memory_functions, it should first free all data allocated with the current allocator: for its own data, with mpfr_clear, etc.; for the caches and pools, with mpfr_mp_memory_cleanup in all threads where MPFR is potentially used. This function is currently equivalent to mpfr_free_cache, but mpfr_mp_memory_cleanup is the recommended way in case the allocation method changes in the future (for instance, one may choose to allocate the caches for floating-point constants with malloc to avoid freeing them if the allocator changes). Developers should also be aware that MPFR may also be used indirectly by libraries, so that libraries based on MPFR should provide a clean-up function calling mpfr_mp_memory_cleanup and/or warn their users about this issue.

Note: For multithreaded applications, the allocator must be valid in all threads where MPFR may be used; data allocated in one thread may be reallocated and/or freed in some other thread.

MPFR internal data such as flags, the exponent range, the default precision, and the default rounding mode are either global (if MPFR has not been compiled as thread safe) or per-thread (thread-local storage, TLS). The initial values of TLS data after a thread is created entirely depend on the compiler and thread implementation (MPFR simply does a conventional variable initialization, the variables being declared with an implementation-defined TLS specifier).

Writers of libraries using MPFR should be aware that the application and/or another library used by the application may also use MPFR, so that changing the exponent range, the default precision, or the default rounding mode may have an effect on this other use of MPFR since these data are not duplicated (unless they are in a different thread). Therefore any such value changed in a library function should be restored before the function returns (unless the purpose of the function is to do such a change). Writers of software using MPFR should also be careful when changing such a value if they use a library using MPFR (directly or indirectly), in order to make sure that such a change is compatible with the library.

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