LAPACK 3.11.0
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage

◆ alahd()

subroutine alahd ( integer  IOUNIT,
character*3  PATH 


 ALAHD prints header information for the different test paths.
          IOUNIT is INTEGER
          The unit number to which the header information should be
          PATH is CHARACTER*3
          The name of the path for which the header information is to
          be printed.  Current paths are
             _GE:  General matrices
             _GB:  General band
             _GT:  General Tridiagonal
             _PO:  Symmetric or Hermitian positive definite
             _PS:  Symmetric or Hermitian positive semi-definite
             _PP:  Symmetric or Hermitian positive definite packed
             _PB:  Symmetric or Hermitian positive definite band
             _PT:  Symmetric or Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal
             _SY:  Symmetric indefinite,
                     with partial (Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _SR:  Symmetric indefinite,
                     with rook (bounded Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _SK:  Symmetric indefinite,
                     with rook (bounded Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
                     ( new storage format for factors:
                       L and diagonal of D is stored in A,
                       subdiagonal of D is stored in E )
             _SP:  Symmetric indefinite packed,
                     with partial (Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _HA:  (complex) Hermitian ,
                     with Aasen Algorithm
             _HE:  (complex) Hermitian indefinite,
                     with partial (Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _HR:  (complex) Hermitian indefinite,
                     with rook (bounded Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _HK:  (complex) Hermitian indefinite,
                     with rook (bounded Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
                     ( new storage format for factors:
                       L and diagonal of D is stored in A,
                       subdiagonal of D is stored in E )
             _HP:  (complex) Hermitian indefinite packed,
                     with partial (Bunch-Kaufman) pivoting
             _TR:  Triangular
             _TP:  Triangular packed
             _TB:  Triangular band
             _QR:  QR (general matrices)
             _LQ:  LQ (general matrices)
             _QL:  QL (general matrices)
             _RQ:  RQ (general matrices)
             _QP:  QR with column pivoting
             _TZ:  Trapezoidal
             _LS:  Least Squares driver routines
             _LU:  LU variants
             _CH:  Cholesky variants
             _QS:  QR variants
             _QT:  QRT (general matrices)
             _QX:  QRT (triangular-pentagonal matrices)
             _TS:  QR routines for tall-skinny and short-wide matrices
             _HH:  Householder reconstruction for tall-skinny matrices
          The first character must be one of S, D, C, or Z (C or Z only
          if complex).
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.