Module GlTex

module GlTex: sig .. end

val coord : s:float -> ?t:float -> ?r:float -> ?q:float -> unit -> unit
val coord2 : float * float -> unit
val coord3 : float * float * float -> unit
val coord4 : float * float * float * float -> unit
type env_param = [ `color of Gl.rgba | `mode of [ `blend | `decal | `modulate | `replace ] ] 
val env : env_param -> unit
type coord = [ `q | `r | `s | `t ] 
type gen_param = [ `eye_plane of Gl.point4
| `mode of [ `eye_linear | `object_linear | `sphere_map ]
| `object_plane of Gl.point4 ]
val gen : coord:coord -> gen_param -> unit
type format = [ `alpha
| `bgr
| `bgra
| `blue
| `color_index
| `green
| `luminance
| `luminance_alpha
| `red
| `rgb
| `rgba ]
val image1d : ?proxy:bool ->
?level:int ->
?internal:int ->
?border:bool -> ([< format ], [< Gl.kind ]) GlPix.t -> unit
val image2d : ?proxy:bool ->
?level:int ->
?internal:int ->
?border:bool -> ([< format ], [< Gl.kind ]) GlPix.t -> unit
type filter = [ `linear
| `linear_mipmap_linear
| `linear_mipmap_nearest
| `nearest
| `nearest_mipmap_linear
| `nearest_mipmap_nearest ]
type wrap = [ `clamp | `repeat ] 
type parameter = [ `border_color of Gl.rgba
| `generate_mipmap of bool
| `mag_filter of [ `linear | `nearest ]
| `min_filter of filter
| `priority of Gl.clampf
| `wrap_s of wrap
| `wrap_t of wrap ]
val parameter : target:[ `texture_1d | `texture_2d ] -> parameter -> unit
type texture_id 
val gen_texture : unit -> texture_id
val gen_textures : len:int -> texture_id array
val bind_texture : target:[ `texture_1d | `texture_2d ] -> texture_id -> unit
val delete_texture : texture_id -> unit
val delete_textures : texture_id array -> unit