My Project 1.10.8
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CH5::AbstractDsAbstractDs is an abstract base class, inherited by Attribute and DataSet
 CH5::AttributeClass Attribute operates on HDF5 attributes
 CH5::DataSetClass DataSet operates on HDF5 datasets
 CH5::CommonFGCommonFG is an abstract base class of H5Group
 CH5::GroupClass Group represents an HDF5 group
 CH5::H5FileClass H5File represents an HDF5 file and inherits from class Group as file is a root group
 CH5::ExceptionException provides wrappers of HDF5 error handling functions
 CH5::H5LibraryClass H5Library operates the HDF5 library globably
 CH5::IdComponentClass IdComponent provides wrappers of the C functions that operate on an HDF5 identifier
 CH5::DataSpaceClass DataSpace inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for the HDF5's dataspaces
 CH5::H5LocationH5Location is an abstract base class, added in version 1.8.12
 CH5::AttributeClass Attribute operates on HDF5 attributes
 CH5::H5ObjectClass H5Object is a bridge between H5Location and DataSet, DataType, and Group
 CH5::DataSetClass DataSet operates on HDF5 datasets
 CH5::DataTypeClass DataType provides generic operations on HDF5 datatypes
 CH5::ArrayTypeClass ArrayType inherits from DataType and provides wrappers for the HDF5's Array Datatypes
 CH5::AtomTypeAtomType is a base class, inherited by IntType, FloatType, StrType, and PredType
 CH5::FloatTypeFloatType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 floating point datatype
 CH5::IntTypeIntType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 integer datatype
 CH5::PredTypeClass PredType holds the definition of all the HDF5 predefined datatypes
 CH5::StrTypeStrType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 string datatype
 CH5::CompTypeCompType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 compound datatypes
 CH5::EnumTypeEnumType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 enum datatypes
 CH5::VarLenTypeVarLenType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 Variable-length Datatypes
 CH5::GroupClass Group represents an HDF5 group
 CH5::PropListClass PropList inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for the HDF5 generic property list
 CH5::DSetMemXferPropListClass DSetCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 dataset memory and transfer property list
 CH5::FileAccPropListClass FileAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file access property list
 CH5::FileCreatPropListClass FileCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file create property list
 CH5::LinkAccPropListClass LinkAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 link access property list
 CH5::DSetAccPropListClass DSetAccPropList inherits from LinkAccPropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 dataset access property functions
 CH5::LinkCreatPropListClass LinkCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 link creation property list
 CH5::ObjCreatPropListClass ObjCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 object create property list
 CH5::DSetCreatPropListClass DSetCreatPropList inherits from ObjCreatPropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 dataset creation property functions

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  Copyright by The HDF Group
and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois