CppUnit project page FAQ

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAdditionalMessageAn additional Message for assertions
 CAsserterA set of functions to help writing assertion macros
 Cassertion_traitsTraits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT* macros
 Cassertion_traits< double >Traits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL()
 CAutoRegisterRegistry(Implementation) Automatically adds a registry into another registry
 CAutoRegisterSuite(Implementation) Automatically register the test suite of the specified type
 CBriefTestProgressListenerTestListener that prints the name of each test before running it
 CCompilerOutputterOutputs a TestResultCollector in a compiler compatible format
 CConcretTestFixtureFactoryConcret TestFixture factory (Implementation)
 CCppUnitTestPlugInTest plug-in interface
 CDefaultProtectorDefault protector that catch all exceptions (Implementation)
 CDynamicLibraryManagerManages dynamic libraries
 CDynamicLibraryManagerExceptionException thrown by DynamicLibraryManager when a failure occurs
 CExceptionExceptions thrown by failed assertions
 CExceptionTestCaseDecoratorExpected exception test case decorator
 CMessageMessage associated to an Exception.A message is composed of two items:
 COutputterAbstract outputter to print test result summary
 CPlugInManagerManges TestPlugIn
 CPlugInInfo(INTERNAL) Information about a specific plug-in
 CPlugInParametersTest plug-ins parameters
 CProtectorProtects one or more test case run
 CProtectorChainProtector chain (Implementation). Implementation detail
 CProtectorContextProtector context (Implementation). Implementation detail
 CProtectorGuardScoped protector push to TestResult
 CRepeatedTestDecorator that runs a test repeatedly
 CSourceLineRepresents a source line location
 CStringToolsTool functions to manipulate string
 CSynchronizedObjectBase class for synchronized object
 CExclusiveZoneLocks a synchronization object in the current scope
 CSynchronizationObjectAbstract synchronization object (mutex)
 CTestBase class for all test objects
 CTestCallerGenerate a test case from a fixture method
 CTestCaseA single test object
 CTestCaseDecoratorDecorator for Test cases
 CTestCaseMethodFunctorFunctor to call test case method (Implementation)
 CTestCompositeA Composite of Tests
 CTestDecoratorDecorator for Tests
 CTestFactoryAbstract Test factory
 CTestFactoryRegistryRegistry for TestFactory
 CTestFactoryRegistryList(INTERNAL) List of all TestFactoryRegistry
 CTestFailureRecord of a failed Test execution
 CTestFixtureWraps a test case with setUp and tearDown methods
 CTestFixtureFactoryAbstract TestFixture factory (Implementation)
 CTestLeafA single test object
 CTestListenerListener for test progress and result
 CTestNamerNames a test or a fixture suite
 CTestPathA List of Test representing a path to access a Test
 CTestPlugInDefaultImplDefault implementation of test plug-in interface
 CTestResultManages TestListener
 CTestResultCollectorCollects test result
 CTestRunnerGeneric test runner
 CWrappingSuite(INTERNAL) Mutating test suite
 CTestSetUpDecorates a test by providing a specific setUp() and tearDown()
 CTestSuccessListenerTestListener that checks if any test case failed
 CTestSuiteA Composite of Tests
 CTestSuiteBuilderContextType-sage context used when creating test suite in HelperMacros
 CTestSuiteBuilderContextBaseContext used when creating test suite in HelperMacros
 CTestSuiteFactoryTestFactory for TestFixture that implements a static suite() method
 CTextOutputterPrints a TestResultCollector to a text stream
 CTextTestProgressListenerTestListener that show the status of each TestCase test result
 CTextTestResultHolds printable test result (DEPRECATED)
 CTextTestRunnerA text mode test runner
 CXmlDocumentA XML Document
 CXmlElementA XML Element
 CXmlOutputterOutputs a TestResultCollector in XML format
 CXmlOutputterHookHook to customize Xml output

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