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Rate Converter Plugin Using libavresample

The plugin in rate-lavr subdirectory is an external rate converter using
libswresample library. You can use this rate converter plugin by defining a
rate PCM with "converter" parameter, such as:

        pcm.my_rate {
                type rate
                slave.pcm "hw"
                converter "lavrate"

The plug plugin has also a similar field, "rate_converter".

Or, more easily, define a global variable "defaults.pcm.rate_converter",
which is used as the default converter type by plug and rate plugins:

        defaults.pcm.rate_converter "lavrate"

Write the above in your ~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf.

The following converter types are available:

  - lavcrate_higher             Use     length=64
  - lavcrate_high               Use length=32
  - lavcrate                    Use length=16
  - lavcrate_fast               Use length=8
  - lavcrate_faster             Use length=4

Linear interpolation and cutoff values are automatically used depending on
the supplied parameters and whether the plugin is used to upsample or

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