
Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which tab to close

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to close the tab of the window the command is run in

ignore_no_match (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether no matches should be ignored or return an error


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to close

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to close the window the command is run in

ignore_no_match (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether no matches should be ignored or return an error


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to create the marker in

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to create marker in the window the command is run in

marker_spec (optional)

A list or arguments that define the marker specification, for example: [‘text’, ‘1’, ‘ERROR’]


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which tab to detach

target_tab (default: None)

Which tab to move the detached tab to the OS window it is run in

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to detach the tab the command is run in


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to detach

target_tab (default: None)

Which tab to move the detached window to

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to detach the window the command is run in


Fields are:

strategy (required)

One of never, always or cursor

match_window (optional)

Window to change opacity in

match_tab (default: None)

Tab to change opacity in

all (default: False)

Boolean indicating operate on all windows


Fields are:

env (required)

Dictionary of environment variables to values. Empty values cause the variable to be removed.


Fields are:

match (default: None)

The tab to focus

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response


Fields are:

match (default: None)

The window to focus

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response


Fields are:

match (default: None)

The window to get the colors for

configured (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to get configured or current colors


Fields are:

match (default: None)

The window to get text from

extent (default: screen)

One of screen, first_cmd_output_on_screen, last_cmd_output, last_visited_cmd_output, all, or selection

ansi (default: False)

Boolean, if True send ANSI formatting codes

cursor (optional)

Boolean, if True send cursor position/style as ANSI codes

wrap_markers (optional)

Boolean, if True add wrap markers to output

clear_selection (default: None)

Boolean, if True clear the selection in the matched window

self (default: False)

Boolean, if True use window the command was run in


Fields are:

layout (required)

The new layout name

match (default: None)

Which tab to change the layout of


Fields are:

kitten (required)

The name of the kitten to run

args (optional)

Arguments to pass to the kitten as a list

match (default: None)

The window to run the kitten over


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which tab to change the layout of

all (default: False)

Boolean to match all tabs

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response


Fields are:

args (required)

The command line to run in the new window, as a list, use an empty list to run the default shell

match (default: None)

The tab to open the new window in

window_title (default: None)

Title for the new window

cwd (default: None)

Working directory for the new window

env (default: [])

List of environment variables of the form NAME=VALUE

tab_title (default: None)

Title for the new tab

type (default: window)

The type of window to open

keep_focus (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether the current window should retain focus or not

copy_colors (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to copy the colors from the current window

copy_cmdline (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to copy the cmdline from the current window

copy_env (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to copy the environ from the current window

hold (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to keep window open after cmd exits

location (default: default)

Where in the tab to open the new window

allow_remote_control (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to allow remote control from the new window

remote_control_password (default: [])

A list of remote control passwords

stdin_source (default: none)

Where to get stdin for the process from

stdin_add_formatting (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to add formatting codes to stdin

stdin_add_line_wrap_markers (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to add line wrap markers to stdin

spacing (default: [])

A list of spacing specifications, see the docs for the set-spacing command

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to send back the window id

marker (default: None)

Specification for marker for new window, for example: “text 1 ERROR”

logo (default: None)

Path to window logo

logo_position (default: None)

Window logo position as string or empty string to use default

logo_alpha (default: -1.0)

Window logo alpha or -1 to use default

self (default: False)

Boolean, if True use tab the command was run in


Fields are:

all_env_vars (default: False)

Whether to send all environment variables for every window rather than just differing ones


Fields are:

args (required)

The command line to run in the new window, as a list, use an empty list to run the default shell

match (default: None)

The tab to open the new window in

title (default: None)

Title for the new window

cwd (default: None)

Working directory for the new window

keep_focus (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether the current window should retain focus or not

window_type (default: kitty)

One of kitty or os

new_tab (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to open a new tab

tab_title (default: None)

Title for the new tab

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to send back the window id


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to remove the marker from

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to detach the window the command is run in


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to resize

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to close the window the command is run in

incremental (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to adjust the size incrementally

action (default: resize)

One of resize, toggle-fullscreen or toggle-maximized

unit (default: cells)

One of cells or pixels

width (default: 0)

Integer indicating desired window width

height (default: 0)

Integer indicating desired window height


Fields are:

match (default: None)

Which window to resize

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to resize the window the command is run in

increment (default: 2)

Integer specifying the resize increment

axis (default: horizontal)

One of horizontal, vertical or reset


for unscrolling by lines.

Fields are:

amount (required)

The amount to scroll, a two item list with the first item being either a number or the keywords, start and end. And the second item being either ‘p’ for pages or ‘l’ for lines or ‘u’

match (default: None)

The window to scroll

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response


Fields are:

match (default: None)

The tab to open the new window in

self (default: False)

Boolean, if True use tab the command was run in

title (default: None)

A title for this selection

exclude_active (default: False)

Exclude the currently active window from the list to pick

reactivate_prev_tab (default: False)

Reactivate the previously activated tab when finished


Fields are:

data (required)

The data being sent. Can be either: text: followed by text or base64: followed by standard base64 encoded bytes

match (default: None)

A string indicating the window to send text to

match_tab (default: None)

A string indicating the tab to send text to

all (default: False)

A boolean indicating all windows should be matched.

exclude_active (default: False)

A boolean that prevents sending text to the active window

session_id (optional)

A string that identifies a “broadcast session”


Fields are:

opacity (required)

A number between 0.1 and 1

match_window (optional)

Window to change opacity in

match_tab (default: None)

Tab to change opacity in

all (default: False)

Boolean indicating operate on all windows


Fields are:

colors (required)

An object mapping names to colors as 24-bit RGB integers or null for nullable colors

match_window (optional)

Window to change colors in

match_tab (default: None)

Tab to change colors in

all (default: False)

Boolean indicating change colors everywhere or not

configured (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to change the configured colors. Must be True if reset is True

reset (default: False)

Boolean indicating colors should be reset to startup values


Fields are:

layouts (required)

The list of layout names

match (default: None)

Which tab to change the layout of

configured (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to change the configured value


Fields are:

size (required)

The new font size in pts (a positive number)

all (default: False)

Boolean whether to change font size in the current window or all windows

increment_op (optional)

The string + or - to interpret size as an increment


Fields are:

settings (required)

An object mapping margins/paddings using canonical form {‘margin-top’: 50, ‘padding-left’: null} etc

match_window (optional)

Window to change paddings and margins in

match_tab (default: None)

Tab to change paddings and margins in

all (default: False)

Boolean indicating change paddings and margins everywhere or not

configured (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to change the configured paddings and margins. Must be True if reset is True


Fields are:

colors (required)

An object mapping names to colors as 24-bit RGB integers. A color value of null indicates it should be unset.

match (default: None)

Which tab to change the color of

self (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to use the tab of the window the command is run in


Fields are:

title (required)

The new title

match (default: None)

Which tab to change the title of


Fields are:

title (optional)

The new title

match (default: None)

Which windows to change the title in

temporary (default: False)

Boolean indicating if the change is temporary or permanent


Fields are:

signals (optional)

The signals, a list of names, such as SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGUSR1, etc.

match (default: None)

Which windows to send the signals to

no_response (default: False)

Boolean indicating whether to wait for a response