Class InternalFormat.Formatter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FloatFormatter, IntegerFormatter, TextFormatter
Enclosing class:

public static class InternalFormat.Formatter extends Object implements Appendable
A class that provides the base for implementations of type-specific formatting. In a limited way, it acts like a StringBuilder to which text and one or more numbers may be appended, formatted according to the format specifier supplied at construction. These are ephemeral objects that are not, on their own, thread safe.
  • Constructor Details

    • Formatter

      public Formatter(StringBuilder result, InternalFormat.Spec spec)
      Construct the formatter from a client-supplied buffer and a specification. Sets mark and start to the end of the buffer. The new formatted object will therefore be appended there and, when the time comes, padding will be applied to (just) the new text.
      result - destination buffer
      spec - parsed conversion specification
    • Formatter

      public Formatter(InternalFormat.Spec spec, int width)
      Construct the formatter from a specification and initial buffer capacity. Sets mark to the end of the buffer.
      spec - parsed conversion specification
      width - of buffer initially
  • Method Details

    • setBytes

      public void setBytes(boolean bytes)
      Signals the client's intention to make a PyString (or other byte-like) interpretation of result, rather than a PyUnicode one. Only formatters that could produce characters >255 are affected by this (e.g. c-format). Idiom:
       MyFormatter f = new MyFormatter( InternalFormatter.fromText(formatSpec) );
       f.setBytes(!(formatSpec instanceof PyUnicode));
       // ... formatting work
       return f.getPyResult();
      bytes - true to signal the intention to make a byte-like interpretation
    • isBytes

      public boolean isBytes()
      Whether initialised for a byte-like interpretation.
      bytes attribute
    • getResult

      public String getResult()
      Current (possibly final) result of the formatting, as a String.
      formatted result
    • getPyResult

      public PyString getPyResult()
      Convenience method to return the current result of the formatting, as a PyObject, either PyString or PyUnicode according to bytes.
      formatted result
    • append

      public InternalFormat.Formatter append(char c)
      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
    • append

      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
    • append

      public InternalFormat.Formatter append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
    • setStart

      public void setStart()
      Clear the instance variables describing the latest object in result, ready to receive a new one: sets start and calls reset(). This is necessary when a Formatter is to be re-used. Note that this leaves mark where it is. In the core, we need this to support complex: two floats in the same format, but padded as a unit.
    • toString

      public String toString()

      Overridden to provide a debugging view in which the actual text is shown divided up by the len* member variables. If the dividers don't look right, those variables have not remained consistent with the text.

      toString in class Object
    • pad

      Pad the result so far (defined as the contents of result from mark to the end) using the alignment, target width and fill character defined in spec. The action of padding will increase the length of this segment to the target width, if that is greater than the current length.

      When the padding method has decided that that it needs to add n padding characters, it will affect start or lenWhole as follows.

      Effect of padding on start or lenWhole
      align meaning start lenWhole result.length()
      < left-aligned +0 +0 +n
      > right-aligned +n +0 +n
      ^ centred +(n/2) +0 +n
      = pad after sign +0 +n +n
      Note that in the "pad after sign" mode, only the last number into the buffer receives the padding. This padding gets incorporated into the whole part of the number. (In other modes, the padding is around result[mark:].) When this would not be appropriate, it is up to the client to disallow this (which complex does).
      this Formatter object
    • unknownFormat

      public static PyException unknownFormat(char code, String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting:

      "Unknown format code '"+code+"' for object of type '"+forType+"'"

      code - the presentation type
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      exception to throw
    • alternateFormNotAllowed

      public static PyException alternateFormNotAllowed(String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that alternate form is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type.
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      exception to throw
    • alternateFormNotAllowed

      public static PyException alternateFormNotAllowed(String forType, char code)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that alternate form is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type and specified typoe code.
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      code - the formatting code (or '\0' not to mention one)
      exception to throw
    • alignmentNotAllowed

      public static PyException alignmentNotAllowed(char align, String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that the given alignment flag is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type.
      align - type of alignment
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      exception to throw
    • signNotAllowed

      public static PyException signNotAllowed(String forType, char code)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that specifying a sign is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type.
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      code - the formatting code (or '\0' not to mention one)
      exception to throw
    • precisionNotAllowed

      public static PyException precisionNotAllowed(String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that specifying a precision is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type.
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      exception to throw
    • zeroPaddingNotAllowed

      public static PyException zeroPaddingNotAllowed(String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that zero padding is not allowed in a format specifier for the named type.
      forType - the type it was found applied to
      exception to throw
    • notAllowed

      public static PyException notAllowed(String outrage, String forType)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that some format specifier feature is not allowed for the named data type.
      outrage - committed in the present case
      forType - the data type (e.g. "integer") it where it is an outrage
      exception to throw
    • notAllowed

      public static PyException notAllowed(String outrage, String forType, char code)
      Convenience method returning a Py.ValueError reporting that some format specifier feature is not allowed for the named format code and data type. Produces a message like:

      outrage+" not allowed with "+forType+" format specifier '"+code+"'"

      outrage+" not allowed in "+forType+" format specifier"

      outrage - committed in the present case
      forType - the data type (e.g. "integer") it where it is an outrage
      code - the formatting code for which it is an outrage (or '\0' not to mention one)
      exception to throw
    • precisionTooLarge

      public static PyException precisionTooLarge(String type)
      Convenience method returning a Py.OverflowError reporting:

      "formatted "+type+" is too long (precision too large?)"

      type - of formatting ("integer", "float")
      exception to throw