ICU 72.1 72.1
Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
unumberformatter.h File Reference

C API: Localized number formatting; not recommended for C++. More...

#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
#include "unicode/ufieldpositer.h"
#include "unicode/umisc.h"
#include "unicode/uformattedvalue.h"

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namespace  icu
 File coll.h.


typedef enum UNumberRoundingPriority UNumberRoundingPriority
 An enum declaring how to resolve conflicts between maximum fraction digits and maximum significant digits. More...
typedef enum UNumberUnitWidth UNumberUnitWidth
 An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies. More...
typedef enum UNumberGroupingStrategy UNumberGroupingStrategy
 An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten). More...
typedef enum UNumberSignDisplay UNumberSignDisplay
 An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers. More...
typedef enum UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay
 An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator. More...
typedef enum UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay
 An enum declaring how to render trailing zeros. More...
typedef struct UNumberFormatter UNumberFormatter
 C-compatible version of icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter. More...
typedef struct UFormattedNumber UFormattedNumber
 C-compatible version of icu::number::FormattedNumber. More...


 An enum declaring how to resolve conflicts between maximum fraction digits and maximum significant digits. More...
enum  UNumberUnitWidth {
 An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies. More...
enum  UNumberGroupingStrategy {
 An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten). More...
enum  UNumberSignDisplay {
 An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers. More...
 An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator. More...
 An enum declaring how to render trailing zeros. More...


U_CAPI UNumberFormatterunumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale (const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char *locale, UErrorCode *ec)
 Creates a new UNumberFormatter for the given skeleton string and locale. More...
U_CAPI UNumberFormatterunumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError (const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char *locale, UParseError *perror, UErrorCode *ec)
 Like unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale, but accepts a UParseError, which will be populated with the location of a skeleton syntax error if such a syntax error exists. More...
U_CAPI UFormattedNumberunumf_openResult (UErrorCode *ec)
 Creates an object to hold the result of a UNumberFormatter operation. More...
U_CAPI void unumf_formatInt (const UNumberFormatter *uformatter, int64_t value, UFormattedNumber *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
 Uses a UNumberFormatter to format an integer to a UFormattedNumber. More...
U_CAPI void unumf_formatDouble (const UNumberFormatter *uformatter, double value, UFormattedNumber *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
 Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a double to a UFormattedNumber. More...
U_CAPI void unumf_formatDecimal (const UNumberFormatter *uformatter, const char *value, int32_t valueLen, UFormattedNumber *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
 Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a decimal number to a UFormattedNumber. More...
U_CAPI const UFormattedValueunumf_resultAsValue (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
 Returns a representation of a UFormattedNumber as a UFormattedValue, which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type. More...
U_CAPI int32_t unumf_resultToString (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, UChar *buffer, int32_t bufferCapacity, UErrorCode *ec)
 Extracts the result number string out of a UFormattedNumber to a UChar buffer if possible. More...
U_CAPI UBool unumf_resultNextFieldPosition (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, UFieldPosition *ufpos, UErrorCode *ec)
 Determines the start and end indices of the next occurrence of the given field in the output string. More...
U_CAPI void unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, UFieldPositionIterator *ufpositer, UErrorCode *ec)
 Populates the given iterator with all fields in the formatted output string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t unumf_resultToDecimalNumber (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *ec)
 Extracts the formatted number as a "numeric string" conforming to the syntax defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at More...
U_CAPI void unumf_close (UNumberFormatter *uformatter)
 Releases the UNumberFormatter created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(). More...
U_CAPI void unumf_closeResult (UFormattedNumber *uresult)
 Releases the UFormattedNumber created by unumf_openResult(). More...

Detailed Description

C API: Localized number formatting; not recommended for C++.

This is the C-compatible version of the NumberFormatter API introduced in ICU 60. C++ users should include unicode/numberformatter.h and use the proper C++ APIs.

The C API accepts a number skeleton string for specifying the settings for formatting, which covers a very large subset of all possible number formatting features. For more information on number skeleton strings, see unicode/numberformatter.h.

When using UNumberFormatter, which is treated as immutable, the results are exported to a mutable UFormattedNumber object, which you subsequently use for populating your string buffer or iterating over the fields.

Example code:

// Setup:
UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UNumberFormatter* uformatter = unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"precision-integer", -1, "en", &ec);
UFormattedNumber* uresult = unumf_openResult(&ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }

// Format a double:
unumf_formatDouble(uformatter, 5142.3, uresult, &ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }

// Export the string to a malloc'd buffer:
int32_t len = unumf_resultToString(uresult, NULL, 0, &ec);
// at this point, ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
UChar* buffer = (UChar*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(UChar));
unumf_resultToString(uresult, buffer, len+1, &ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
// buffer should equal "5,142"

// Cleanup:

If you are a C++ user linking against the C libraries, you can use the LocalPointer versions of these APIs. The following example uses LocalPointer with the decimal number and field position APIs:

// Setup:
LocalUNumberFormatterPointer uformatter(unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"percent", -1, "en", &ec));
LocalUFormattedNumberPointer uresult(unumf_openResult(&ec));
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }

// Format a decimal number:
unumf_formatDecimal(uformatter.getAlias(), "9.87E-3", -1, uresult.getAlias(), &ec);
if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }

// Get the location of the percent sign:
UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_PERCENT_FIELD, 0, 0};
unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult.getAlias(), &ufpos, &ec);
// ufpos should contain beginIndex=7 and endIndex=8 since the string is "0.00987%"

// No need to do any cleanup since we are using LocalPointer.

Definition in file unumberformatter.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ UFormattedNumber

C-compatible version of icu::number::FormattedNumber.

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

ICU 62

Definition at line 539 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay

An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator.

ICU 60

◆ UNumberFormatter

C-compatible version of icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter.

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

ICU 62

Definition at line 529 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberGroupingStrategy

An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten).

The choices are several pre-built strategies for different use cases that employ locale data whenever possible. Example outputs for 1234 and 1234567 in en-IN:

  • OFF: 1234 and 12345
  • MIN2: 1234 and 12,34,567
  • AUTO: 1,234 and 12,34,567
  • ON_ALIGNED: 1,234 and 12,34,567
  • THOUSANDS: 1,234 and 1,234,567

The default is AUTO, which displays grouping separators unless the locale data says that grouping is not customary. To force grouping for all numbers greater than 1000 consistently across locales, use ON_ALIGNED. On the other hand, to display grouping less frequently than the default, use MIN2 or OFF. See the docs of each option for details.

Note: This enum specifies the strategy for grouping sizes. To set which character to use as the grouping separator, use the "symbols" setter.

ICU 63

◆ UNumberRoundingPriority

An enum declaring how to resolve conflicts between maximum fraction digits and maximum significant digits.

There are two modes, RELAXED and STRICT:

  • RELAXED: Relax one of the two constraints (fraction digits or significant digits) in order to round the number to a higher level of precision.
  • STRICT: Enforce both constraints, resulting in the number being rounded to a lower level of precision.

The default settings for compact notation rounding are Max-Fraction = 0 (round to the nearest integer), Max-Significant = 2 (round to 2 significant digits), and priority RELAXED (choose the constraint that results in more digits being displayed).

Conflicting minimum fraction and significant digits are always resolved in the direction that results in more trailing zeros.

Example 1: Consider the number 3.141, with various different settings:

  • Max-Fraction = 1: "3.1"
  • Max-Significant = 3: "3.14"

The rounding priority determines how to resolve the conflict when both Max-Fraction and Max-Significant are set. With RELAXED, the less-strict setting (the one that causes more digits to be displayed) will be used; Max-Significant wins. With STRICT, the more-strict setting (the one that causes fewer digits to be displayed) will be used; Max-Fraction wins.

Example 2: Consider the number 8317, with various different settings:

  • Max-Fraction = 1: "8317"
  • Max-Significant = 3: "8320"

Here, RELAXED favors Max-Fraction and STRICT favors Max-Significant. Note that this larger number caused the two modes to favor the opposite result.

ICU 69

◆ UNumberSignDisplay

An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers.

Example outputs when formatting 123, 0, and -123 in en-US:

  • AUTO: "123", "0", and "-123"
  • ALWAYS: "+123", "+0", and "-123"
  • NEVER: "123", "0", and "123"
  • ACCOUNTING: "$123", "$0", and "($123)"
  • ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS: "+$123", "+$0", and "($123)"
  • EXCEPT_ZERO: "+123", "0", and "-123"
  • ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO: "+$123", "$0", and "($123)"

The exact format, including the position and the code point of the sign, differ by locale.

ICU 60

◆ UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay

An enum declaring how to render trailing zeros.

  • UNUM_TRAILING_ZERO_AUTO: 0.90, 1.00, 1.10

    ICU 69

◆ UNumberUnitWidth

An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies.

Example outputs when formatting 123 USD and 123 meters in en-CA:

  • NARROW*: "$123.00" and "123 m"
  • SHORT: "US$ 123.00" and "123 m"
  • FULL_NAME: "123.00 US dollars" and "123 meters"
  • ISO_CODE: "USD 123.00" and undefined behavior
  • HIDDEN: "123.00" and "123"

This enum is similar to UMeasureFormatWidth.

ICU 60

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay

An enum declaring how to render the decimal separator.

ICU 60

Show the decimal separator when there are one or more digits to display after the separator, and do not show it otherwise.

This is the default behavior.

ICU 60

Always show the decimal separator, even if there are no digits to display after the separator.

ICU 60

One more than the highest UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay value.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.

Definition at line 471 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberGroupingStrategy

An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i.e., the separator, often a comma or period, after every 2-3 powers of ten).

The choices are several pre-built strategies for different use cases that employ locale data whenever possible. Example outputs for 1234 and 1234567 in en-IN:

  • OFF: 1234 and 12345
  • MIN2: 1234 and 12,34,567
  • AUTO: 1,234 and 12,34,567
  • ON_ALIGNED: 1,234 and 12,34,567
  • THOUSANDS: 1,234 and 1,234,567

The default is AUTO, which displays grouping separators unless the locale data says that grouping is not customary. To force grouping for all numbers greater than 1000 consistently across locales, use ON_ALIGNED. On the other hand, to display grouping less frequently than the default, use MIN2 or OFF. See the docs of each option for details.

Note: This enum specifies the strategy for grouping sizes. To set which character to use as the grouping separator, use the "symbols" setter.

ICU 63

Do not display grouping separators in any locale.

ICU 61

Display grouping using locale defaults, except do not show grouping on values smaller than 10000 (such that there is a minimum of two digits before the first separator).

Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).

Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2 (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).

ICU 61

Display grouping using the default strategy for all locales.

This is the default behavior.

Note that locales may restrict grouping separators to be displayed only on 1 million or greater (for example, ee and hu) or disable grouping altogether (for example, bg currency).

Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2 (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).

ICU 61

Always display the grouping separator on values of at least 1000.

This option ignores the locale data that restricts or disables grouping, described in MIN2 and AUTO. This option may be useful to normalize the alignment of numbers, such as in a spreadsheet.

Locale data is used to determine whether to separate larger numbers into groups of 2 (customary in South Asia) or groups of 3 (customary in Europe and the Americas).

ICU 61

Use the Western defaults: groups of 3 and enabled for all numbers 1000 or greater.

Do not use locale data for determining the grouping strategy.

ICU 61

One more than the highest UNumberGroupingStrategy value.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 62: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.

Definition at line 272 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberRoundingPriority

An enum declaring how to resolve conflicts between maximum fraction digits and maximum significant digits.

There are two modes, RELAXED and STRICT:

  • RELAXED: Relax one of the two constraints (fraction digits or significant digits) in order to round the number to a higher level of precision.
  • STRICT: Enforce both constraints, resulting in the number being rounded to a lower level of precision.

The default settings for compact notation rounding are Max-Fraction = 0 (round to the nearest integer), Max-Significant = 2 (round to 2 significant digits), and priority RELAXED (choose the constraint that results in more digits being displayed).

Conflicting minimum fraction and significant digits are always resolved in the direction that results in more trailing zeros.

Example 1: Consider the number 3.141, with various different settings:

  • Max-Fraction = 1: "3.1"
  • Max-Significant = 3: "3.14"

The rounding priority determines how to resolve the conflict when both Max-Fraction and Max-Significant are set. With RELAXED, the less-strict setting (the one that causes more digits to be displayed) will be used; Max-Significant wins. With STRICT, the more-strict setting (the one that causes fewer digits to be displayed) will be used; Max-Fraction wins.

Example 2: Consider the number 8317, with various different settings:

  • Max-Fraction = 1: "8317"
  • Max-Significant = 3: "8320"

Here, RELAXED favors Max-Fraction and STRICT favors Max-Significant. Note that this larger number caused the two modes to favor the opposite result.

ICU 69

Favor greater precision by relaxing one of the rounding constraints.

ICU 69

Favor adherence to all rounding constraints by producing lower precision.

ICU 69

Definition at line 119 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberSignDisplay

An enum declaring how to denote positive and negative numbers.

Example outputs when formatting 123, 0, and -123 in en-US:

  • AUTO: "123", "0", and "-123"
  • ALWAYS: "+123", "+0", and "-123"
  • NEVER: "123", "0", and "123"
  • ACCOUNTING: "$123", "$0", and "($123)"
  • ACCOUNTING_ALWAYS: "+$123", "+$0", and "($123)"
  • EXCEPT_ZERO: "+123", "0", and "-123"
  • ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO: "+$123", "$0", and "($123)"

The exact format, including the position and the code point of the sign, differ by locale.

ICU 60

Show the minus sign on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers.

This is the default behavior.

If using this option, a sign will be displayed on negative zero, including negative numbers that round to zero. To hide the sign on negative zero, use the NEGATIVE option.

ICU 60

Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers, including zero.

To hide the sign on zero, see UNUM_SIGN_EXCEPT_ZERO.

ICU 60

Do not show the sign on positive or negative numbers.

ICU 60

Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and do not show the sign on positive numbers.

The accounting format is defined in CLDR and varies by locale; in many Western locales, the format is a pair of parentheses around the number.

Note: Since CLDR defines the accounting format in the monetary context only, this option falls back to the AUTO sign display strategy when formatting without a currency unit. This limitation may be lifted in the future.

ICU 60

Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on positive numbers, including zero.

For more information on the accounting format, see the ACCOUNTING sign display strategy. To hide the sign on zero, see UNUM_SIGN_ACCOUNTING_EXCEPT_ZERO.

ICU 60

Show the minus sign on negative numbers and the plus sign on positive numbers.

Do not show a sign on zero, numbers that round to zero, or NaN.

ICU 61

Use the locale-dependent accounting format on negative numbers, and show the plus sign on positive numbers.

Do not show a sign on zero, numbers that round to zero, or NaN. For more information on the accounting format, see the ACCOUNTING sign display strategy.

ICU 61

Same as AUTO, but do not show the sign on negative zero.

ICU 69

Same as ACCOUNTING, but do not show the sign on negative zero.

ICU 69

One more than the highest UNumberSignDisplay value.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.

Definition at line 366 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay

An enum declaring how to render trailing zeros.

  • UNUM_TRAILING_ZERO_AUTO: 0.90, 1.00, 1.10

    ICU 69

Display trailing zeros according to the settings for minimum fraction and significant digits.

ICU 69

Same as AUTO, but hide trailing zeros after the decimal separator if they are all zero.

ICU 69

Definition at line 505 of file unumberformatter.h.

◆ UNumberUnitWidth

An enum declaring how to render units, including currencies.

Example outputs when formatting 123 USD and 123 meters in en-CA:

  • NARROW*: "$123.00" and "123 m"
  • SHORT: "US$ 123.00" and "123 m"
  • FULL_NAME: "123.00 US dollars" and "123 meters"
  • ISO_CODE: "USD 123.00" and undefined behavior
  • HIDDEN: "123.00" and "123"

This enum is similar to UMeasureFormatWidth.

ICU 60

Print an abbreviated version of the unit name.

Similar to SHORT, but always use the shortest available abbreviation or symbol. This option can be used when the context hints at the identity of the unit. For more information on the difference between NARROW and SHORT, see SHORT.

In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Narrow" format for measure units and the "¤¤¤¤¤" placeholder for currencies.

ICU 60

Print an abbreviated version of the unit name.

Similar to NARROW, but use a slightly wider abbreviation or symbol when there may be ambiguity. This is the default behavior.

For example, in es-US, the SHORT form for Fahrenheit is "{0} °F", but the NARROW form is "{0}°", since Fahrenheit is the customary unit for temperature in that locale.

In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "Short" format for measure units and the "¤" placeholder for currencies.

ICU 60

Print the full name of the unit, without any abbreviations.

In CLDR, this option corresponds to the default format for measure units and the "¤¤¤" placeholder for currencies.

ICU 60

Use the three-digit ISO XXX code in place of the symbol for displaying currencies.

The behavior of this option is currently undefined for use with measure units.

In CLDR, this option corresponds to the "¤¤" placeholder for currencies.

ICU 60

Use the formal variant of the currency symbol; for example, "NT$" for the New Taiwan dollar in zh-TW.

Behavior of this option with non-currency units is not defined at this time.

ICU 68

Use the alternate variant of the currency symbol; for example, "TL" for the Turkish lira (TRY).

Behavior of this option with non-currency units is not defined at this time.

ICU 68

Format the number according to the specified unit, but do not display the unit.

For currencies, apply monetary symbols and formats as with SHORT, but omit the currency symbol. For measure units, the behavior is equivalent to not specifying the unit at all.

ICU 60

One more than the highest UNumberUnitWidth value.

Do not use. This API is for internal use only. ICU 60: The numeric value may change over time; see ICU ticket #12420.

Definition at line 153 of file unumberformatter.h.

Function Documentation

◆ unumf_close()

U_CAPI void unumf_close ( UNumberFormatter uformatter)

Releases the UNumberFormatter created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().

uformatterAn object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale().
ICU 62

◆ unumf_closeResult()

U_CAPI void unumf_closeResult ( UFormattedNumber uresult)

Releases the UFormattedNumber created by unumf_openResult().

uresultAn object created by unumf_openResult().
ICU 62

◆ unumf_formatDecimal()

U_CAPI void unumf_formatDecimal ( const UNumberFormatter uformatter,
const char *  value,
int32_t  valueLen,
UFormattedNumber uresult,
UErrorCode ec 

Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a decimal number to a UFormattedNumber.

A string, field position, and other information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.

The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.

The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string" as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

uformatterA formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
valueThe numeric string to be formatted.
valueLenThe length of the numeric string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
uresultThe object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_formatDouble()

U_CAPI void unumf_formatDouble ( const UNumberFormatter uformatter,
double  value,
UFormattedNumber uresult,
UErrorCode ec 

Uses a UNumberFormatter to format a double to a UFormattedNumber.

A string, field position, and other information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.

The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

uformatterA formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
valueThe number to be formatted.
uresultThe object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_formatInt()

U_CAPI void unumf_formatInt ( const UNumberFormatter uformatter,
int64_t  value,
UFormattedNumber uresult,
UErrorCode ec 

Uses a UNumberFormatter to format an integer to a UFormattedNumber.

A string, field position, and other information can be retrieved from the UFormattedNumber.

The UNumberFormatter can be shared between threads. Each thread should have its own local UFormattedNumber, however, for storing the result of the formatting operation.

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

uformatterA formatter object created by unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale or similar.
valueThe number to be formatted.
uresultThe object that will be mutated to store the result; see unumf_openResult.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale()

U_CAPI UNumberFormatter * unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale ( const UChar skeleton,
int32_t  skeletonLen,
const char *  locale,
UErrorCode ec 

Creates a new UNumberFormatter for the given skeleton string and locale.

This is currently the only method for creating a new UNumberFormatter.

Objects of type UNumberFormatter returned by this method are threadsafe.

For more details on skeleton strings, see the documentation in numberformatter.h. For more details on the usage of this API, see the documentation at the top of unumberformatter.h.

For more information on number skeleton strings, see:

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

skeletonThe skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
skeletonLenThe number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
localeThe NUL-terminated locale ID.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError()

U_CAPI UNumberFormatter * unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError ( const UChar skeleton,
int32_t  skeletonLen,
const char *  locale,
UParseError perror,
UErrorCode ec 

Like unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale, but accepts a UParseError, which will be populated with the location of a skeleton syntax error if such a syntax error exists.

For more information on number skeleton strings, see:

skeletonThe skeleton string, like u"percent precision-integer"
skeletonLenThe number of UChars in the skeleton string, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated.
localeThe NUL-terminated locale ID.
perrorA parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing. Can be NULL. If no error occurs, perror->offset will be set to -1.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 64

◆ unumf_openResult()

U_CAPI UFormattedNumber * unumf_openResult ( UErrorCode ec)

Creates an object to hold the result of a UNumberFormatter operation.

The object can be used repeatedly; it is cleared whenever passed to a format function.

ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_resultAsValue()

U_CAPI const UFormattedValue * unumf_resultAsValue ( const UFormattedNumber uresult,
UErrorCode ec 

Returns a representation of a UFormattedNumber as a UFormattedValue, which can be subsequently passed to any API requiring that type.

The returned object is owned by the UFormattedNumber and is valid only as long as the UFormattedNumber is present and unchanged in memory.

You can think of this method as a cast between types.

uresultThe object containing the formatted string.
ecSet if an error occurs.
A UFormattedValue owned by the input object.
ICU 64

◆ unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions()

U_CAPI void unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions ( const UFormattedNumber uresult,
UFieldPositionIterator ufpositer,
UErrorCode ec 

Populates the given iterator with all fields in the formatted output string.

This allows you to determine the locations of the integer part, fraction part, and sign.

This is an alternative to the more powerful ufmtval_nextPosition API.

If you need information on only one field, use ufmtval_nextPosition or unumf_resultNextFieldPosition.

uresultThe object containing the formatted number.
ufpositerA pointer to a UFieldPositionIterator created by ufieldpositer_open. Iteration information already present in the UFieldPositionIterator is deleted, and the iterator is reset to apply to the fields in the formatted string created by this function call. The field values and indexes returned by ufieldpositer_next represent fields denoted by the UNumberFormatFields enum. Fields are not returned in a guaranteed order. Fields cannot overlap, but they may nest. For example, 1234 could format as "1,234" which might consist of a grouping separator field for ',' and an integer field encompassing the entire string.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_resultNextFieldPosition()

U_CAPI UBool unumf_resultNextFieldPosition ( const UFormattedNumber uresult,
UFieldPosition ufpos,
UErrorCode ec 

Determines the start and end indices of the next occurrence of the given field in the output string.

This allows you to determine the locations of, for example, the integer part, fraction part, or symbols.

This is a simpler but less powerful alternative to ufmtval_nextPosition.

If a field occurs just once, calling this method will find that occurrence and return it. If a field occurs multiple times, this method may be called repeatedly with the following pattern:

UFieldPosition ufpos = {UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_FIELD, 0, 0};
while (unumf_resultNextFieldPosition(uresult, ufpos, &ec)) {
  // do something with ufpos.

This method is useful if you know which field to query. If you want all available field position information, use unumf_resultGetAllFieldPositions().

NOTE: All fields of the UFieldPosition must be initialized before calling this method.

uresultThe object containing the formatted number.
ufposInput+output variable. On input, the "field" property determines which field to look up, and the "endIndex" property determines where to begin the search. On output, the "beginIndex" field is set to the beginning of the first occurrence of the field after the input "endIndex", and "endIndex" is set to the end of that occurrence of the field (exclusive index). If a field position is not found, the FieldPosition is not changed and the method returns false.
ecSet if an error occurs.
ICU 62

◆ unumf_resultToDecimalNumber()

U_CAPI int32_t unumf_resultToDecimalNumber ( const UFormattedNumber uresult,
char *  dest,
int32_t  destCapacity,
UErrorCode ec 

Extracts the formatted number as a "numeric string" conforming to the syntax defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at

This endpoint is useful for obtaining the exact number being printed after scaling and rounding have been applied by the number formatter.

uresultThe input object containing the formatted number.
destthe 8-bit char buffer into which the decimal number is placed
destCapacityThe size, in chars, of the destination buffer. May be zero for precomputing the required size.
ecreceives any error status. If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of chars for preflighting.
Number of chars in the data. Does not include a trailing NUL.
ICU 68

◆ unumf_resultToString()

U_CAPI int32_t unumf_resultToString ( const UFormattedNumber uresult,
UChar buffer,
int32_t  bufferCapacity,
UErrorCode ec 

Extracts the result number string out of a UFormattedNumber to a UChar buffer if possible.

If bufferCapacity is greater than the required length, a terminating NUL is written. If bufferCapacity is less than the required length, an error code is set.

Also see ufmtval_getString, which returns a NUL-terminated string:

int32_t len;
const UChar* str = ufmtval_getString(unumf_resultAsValue(uresult, &ec), &len, &ec);

NOTE: This is a C-compatible API; C++ users should build against numberformatter.h instead.

uresultThe object containing the formatted number.
bufferWhere to save the string output.
bufferCapacityThe number of UChars available in the buffer.
ecSet if an error occurs.
The required length.
ICU 62