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23.4.2 Guile Commands

GDB provides two commands for accessing the Guile interpreter:


The guile-repl command can be used to start an interactive Guile prompt or repl. To return to GDB, type ,q or the EOF character (e.g., Ctrl-D on an empty prompt). These commands do not take any arguments.

guile [scheme-expression]
gu [scheme-expression]

The guile command can be used to evaluate a Scheme expression.

If given an argument, GDB will pass the argument to the Guile interpreter for evaluation.

(gdb) guile (display (+ 20 3)) (newline)

The result of the Scheme expression is displayed using normal Guile rules.

(gdb) guile (+ 20 3)

If you do not provide an argument to guile, it will act as a multi-line command, like define. In this case, the Guile script is made up of subsequent command lines, given after the guile command. This command list is terminated using a line containing end. For example:

(gdb) guile
>(display 23)

It is also possible to execute a Guile script from the GDB interpreter:

source script-name

The script name must end with ‘.scm’ and GDB must be configured to recognize the script language based on filename extension using the script-extension setting. See Extending GDB.

guile (load "script-name")

This method uses the load Guile function. It takes a string argument that is the name of the script to load. See the Guile documentation for a description of this function. (see Loading in GNU Guile Reference Manual).

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