Class XMLUtil

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class XMLUtil extends Object implements XMLConstants
A collection of utility method for XML handling.
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeAsBoolean

      public static boolean getAttributeAsBoolean(Attributes attributes, String name, boolean defaultValue)
      Returns an attribute value as a boolean value.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the default value if the attribute is not specified
      the attribute value as a boolean
    • getAttributeAsInt

      public static int getAttributeAsInt(Attributes attributes, String name, int defaultValue)
      Returns an attribute value as a int value.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the default value if the attribute is not specified
      the attribute value as an int
    • getAttributeAsInt

      public static int getAttributeAsInt(Attributes attributes, String name) throws SAXException
      Returns an attribute value as a int value.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value as an int
      SAXException - if the attribute is missing
    • getAttributeAsInteger

      public static Integer getAttributeAsInteger(Attributes attributes, String name)
      Returns an attribute value as a Integer value.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value as an Integer or null if the attribute is missing
    • getAttributeAsRectangle2D

      public static Rectangle2D getAttributeAsRectangle2D(Attributes attributes, String name)
      Returns an attribute value as a Rectangle2D value. The string value is expected as 4 double-precision numbers separated by whitespace.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value as an Rectangle2D
    • getAttributeAsRectangle

      public static Rectangle getAttributeAsRectangle(Attributes attributes, String name)
      Returns an attribute value as a Rectangle value. The string value is expected as 4 integer numbers separated by whitespace.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value as an Rectangle
    • getAttributeAsIntArray

      public static int[] getAttributeAsIntArray(Attributes attributes, String name)
      Returns an attribute value as a integer array. The string value is expected as 4 integer numbers separated by whitespace.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the attribute value as an int array
    • addAttribute

      public static void addAttribute(AttributesImpl atts, org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.QName attribute, String value)
      Adds an attribute to a given AttributesImpl instance.
      atts - the attributes collection
      attribute - the attribute to add
      value - the attribute's CDATA value
    • addAttribute

      public static void addAttribute(AttributesImpl atts, String localName, String value)
      Adds an attribute to a given AttributesImpl instance. The attribute will be added in the default namespace.
      atts - the attributes collection
      localName - the local name of the attribute
      value - the attribute's CDATA value
    • encodePositionAdjustments

      public static String encodePositionAdjustments(int[][] dp, int paCount)
      Encode a glyph position adjustments array as a string, where the string value adheres to the following syntax: count ( 'Z' repeat | number ) where each token is separated by whitespace, except that 'Z' followed by repeat are considered to be a single token with no intervening whitespace, and where 'Z' repeat encodes repeated zeroes.
      dp - the adjustments array
      paCount - the number of entries to encode from adjustments array
      the encoded value
    • encodePositionAdjustments

      public static String encodePositionAdjustments(int[][] dp)
      Encode a glyph position adjustments array as a string, where the string value adheres to the following syntax: count ( 'Z' repeat | number ) where each token is separated by whitespace, except that 'Z' followed by repeat are considered to be a single token with no intervening whitespace.
      dp - the adjustments array
      the encoded value
    • decodePositionAdjustments

      public static int[][] decodePositionAdjustments(String value)
      Decode a string as a glyph position adjustments array, where the string shall adhere to the syntax specified by encodePositionAdjustments(int[][], int).
      value - the encoded value
      the position adjustments array
    • getAttributeAsPositionAdjustments

      public static int[][] getAttributeAsPositionAdjustments(Attributes attributes, String name)
      Returns an attribute value as a glyph position adjustments array. The string value is expected to be a non-empty sequence of either Z<repeat> or <number>, where the former encodes a repeat count (of zeroes) and the latter encodes a integer number, and where each item is separated by whitespace.
      attributes - the Attributes object
      name - the name of the attribute
      the position adjustments array
    • escape

      public static String escape(String unescaped)
      Escape '<', '>' and '&' using NCRs.
      unescaped - string
      escaped string