Class AbstractImageHandlerGraphics2D

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageHandler, ImageHandlerBase
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractImageHandlerGraphics2D extends Object implements ImageHandler
Abstract base class for ImageHandler implementations that process Java2D images through the Graphics2DImagePainter interface.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractImageHandlerGraphics2D

      public AbstractImageHandlerGraphics2D()
  • Method Details

    • paintToBufferedImage

      protected BufferedImage paintToBufferedImage(org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.Graphics2DImagePainter painter, Dimension targetDimension, int resolution, boolean gray, boolean withAlpha)
      Paints the image to a BufferedImage and returns that.
      painter - the painter which will paint the actual image
      targetDimension - the target dimensions of the image to be converted to a bitmap
      resolution - the requested bitmap resolution
      gray - true if the generated image should be in grayscales
      withAlpha - true if an alpha channel should be created
      the generated BufferedImage
    • setRenderingHintsForBufferedImage

      protected void setRenderingHintsForBufferedImage(Graphics2D g2d)
      Sets rendering hints on the Graphics2D created for painting to a BufferedImage. Subclasses can modify the settings to customize the behavior.
      g2d - the Graphics2D instance