Class AbstractGraphics2DAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AFPGraphics2DAdapter, Java2DGraphics2DAdapter, PSGraphics2DAdapter

public abstract class AbstractGraphics2DAdapter extends Object implements Graphics2DAdapter
Abstract base class for Graphics2DAdapter implementations.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractGraphics2DAdapter

      public AbstractGraphics2DAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • paintToBufferedImage

      protected BufferedImage paintToBufferedImage(org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.Graphics2DImagePainter painter, RendererContext.RendererContextWrapper context, int resolution, boolean gray, boolean withAlpha)
      Paints the image to a BufferedImage and returns that.
      painter - the painter which will paint the actual image
      context - the renderer context for the current renderer
      resolution - the requested bitmap resolution
      gray - true if the generated image should be in grayscales
      withAlpha - true if an alpha channel should be created
      the generated BufferedImage
    • mpt2px

      protected int mpt2px(int unit, int resolution)
      Converts millipoints to pixels
      unit - the unit to convert in mpts
      resolution - the target resolution
      the converted unit in pixels
    • setRenderingHintsForBufferedImage

      protected void setRenderingHintsForBufferedImage(Graphics2D g2d)
      Sets rendering hints on the Graphics2D created for painting to a BufferedImage. Subclasses can modify the settings to customize the behaviour.
      g2d - the Graphics2D instance
    • paintImage

      public void paintImage(Graphics2DImagePainter painter, RendererContext context, int x, int y, int width, int height) throws IOException
      Paints an arbitrary images on a given Graphics2D instance. The renderer providing this functionality must set up a Graphics2D instance so that the image with the given extents (in mpt) can be painted by the painter passed to this method. The Graphics2DImagePainter is then passed this Graphics2D instance so the image can be painted.
      Specified by:
      paintImage in interface Graphics2DAdapter
      painter - the painter which will paint the actual image
      context - the renderer context for the current renderer
      x - X position of the image
      y - Y position of the image
      width - width of the image
      height - height of the image
      IOException - In case of an I/O error while writing the output format