Class AbstractGenericSVGHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
RendererContextConstants, XMLHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
AFPSVGHandler, Java2DSVGHandler, PCLSVGHandler, PDFSVGHandler, PSSVGHandler

public abstract class AbstractGenericSVGHandler extends Object implements XMLHandler, RendererContextConstants
Generic XML handler for SVG. Uses Apache Batik for SVG processing and simply paints to a Graphics2DAdapter and thus ultimatively to Graphics2D interface that is presented.

To use this class, subclass it and implement the missing methods (supportsRenderer, for example).

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractGenericSVGHandler

      public AbstractGenericSVGHandler()
  • Method Details

    • handleXML

      public void handleXML(RendererContext context, Document doc, String ns) throws Exception

      Handle an external xml document inside a Foreign Object Area.

      This may throw an exception if for some reason it cannot be handled. The caller is expected to deal with this exception.

      The implementation may convert the XML document internally to another XML dialect (SVG, for example) and call renderXML() on the AbstractRenderer again (which can be retrieved through the RendererContext).

      Specified by:
      handleXML in interface XMLHandler
      context - The RendererContext (contains the user agent)
      doc - A DOM containing the foreign object to be processed
      ns - The Namespace of the foreign object
      Exception - If an error occurs during processing.
    • createGraphics2DImagePainter

      protected org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.Graphics2DImagePainter createGraphics2DImagePainter(org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode root, org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext ctx, Dimension imageSize)
      Creates a graphics 2D image painter implementation
      root - the batik graphics node root
      ctx - the batik bridge context
      imageSize - the image size
      a new graphics 2D image painter implementation
    • buildGraphicsNode

      protected org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode buildGraphicsNode(FOUserAgent userAgent, org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext ctx, Document doc)
      Builds the GVT root.
      userAgent - the user agent
      ctx - the batik bridge context
      doc - the document
      a built GVT root tree
    • getImageSize

      protected Dimension getImageSize(RendererContext.RendererContextWrapper wrappedContext)
      Returns the image size
      wrappedContext - renderer context wrapper
      the image size
    • renderSVGDocument

      protected void renderSVGDocument(RendererContext rendererContext, Document doc) throws IOException
      Render the SVG document.
      rendererContext - the renderer context
      doc - the SVG document
      IOException - In case of an I/O error while painting the image
    • getDocumentURI

      protected String getDocumentURI(Document doc)
      Gets the document URI from a Document instance if possible.
      doc - the Document
      the URI or null
    • updateRendererContext

      protected void updateRendererContext(RendererContext context)
      Override this method to update the renderer context if it needs special settings for certain conditions.
      context - the renderer context
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
      Specified by:
      getNamespace in interface XMLHandler
      the XML namespace for the XML dialect this XMLHandler supports, null if all XML content is handled by this instance.