Class PDFFactory


public class PDFFactory extends Object
This class provides method to create and register PDF objects.
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_PDF_RESOLUTION
      Resolution of the User Space coordinate system (72dpi).
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PDFFactory

      public PDFFactory(PDFDocument document)
      Creates a new PDFFactory.
      document - the parent PDFDocument needed to register the generated objects
  • Method Details

    • getDocument

      public final PDFDocument getDocument()
      Returns the parent PDFDocument associated with this factory.
      PDFDocument the parent PDFDocument
    • makeRoot

      public PDFRoot makeRoot(PDFPages pages)
      Make a /Catalog (Root) object. This object is written in the trailer.
      pages - the pages pdf object that the root points to
      the new pdf root object for this document
    • makePages

      public PDFPages makePages()
      Make a /Pages object. This object is written in the trailer.
      a new PDF Pages object for adding pages to
    • makeResources

      public PDFResources makeResources()
      Make a /Resources object. This object is written in the trailer.
      a new PDF resources object
    • makeInfo

      protected PDFInfo makeInfo(String prod)
      make an /Info object
      prod - string indicating application producing the PDF
      the created /Info object
    • makeMetadata

      public PDFMetadata makeMetadata(org.apache.xmlgraphics.xmp.Metadata meta, boolean readOnly)
      Make a Metadata object.
      meta - the DOM Document containing the XMP metadata.
      readOnly - true if the metadata packet should be marked read-only
      the newly created Metadata object
    • makeOutputIntent

      public PDFOutputIntent makeOutputIntent()
      Make a OutputIntent dictionary.
      the newly created OutputIntent dictionary
    • makePage

      public PDFPage makePage(PDFResources resources, int pageIndex, Rectangle2D mediaBox, Rectangle2D cropBox, Rectangle2D bleedBox, Rectangle2D trimBox)
      Make a /Page object. The page is assigned an object number immediately so references can already be made. The page must be added to the PDFDocument later using addObject().
      resources - resources object to use
      pageIndex - index of the page (zero-based)
      mediaBox - the MediaBox area
      cropBox - the CropBox area
      bleedBox - the BleedBox area
      trimBox - the TrimBox area
      the created /Page object
    • makePage

      public PDFPage makePage(PDFResources resources, int pageWidth, int pageHeight, int pageIndex)
      Make a /Page object. The page is assigned an object number immediately so references can already be made. The page must be added to the PDFDocument later using addObject().
      resources - resources object to use
      pageWidth - width of the page in points
      pageHeight - height of the page in points
      pageIndex - index of the page (zero-based)
      the created /Page object
    • makePage

      public PDFPage makePage(PDFResources resources, int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
      Make a /Page object. The page is assigned an object number immediately so references can already be made. The page must be added to the PDFDocument later using addObject().
      resources - resources object to use
      pageWidth - width of the page in points
      pageHeight - height of the page in points
      the created /Page object
    • makeFunction

      public PDFFunction makeFunction(List domain, List range, float[] cZero, float[] cOne, double interpolationExponentN)
      make a type Exponential interpolation function (for shading usually)
      domain - List objects of Double objects. This is the domain of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
      range - List of Doubles that is the Range of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
      cZero - This is a vector of Double objects which defines the function result when x=0. This attribute is optional. It's described on page 268 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
      cOne - This is a vector of Double objects which defines the function result when x=1. This attribute is optional. It's described on page 268 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
      interpolationExponentN - This is the inerpolation exponent. This attribute is required. PDF Spec page 268
      the PDF function that was created
    • registerFunction

      public PDFFunction registerFunction(PDFFunction function)
      Registers a function against the document
      function - The function to register
    • registerShading

      public PDFShading registerShading(PDFResourceContext res, PDFShading shading)
      Registers a shading object against the document
      res - The PDF resource context
      shading - The shading object to be registered
    • makePattern

      public PDFPattern makePattern(PDFResourceContext res, int thePatternType, PDFResources theResources, int thePaintType, int theTilingType, List theBBox, double theXStep, double theYStep, List theMatrix, List theXUID, StringBuffer thePatternDataStream)
      Make a tiling pattern
      res - the PDF resource context to add the shading, may be null
      thePatternType - the type of pattern, which is 1 for tiling.
      theResources - the resources associated with this pattern
      thePaintType - 1 or 2, colored or uncolored.
      theTilingType - 1, 2, or 3, constant spacing, no distortion, or faster tiling
      theBBox - List of Doubles: The pattern cell bounding box
      theXStep - horizontal spacing
      theYStep - vertical spacing
      theMatrix - Optional List of Doubles transformation matrix
      theXUID - Optional vector of Integers that uniquely identify the pattern
      thePatternDataStream - The stream of pattern data to be tiled.
      the PDF pattern that was created
    • registerPattern

      public PDFPattern registerPattern(PDFResourceContext res, PDFPattern pattern)
    • getUniqueDestination

      protected PDFDestination getUniqueDestination(PDFDestination newdest)
      Registers and returns newdest if it is unique. Otherwise, returns the equal destination already present in the document.
      newdest - a new, as yet unregistered destination
      newdest if unique, else the already registered instance
    • makeDestination

      public PDFDestination makeDestination(String idRef, Object goToRef)
      Make a named destination.
      idRef - ID Reference for this destination (the name of the destination)
      goToRef - Object reference to the GoTo Action
      the newly created destrination
    • makeNames

      public PDFNames makeNames()
      Make a names dictionary (the /Names object).
      the new PDFNames object
    • makePageLabels

      public PDFPageLabels makePageLabels()
      Make a names dictionary (the /PageLabels object).
      the new PDFPageLabels object
    • makeDests

      public PDFDests makeDests(List destinationList)
      Make a the head object of the name dictionary (the /Dests object).
      destinationList - a list of PDFDestination instances
      the new PDFDests object
    • makeNameTreeNode

      public PDFNameTreeNode makeNameTreeNode()
      Make a name tree node.
      the new name tree node
    • makeLink

      public PDFLink makeLink(Rectangle2D rect, PDFAction pdfAction)
      Create a PDF link to an existing PDFAction object
      rect - the hotspot position in absolute coordinates
      pdfAction - the PDFAction that this link refers to
      the new PDFLink object, or null if either rect or pdfAction is null
    • makeLink

      public PDFLink makeLink(Rectangle2D rect, String page, String dest)
      Make an internal link.
      rect - the hotspot position in absolute coordinates
      page - the target page reference value
      dest - the position destination
      the new PDF link object
    • makeLink

      public PDFLink makeLink(Rectangle2D rect, String dest, boolean isNamedDestination)
      Make an internal link.
      rect - the hotspot position in absolute coordinates
      dest - the position destination
      isNamedDestination - set to true if dest param is a named destination
      the new PDF link object
    • makeLink

      public PDFLink makeLink(Rectangle2D rect, String destination, int linkType, float yoffset)
      Make a PDFLink object
      rect - the clickable rectangle
      destination - the destination file
      linkType - the link type
      yoffset - the yoffset on the page for an internal link
      the PDFLink object created
    • getExternalAction

      public PDFAction getExternalAction(String target, boolean newWindow)
      Create/find and return the appropriate external PDFAction according to the target
      target - The external target. This may be a PDF file name (optionally with internal page number or destination) or any type of URI.
      newWindow - boolean indicating whether the target should be displayed in a new window
      the PDFAction thus created or found
    • getGoToReference

      public String getGoToReference(String pdfPageRef, float yoffset)
      Create or find a PDF GoTo with the given page reference string and Y offset, and return its PDF object reference
      pdfPageRef - the PDF page reference, e.g. "23 0 R"
      yoffset - the distance from the bottom of the page in points
      the GoTo's object reference
    • getPDFGoTo

      public PDFGoTo getPDFGoTo(String pdfPageRef, Point2D position)
      Finds and returns a PDFGoTo to the given page and position. Creates the PDFGoTo if not found.
      pdfPageRef - the PDF page reference
      position - the (X,Y) position in points
      the new or existing PDFGoTo object
    • makeOutline

      public PDFOutline makeOutline(PDFOutline parent, String label, PDFReference actionRef, boolean showSubItems)
      Make an outline object and add it to the given parent
      parent - the parent PDFOutline object (may be null)
      label - the title for the new outline object
      actionRef - the action reference string to be placed after the /A
      showSubItems - whether to initially display child outline items
      the new PDF outline object
    • makeOutline

      public PDFOutline makeOutline(PDFOutline parent, String label, PDFAction pdfAction, boolean showSubItems)
      Make an outline object and add it to the given parent
      parent - the parent PDFOutline object (may be null)
      label - the title for the new outline object
      pdfAction - the action that this outline item points to - must not be null!
      showSubItems - whether to initially display child outline items
      the new PDFOutline object, or null if pdfAction is null
    • makeOutline

      public PDFOutline makeOutline(PDFOutline parent, String label, String destination, float yoffset, boolean showSubItems)
      Make an outline object and add it to the given outline
      parent - parent PDFOutline object which may be null
      label - the title for the new outline object
      destination - the reference string for the action to go to
      yoffset - the yoffset on the destination page
      showSubItems - whether to initially display child outline items
      the new PDF outline object
    • makeEncoding

      public PDFEncoding makeEncoding(String encodingName)
      make a /Encoding object
      encodingName - character encoding scheme name
      the created /Encoding object
    • makeFont

      public PDFFont makeFont(String fontname, String basefont, String encoding, FontMetrics metrics, FontDescriptor descriptor)
      Make a Type1 /Font object.
      fontname - internal name to use for this font (eg "F1")
      basefont - name of the base font (eg "Helvetica")
      encoding - character encoding scheme used by the font
      metrics - additional information about the font
      descriptor - additional information about the font
      the created /Font object
    • createPDFEncoding

      public Object createPDFEncoding(SingleByteEncoding encoding, String fontName)
      Creates a PDFEncoding instance from a CodePointMapping instance.
      encoding - the code point mapping (encoding)
      fontName - ...
      the PDF Encoding dictionary (or a String with the predefined encoding)
    • makeFontFile

      public AbstractPDFStream makeFontFile(FontDescriptor desc, String fontPrefix)
      Embeds a font.
      desc - FontDescriptor of the font.
      PDFStream The embedded font file
    • makeStream

      public PDFStream makeStream(String type, boolean add)
      Make a stream object
      type - the type of stream to be created
      add - if true then the stream will be added immediately
      the stream object created
    • makePDFICCStream

      public PDFICCStream makePDFICCStream()
      Create a PDFICCStream
      the new PDF ICC stream object
      See Also:
    • makeICCBasedColorSpace

      public PDFICCBasedColorSpace makeICCBasedColorSpace(PDFResourceContext res, String explicitName, PDFICCStream iccStream)
      Makes a new ICCBased color space and registers it in the resource context.
      res - the PDF resource context to add the shading, may be null
      explicitName - the explicit name for the color space, may be null
      iccStream - the ICC stream to associate with this color space
      the newly instantiated color space
    • makeSeparationColorSpace

      public PDFSeparationColorSpace makeSeparationColorSpace(PDFResourceContext res, org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.color.NamedColorSpace ncs)
      Create a new Separation color space.
      res - the resource context (may be null)
      ncs - the named color space to map to a separation color space
      the newly created Separation color space
    • makeArray

      public PDFArray makeArray(int[] values)
      Make an Array object (ex. Widths array for a font).
      values - the int array values
      the PDF Array with the int values
    • makeGState

      public PDFGState makeGState(Map settings, PDFGState current)
      make an ExtGState for extra graphics options This tries to find a GState that will setup the correct values for the current context. If there is no suitable GState it will create a new one.
      settings - the settings required by the caller
      current - the current GState of the current PDF context
      a PDF GState, either an existing GState or a new one
    • makeAnnotList

      public PDFAnnotList makeAnnotList()
      Make an annotation list object
      the annotation list object created
    • makeLayer

      public PDFLayer makeLayer(String id)
    • makeSetOCGStateAction

      public PDFSetOCGStateAction makeSetOCGStateAction(String id)
    • makeTransitionAction

      public PDFTransitionAction makeTransitionAction(String id)
    • makeNavigator

      public PDFNavigator makeNavigator(String id)
    • makeDPart

      public void makeDPart(PDFPage page, String pageMasterName)
    • makeDPartRoot

      public PDFDPartRoot makeDPartRoot()