Interface InlineLevelLayoutManager

All Superinterfaces:
LayoutManager, PercentBaseContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGraphicsLayoutManager, AbstractPageNumberCitationLayoutManager, BasicLinkLayoutManager, BidiLayoutManager, CharacterLayoutManager, ContentLayoutManager, ExternalGraphicLayoutManager, FloatLayoutManager, FootnoteLayoutManager, InlineContainerLayoutManager, InlineLayoutManager, InlineStackingLayoutManager, InstreamForeignObjectLM, LeaderLayoutManager, LeafNodeLayoutManager, LineLayoutManager, PageNumberCitationLastLayoutManager, PageNumberCitationLayoutManager, PageNumberLayoutManager, RetrieveTableMarkerLayoutManager, TextLayoutManager, WrapperLayoutManager

public interface InlineLevelLayoutManager extends LayoutManager
The interface for LayoutManagers which generate inline areas
  • Method Details

    • addALetterSpaceTo

      List addALetterSpaceTo(List oldList)
      Tell the LM to modify its data, adding a letter space to the word fragment represented by the given elements, and returning the corrected elements
      oldList - the elements which must be given one more letter space
      the new elements replacing the old ones
    • addALetterSpaceTo

      List addALetterSpaceTo(List oldList, int depth)
      Tell the LM to modify its data, adding a letter space to the word fragment represented by the given elements, and returning the corrected elements
      oldList - the elements which must be given one more letter space
      depth - the depth at which the Positions for this LM in oldList are found
      the new elements replacing the old ones
    • getWordChars

      String getWordChars(Position pos)
      Get the word chars corresponding to the given position.
      pos - the position referring to the needed word chars.
      the word chars
    • hyphenate

      void hyphenate(Position pos, HyphContext hyphContext)
      Tell the LM to hyphenate a word
      pos - the Position referring to the word
      hyphContext - the HyphContext storing hyphenation information
    • applyChanges

      boolean applyChanges(List oldList)
      Tell the LM to apply the changes due to hyphenation
      oldList - the list of the old elements the changes refer to
      true if the LM had to change its data, false otherwise
    • applyChanges

      boolean applyChanges(List oldList, int depth)
      Tell the LM to apply the changes due to hyphenation
      oldList - the list of the old elements the changes refer to
      depth - the depth at which the Positions for this LM in oldList are found
      true if the LM had to change its data, false otherwise
    • getChangedKnuthElements

      List getChangedKnuthElements(List oldList, int alignment, int depth)
      Get a sequence of KnuthElements representing the content of the node assigned to the LM, after changes have been applied
      oldList - the elements to replace
      alignment - the desired text alignment
      depth - the depth at which the Positions for this LM in oldList are found
      the updated list of KnuthElements