Class KnuthPenalty

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class KnuthPenalty extends KnuthElement
An instance of this class represents information about a feasible breaking point; it does not represent any piece of content. A KnuthPenalty is a feasible breaking point unless its value is infinity; a KnuthPenalty whose value is -infinity represents a forced break. A KnuthPenalty is suppressed, and its width is ignored, if it is not a chosen breaking point; for example, a KnuthPenalty representing a hyphenation point has a width (the "-" width), which must be ignored if that point is not chosen as a breaking point. Besides the inherited methods and attributes, this class has two more attributes and the methods used to get them: the penalty value, which is a kind of "aesthetic cost" (the higher the value, the more unsightly the breaking point), and a boolean that marks KnuthPenalties which should not be chosen as breaking points for consecutive lines.
  • Field Details


      public static final int FLAGGED_PENALTY
      Used for flagged penalties. See Knuth algorithm.
      See Also:

      public static final KnuthPenalty DUMMY_ZERO_PENALTY
      Dummy, zero-width penalty
  • Constructor Details

    • KnuthPenalty

      public KnuthPenalty(int width, int penalty, boolean penaltyFlagged, Position pos, boolean auxiliary)
      Create a new KnuthPenalty.
      width - the width of this penalty
      penalty - the penalty value of this penalty
      penaltyFlagged - is this penalty flagged?
      pos - the Position stored in this penalty
      auxiliary - is this penalty auxiliary?
    • KnuthPenalty

      public KnuthPenalty(int width, int penalty, boolean penaltyFlagged, int breakClass, Position pos, boolean isAuxiliary)
      Create a new KnuthPenalty.
      width - the width of this penalty
      penalty - the penalty value of this penalty
      penaltyFlagged - is this penalty flagged?
      breakClass - the break class of this penalty (one of Constants.EN_AUTO, Constants.EN_COLUMN, Constants.EN_PAGE, Constants.EN_EVEN_PAGE, Constants.EN_ODD_PAGE).
      pos - the Position stored in this penalty
      isAuxiliary - is this penalty auxiliary?
  • Method Details

    • valueOf

      protected static String valueOf(int penaltyValue)
      Get the penalty's value as a String. (Mainly used in toString() methods, to improve readability of the trace logs.) TODO: shouldn't be penalty a class of its own?
      penaltyValue - the penalty value
      the penalty value as a String
    • isPenalty

      public boolean isPenalty()
      isPenalty in class ListElement
      true if this element is a KnuthPenalty.
    • getPenalty

      public int getPenalty()
      getPenalty in class KnuthElement
      the penalty value of this penalty.
    • setPenalty

      public void setPenalty(int penalty)
      Sets a new penalty value.
      penalty - the new penalty value
    • isPenaltyFlagged

      public boolean isPenaltyFlagged()
      true is this penalty is a flagged one.
    • isForcedBreak

      public boolean isForcedBreak()
      isForcedBreak in class ListElement
      true if the element is a penalty and represents a forced break.
    • getBreakClass

      public int getBreakClass()
      the break class of this penalty (EN_AUTO, EN_COLUMN, EN_PAGE, EN_EVEN_PAGE, EN_ODD_PAGE)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object