Class FontInfoFinder


public class FontInfoFinder extends Object
Attempts to determine correct FontInfo
  • Constructor Details

    • FontInfoFinder

      public FontInfoFinder()
  • Method Details

    • setEventListener

      public void setEventListener(FontEventListener listener)
      Sets the font event listener that can be used to receive events about particular events in this class.
      listener - the font event listener
    • find

      public EmbedFontInfo[] find(URI fontURI, InternalResourceResolver resourceResolver, FontCache fontCache)
      Attempts to determine EmbedFontInfo from a given font file.
      fontURI - the URI of the font resource
      resourceResolver - font resolver used to resolve font
      fontCache - font cache (may be null)
      an array of newly created embed font info. Generally, this array will have only one entry, unless the fontUrl is a TrueType Collection