Class AbstractCodePointMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AbstractCodePointMapping extends Object implements SingleByteEncoding
Abstract base class for code point mapping classes (1-byte character encodings).
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractCodePointMapping

      public AbstractCodePointMapping(String name, int[] table)
      Main constructor.
      name - the name of the encoding
      table - the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping
    • AbstractCodePointMapping

      public AbstractCodePointMapping(String name, int[] table, String[] charNameMap)
      Extended constructor.
      name - the name of the encoding
      table - the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping
      charNameMap - all character names in the encoding (a value of null will be converted to ".notdef")
  • Method Details

    • buildFromTable

      protected void buildFromTable(int[] table)
      Builds the internal lookup structures based on a given table.
      table - the table ([code point, unicode scalar value]+) with the mapping
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the encoding's name.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface SingleByteEncoding
      the name of the encoding
    • mapChar

      public final char mapChar(char c)
      Maps a Unicode character to a code point in the encoding.
      Specified by:
      mapChar in interface SingleByteEncoding
      c - the Unicode character to map
      the code point in the encoding or 0 (=.notdef) if not found
    • getUnicodeForIndex

      public final char getUnicodeForIndex(int idx)
      Returns the main Unicode value that is associated with the given code point in the encoding. Note that multiple Unicode values can theoretically be mapped to one code point in the encoding.
      idx - the code point in the encoding
      the Unicode value (or ￿ (NOT A CHARACTER) if no Unicode value is at that point)
    • getUnicodeCharMap

      public final char[] getUnicodeCharMap()
      Returns a character array with Unicode scalar values which can be used to map encoding code points to Unicode values. Note that this does not return all possible Unicode values that the encoding maps.
      Specified by:
      getUnicodeCharMap in interface SingleByteEncoding
      a character array with Unicode scalar values
    • getCodePointForGlyph

      public short getCodePointForGlyph(String charName)
      Returns the index of a character/glyph with the given name. Note that this method is relatively slow and should only be used for fallback operations.
      charName - the character name
      the index of the character in the encoding or -1 if it doesn't exist
    • getNameFromCodePoint

      public String getNameFromCodePoint(int idx)
    • getCharNameMap

      public String[] getCharNameMap()
      Returns the array of character names for this encoding.
      Specified by:
      getCharNameMap in interface SingleByteEncoding
      the array of character names (unmapped code points are represented by a ".notdef" value)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object