Interface ShorthandParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
BackgroundPositionShorthand.Parser, BorderSpacingShorthandParser, BoxCornerPropShorthandParser, BoxPropShorthandParser, FontShorthandParser, GenericShorthandParser, PageBreakShorthandParser, PositionShorthandParser, VerticalAlignShorthandParser, WhiteSpaceShorthandParser, XMLLangShorthandParser

public interface ShorthandParser
Interface used to provide parsing capabilities to Properties with shorthand characteristics (those with multiple components).
  • Method Details

    • getValueForProperty

      Property getValueForProperty(int propId, Property property, PropertyMaker maker, PropertyList propertyList) throws PropertyException
      propId - the property ID in the Constants interface
      property - from which value is obtained
      maker - Maker object for the Property
      propertyList - list of properties
      Property object corresponding to propName
      PropertyException - in case a property exception occurs