Class RegionBA

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Constants
Direct Known Subclasses:
RegionAfter, RegionBefore

public abstract class RegionBA extends SideRegion
Abstract base class for fo:region-before and fo:region-after.
  • Constructor Details

    • RegionBA

      protected RegionBA(FONode parent)
      Create a RegionBA instance that is a child of the given parent FONode.
      parent - the FONode that is to be the parent
  • Method Details

    • bind

      public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException
      Bind property values from the property list to the FO node. Must be overridden in all FObj subclasses that have properties applying to it.
      bind in class SideRegion
      pList - the PropertyList where the properties can be found.
      FOPException - if there is a problem binding the values
    • getPrecedence

      public int getPrecedence()
      Get the value of the precedence property.
      the "precedence" property
    • adjustIPD

      protected void adjustIPD(Rectangle vpRefRect, WritingMode wm, PercentBaseContext siblingContext)
      Adjust the viewport reference rectangle for a region as a function of precedence. If precedence is false on a before or after region, its inline-progression-dimension is limited by the extent of the start and end regions if they are present.
      vpRefRect - viewport reference rectangle
      wm - writing mode
      siblingContext - the context to use to resolve extent on siblings