Class GlyphSequence

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GlyphSequence extends Object implements Cloneable

A GlyphSequence encapsulates a sequence of character codes, a sequence of glyph codes, and a sequence of character associations, where, for each glyph in the sequence of glyph codes, there is a corresponding character association. Character associations server to relate the glyph codes in a glyph sequence to the specific characters in an original character code sequence with which the glyph codes are associated.

This work was originally authored by Glenn Adams (

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • GlyphSequence

      public GlyphSequence(IntBuffer characters, IntBuffer glyphs, List associations, boolean predications)
      Instantiate a glyph sequence, reusing (i.e., not copying) the referenced character and glyph buffers and associations. If characters is null, then an empty character buffer is created. If glyphs is null, then a glyph buffer is created whose capacity is that of the character buffer. If associations is null, then identity associations are created.
      characters - a (possibly null) buffer of associated (originating) characters
      glyphs - a (possibly null) buffer of glyphs
      associations - a (possibly null) array of glyph to character associations
      predications - true if predications are enabled
    • GlyphSequence

      public GlyphSequence(IntBuffer characters, IntBuffer glyphs, List associations)
      Instantiate a glyph sequence, reusing (i.e., not copying) the referenced character and glyph buffers and associations. If characters is null, then an empty character buffer is created. If glyphs is null, then a glyph buffer is created whose capacity is that of the character buffer. If associations is null, then identity associations are created.
      characters - a (possibly null) buffer of associated (originating) characters
      glyphs - a (possibly null) buffer of glyphs
      associations - a (possibly null) array of glyph to character associations
    • GlyphSequence

      public GlyphSequence(GlyphSequence gs)
      Instantiate a glyph sequence using an existing glyph sequence, where the new glyph sequence shares the character array of the existing sequence (but not the buffer object), and creates new copies of glyphs buffer and association list.
      gs - an existing glyph sequence
    • GlyphSequence

      public GlyphSequence(GlyphSequence gs, int[] bga, int[] iga, int[] lga, CharAssociation[] bal, CharAssociation[] ial, CharAssociation[] lal)
      Instantiate a glyph sequence using an existing glyph sequence, where the new glyph sequence shares the character array of the existing sequence (but not the buffer object), but uses the specified backtrack, input, and lookahead glyph arrays to populate the glyphs, and uses the specified of glyphs buffer and association list. backtrack, input, and lookahead association arrays to populate the associations.
      gs - an existing glyph sequence
      bga - backtrack glyph array
      iga - input glyph array
      lga - lookahead glyph array
      bal - backtrack association list
      ial - input association list
      lal - lookahead association list
  • Method Details

    • getCharacters

      public IntBuffer getCharacters()
      Obtain reference to underlying character buffer.
      character buffer reference
    • getCharacterArray

      public int[] getCharacterArray(boolean copy)
      Obtain array of characters. If copy is true, then a newly instantiated array is returned, otherwise a reference to the underlying buffer's array is returned. N.B. in case a reference to the undelying buffer's array is returned, the length of the array is not necessarily the number of characters in array. To determine the number of characters, use getCharacterCount().
      copy - true if to return a newly instantiated array of characters
      array of characters
    • getCharacterCount

      public int getCharacterCount()
      Obtain the number of characters in character array, where each character constitutes a unicode scalar value. NB: Supplementary characters (non-BMP code points) count as 1 character, not as two UTF-16 code units.
      number of characters available in character array
    • getUTF16CharacterCount

      public int getUTF16CharacterCount()
      Obtain the number of characters in character array, where each character constitutes a UTF-16 character. This means that every non-BMP character is counted as 2 characters.
      number of chars (UTF-16 code units) available in character array
    • getGlyph

      public int getGlyph(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Obtain glyph id at specified index.
      index - to obtain glyph
      the glyph identifier of glyph at specified index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is less than zero or exceeds last valid position
    • getUnprocessedGlyph

      public int getUnprocessedGlyph(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    • setUnprocessedGS

      public void setUnprocessedGS(GlyphSequence glyphSequence)
    • setGlyph

      public void setGlyph(int index, int gi) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Set glyph id at specified index.
      index - to set glyph
      gi - glyph index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is greater or equal to the limit of the underlying glyph buffer
    • getGlyphs

      public IntBuffer getGlyphs()
      Obtain reference to underlying glyph buffer.
      glyph buffer reference
    • getGlyphs

      public int[] getGlyphs(int offset, int count)
      Obtain count glyphs starting at offset. If count is negative, then it is treated as if the number of available glyphs were specified.
      offset - into glyph sequence
      count - of glyphs to obtain starting at offset, or negative, indicating all avaialble glyphs starting at offset
      glyph array
    • getGlyphArray

      public int[] getGlyphArray(boolean copy)
      Obtain array of glyphs. If copy is true, then a newly instantiated array is returned, otherwise a reference to the underlying buffer's array is returned. N.B. in case a reference to the undelying buffer's array is returned, the length of the array is not necessarily the number of glyphs in array. To determine the number of glyphs, use getGlyphCount().
      copy - true if to return a newly instantiated array of glyphs
      array of glyphs
    • getGlyphCount

      public int getGlyphCount()
      Obtain the number of glyphs in glyphs array, where each glyph constitutes a font specific glyph index.
      number of glyphs available in character array
    • getAssociation

      public CharAssociation getAssociation(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Obtain association at specified index.
      index - into associations array
      glyph to character associations at specified index
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is less than zero or exceeds last valid position
    • getAssociations

      public List getAssociations()
      Obtain reference to underlying associations list.
      associations list
    • getAssociations

      public CharAssociation[] getAssociations(int offset, int count)
      Obtain count associations starting at offset.
      offset - into glyph sequence
      count - of associations to obtain starting at offset, or negative, indicating all avaialble associations starting at offset
    • setPredications

      public void setPredications(boolean enable)
      Enable or disable predications.
      enable - true if predications are to be enabled; otherwise false to disable
    • getPredications

      public boolean getPredications()
      Obtain predications state.
      true if predications are enabled
    • setPredication

      public void setPredication(int offset, String key, Object value)
      Set predication <KEY,VALUE> at glyph sequence OFFSET.
      offset - offset (index) into glyph sequence
      key - predication key
      value - predication value
    • getPredication

      public Object getPredication(int offset, String key)
      Get predication KEY at glyph sequence OFFSET.
      offset - offset (index) into glyph sequence
      key - predication key
      predication KEY at OFFSET or null if none exists
    • compareGlyphs

      public int compareGlyphs(IntBuffer gb)
      Compare glyphs.
      gb - buffer containing glyph indices with which this glyph sequence's glyphs are to be compared
      zero if glyphs are the same, otherwise returns 1 or -1 according to whether this glyph sequence's glyphs are lexicographically greater or lesser than the glyphs in the specified string buffer
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      clone in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • sameGlyphs

      public static boolean sameGlyphs(int[] ga1, int[] ga2)
      Determine if two arrays of glyphs are identical.
      ga1 - first glyph array
      ga2 - second glyph array
      true if arrays are botth null or both non-null and have identical elements
    • concatGlyphs

      public static IntBuffer concatGlyphs(int[] bga, int[] iga, int[] lga)
      Concatenante glyph arrays.
      bga - backtrack glyph array
      iga - input glyph array
      lga - lookahead glyph array
      new integer buffer containing concatenated glyphs
    • concatAssociations

      public static List concatAssociations(CharAssociation[] baa, CharAssociation[] iaa, CharAssociation[] laa)
      Concatenante association arrays.
      baa - backtrack association array
      iaa - input association array
      laa - lookahead association array
      new list containing concatenated associations
    • join

      public static GlyphSequence join(GlyphSequence gs, GlyphSequence[] sa)
      Join (concatenate) glyph sequences.
      gs - original glyph sequence from which to reuse character array reference
      sa - array of glyph sequences, whose glyph arrays and association lists are to be concatenated
      new glyph sequence referring to character array of GS and concatenated glyphs and associations of SA
    • reorder

      public static GlyphSequence reorder(GlyphSequence gs, int source, int count, int target)
      Reorder sequence such that [SOURCE,SOURCE+COUNT) is moved just prior to TARGET.
      gs - input sequence
      source - index of sub-sequence to reorder
      count - length of sub-sequence to reorder
      target - index to which source sub-sequence is to be moved
      reordered sequence (or original if no reordering performed)