Class BookmarkData

All Implemented Interfaces:
OffDocumentItem, Resolvable

public class BookmarkData extends AbstractOffDocumentItem implements Resolvable
An instance of this class is either a PDF bookmark-tree and its child bookmark-items, or a bookmark-item and the child child bookmark-items under it.
  • Constructor Details

    • BookmarkData

      public BookmarkData(BookmarkTree bookmarkTree)
      Create a new bookmark data object. This should only be called by the bookmark-tree item because it has no idref item that needs to be resolved.
      bookmarkTree - fo:bookmark-tree for this document
    • BookmarkData

      public BookmarkData(Bookmark bookmark)
      Create a new pdf bookmark data object. This is used by the bookmark-items to create a data object with a idref. During processing, this idref will be subsequently resolved to a particular PageViewport.
      bookmark - the fo:bookmark object
    • BookmarkData

      public BookmarkData()
      Create a new bookmark data root object. This constructor is called by the AreaTreeParser when the <bookmarkTree> element is read from the XML file
    • BookmarkData

      public BookmarkData(String title, boolean showChildren, PageViewport pv, String idRef)
      Create a new bookmark data object. This constructor is called by the AreaTreeParser when a <bookmark> element is read from the XML file.
      title - the bookmark's title
      showChildren - whether to initially display the bookmark's children
      pv - the target PageViewport
      idRef - the target ID
  • Method Details

    • getIDRef

      public String getIDRef()
      Get the idref for this bookmark-item
      the idref for the bookmark-item
    • addSubData

      public void addSubData(BookmarkData sub)
      Add a child bookmark data object. This adds a child bookmark in the bookmark hierarchy.
      sub - the child bookmark data
    • getBookmarkTitle

      public String getBookmarkTitle()
      Get the title for this bookmark object.
      the bookmark title
    • showChildItems

      public boolean showChildItems()
      Indicator of whether to initially display child bookmarks.
      true to initially display child bookmarks, false otherwise
    • getCount

      public int getCount()
      Get the size of child data objects.
      the number of child bookmark data
    • getSubData

      public BookmarkData getSubData(int count)
      Get the child data object.
      count - the index to get
      the child bookmark data
    • getPageViewport

      public PageViewport getPageViewport()
      Get the PageViewport object that this bookmark refers to
      the PageViewport that this bookmark points to
    • isResolved

      public boolean isResolved()
      Check if this resolvable object has been resolved. A BookmarkData object is considered resolved once the idrefs for it and for all of its child bookmark-items have been resolved.
      Specified by:
      isResolved in interface Resolvable
      true if this object has been resolved
    • getIDRefs

      public String[] getIDRefs()
      Get the array of idrefs of this resolvable object. If this object contains child resolvables that are resolved through this then it should return the idref's of the child also.
      Specified by:
      getIDRefs in interface Resolvable
      the id references for resolving this object
    • resolveIDRef

      public void resolveIDRef(String id, List<PageViewport> pages)
      Resolve this resolvable object. This resolves the idref of this object and if possible also resolves id references of child elements that have the same id reference. This method allows the Resolvable object to resolve one of its unresolved idrefs with the actual set of PageViewports containing the target ID. The Resolvable object initially identifies to the AreaTreeHandler which idrefs it needs resolved. After the idrefs are resolved, the ATH calls this method to allow the Resolvable object to update itself with the PageViewport information.
      Specified by:
      resolveIDRef in interface Resolvable
      id - an ID matching one of the Resolvable object's unresolved idref's.
      pages - the list of PageViewports with the given ID
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Return a human-readable name for this ODI (for error messages, etc.)
      Specified by:
      getName in interface OffDocumentItem
      Specified by:
      getName in class AbstractOffDocumentItem
      String name of ODI