FLTK 1.3.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// "$Id$"
5#ifndef FL_TREE_ITEM_H
6#define FL_TREE_ITEM_H
8#include <FL/Fl.H>
9#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
10#include <FL/Fl_Image.H>
11#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
14#include <FL/Fl_Tree_Prefs.H>
17// FL/Fl_Tree_Item.H
20// Fl_Tree -- This file is part of the Fl_Tree widget for FLTK
21// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Greg Ercolano.
23// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
24// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
25// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
27// http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
29// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
31// http://www.fltk.org/str.php
66class Fl_Tree;
67class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree_Item {
68#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
69 Fl_Tree *_tree; // parent tree
71 const char *_label; // label (memory managed)
72 Fl_Font _labelfont; // label's font face
73 Fl_Fontsize _labelsize; // label's font size
74 Fl_Color _labelfgcolor; // label's fg color
75 Fl_Color _labelbgcolor; // label's bg color (0xffffffff is 'transparent')
76#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
78 enum Fl_Tree_Item_Flags {
81 enum {
83 OPEN = 1<<0,
84 VISIBLE = 1<<1,
85 ACTIVE = 1<<2,
86 SELECTED = 1<<3
87 };
88#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
89 // NEW
90 unsigned short _flags; // misc flags
91#else /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
92 // OLD: this will go away after 1.3.x
93 char _open; // item is open?
94 char _visible; // item is visible?
95 char _active; // item activated?
96 char _selected; // item selected?
97#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
98 int _xywh[4]; // xywh of this widget (if visible)
99 int _collapse_xywh[4]; // xywh of collapse icon (if visible)
100 int _label_xywh[4]; // xywh of label
101 Fl_Widget *_widget; // item's label widget (optional)
102 Fl_Image *_usericon; // item's user-specific icon (optional)
103#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
104 Fl_Image *_userdeicon; // deactivated usericon
106 Fl_Tree_Item_Array _children; // array of child items
107 Fl_Tree_Item *_parent; // parent item (=0 if root)
108 void *_userdata; // user data that can be associated with an item
109#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
110 Fl_Tree_Item *_prev_sibling; // previous sibling (same level)
111 Fl_Tree_Item *_next_sibling; // next sibling (same level)
112#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
113 // Protected methods
115 void _Init(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, Fl_Tree *tree);
116 void show_widgets();
117 void hide_widgets();
118 void draw_vertical_connector(int x, int y1, int y2, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
119 void draw_horizontal_connector(int x1, int x2, int y, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
120 void recalc_tree();
121 int calc_item_height(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
122#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
123 Fl_Color drawfgcolor() const;
124 Fl_Color drawbgcolor() const;
128 Fl_Tree_Item(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs); // CTOR -- backwards compatible
129#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
130 Fl_Tree_Item(Fl_Tree *tree); // CTOR -- ABI 1.3.3+
131 virtual ~Fl_Tree_Item(); // DTOR -- ABI 1.3.3+
133 ~Fl_Tree_Item(); // DTOR -- backwards compatible
135 Fl_Tree_Item(const Fl_Tree_Item *o); // COPY CTOR
137 int x() const { return(_xywh[0]); }
139 int y() const { return(_xywh[1]); }
142 int w() const { return(_xywh[2]); }
144 int h() const { return(_xywh[3]); }
147 int label_x() const { return(_label_xywh[0]); }
150 int label_y() const { return(_label_xywh[1]); }
154 int label_w() const { return(_label_xywh[2]); }
157 int label_h() const { return(_label_xywh[3]); }
158#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
159 virtual int draw_item_content(int render);
160 void draw(int X, int &Y, int W, Fl_Tree_Item *itemfocus,
161 int &tree_item_xmax, int lastchild=1, int render=1);
163 void draw(int X, int &Y, int W, Fl_Widget *tree,
164 Fl_Tree_Item *itemfocus, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int lastchild=1);
166 void show_self(const char *indent = "") const;
167 void label(const char *val);
168 const char *label() const;
171 inline void user_data( void* data ) { _userdata = data; }
174 inline void* user_data() const { return _userdata; }
177 void labelfont(Fl_Font val) {
178 _labelfont = val;
179 recalc_tree(); // may change tree geometry
180 }
183 return(_labelfont);
184 }
187 _labelsize = val;
188 recalc_tree(); // may change tree geometry
189 }
192 return(_labelsize);
193 }
196 _labelfgcolor = val;
197 }
200 return(_labelfgcolor);
201 }
204 labelfgcolor(val);
205 }
208 return labelfgcolor();
209 }
213 _labelbgcolor = val;
214 }
220 return(_labelbgcolor);
221 }
223 void widget(Fl_Widget *val) {
224 _widget = val;
225 recalc_tree(); // may change tree geometry
226 }
228 Fl_Widget *widget() const {
229 return(_widget);
230 }
232 int children() const {
233 return(_children.total());
234 }
236 Fl_Tree_Item *child(int index) {
237 return(_children[index]);
238 }
240 const Fl_Tree_Item *child(int t) const;
242 int has_children() const {
243 return(children());
244 }
245 int find_child(const char *name);
246 int find_child(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
247 int remove_child(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
248 int remove_child(const char *new_label);
249 void clear_children();
250 void swap_children(int ax, int bx);
251 int swap_children(Fl_Tree_Item *a, Fl_Tree_Item *b);
252 const Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(const char *name) const;
253 Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(const char *name);
254 const Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(char **arr) const;
255 Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(char **arr);
256 const Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(char **arr) const;
257 Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(char **arr);
259 // Adding items
261 Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
262 const char *new_label,
263 Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
264 Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
265 const char *new_label);
266 Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
267 char **arr,
268 Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
269 Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
270 char **arr);
271#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
272 Fl_Tree_Item *replace(Fl_Tree_Item *new_item);
273 Fl_Tree_Item *replace_child(Fl_Tree_Item *olditem, Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
275 Fl_Tree_Item *insert(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, const char *new_label, int pos=0);
276 Fl_Tree_Item *insert_above(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, const char *new_label);
277 Fl_Tree_Item* deparent(int index);
278 int reparent(Fl_Tree_Item *newchild, int index);
279 int move(int to, int from);
280 int move(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int op=0, int pos=0);
281 int move_above(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
282 int move_below(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
283 int move_into(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int pos=0);
284 int depth() const;
285 Fl_Tree_Item *prev();
286 Fl_Tree_Item *next();
287 Fl_Tree_Item *next_sibling();
288 Fl_Tree_Item *prev_sibling();
289 void update_prev_next(int index);
290 Fl_Tree_Item *next_displayed(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs); // deprecated
291 Fl_Tree_Item *prev_displayed(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs); // deprecated
292 Fl_Tree_Item *next_visible(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
293 Fl_Tree_Item *prev_visible(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
297 return(_parent);
298 }
300 const Fl_Tree_Item *parent() const {
301 return(_parent);
302 }
306 void parent(Fl_Tree_Item *val) {
307 _parent = val;
308 }
309#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
310 const Fl_Tree_Prefs& prefs() const;
313 const Fl_Tree *tree() const {
314 return(_tree);
315 }
317#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
321 return(_tree);
322 }
325 // State
327 void open();
328 void close();
330 int is_open() const {
331 return(is_flag(OPEN));
332 }
334 int is_close() const {
335 return(is_flag(OPEN)?0:1);
336 }
338 void open_toggle() {
339 is_open()?close():open(); // handles calling recalc_tree()
340 }
344 void select(int val=1) {
345 set_flag(SELECTED, val);
346 }
349 if ( is_selected() ) {
350 deselect(); // deselect if selected
351 } else {
352 select(); // select if deselected
353 }
354 }
360 int count = 0;
361 if ( ! is_selected() ) {
362 select();
363 ++count;
364 }
365 for ( int t=0; t<children(); t++ ) {
366 count += child(t)->select_all();
367 }
368 return(count);
369 }
371 void deselect() {
372 set_flag(SELECTED, 0);
373 }
379 int count = 0;
380 if ( is_selected() ) {
381 deselect();
382 ++count;
383 }
384 for ( int t=0; t<children(); t++ ) {
385 count += child(t)->deselect_all();
386 }
387 return(count);
388 }
390 char is_selected() const {
391 return(is_flag(SELECTED));
392 }
401 void activate(int val=1) {
402 set_flag(ACTIVE,val);
403 if ( _widget && val != (int)_widget->active() ) {
404 if ( val ) {
405 _widget->activate();
406 } else {
407 _widget->deactivate();
408 }
409 _widget->redraw();
410 }
411 }
415 void deactivate() {
416 activate(0);
417 }
419 char is_activated() const {
420 return(is_flag(ACTIVE));
421 }
423 char is_active() const {
424 return(is_activated());
425 }
427 int visible() const {
428 return(is_visible());
429 }
431 int is_visible() const {
432 return(is_flag(VISIBLE));
433 }
434 int visible_r() const;
445 void usericon(Fl_Image *val) {
446 _usericon = val;
447 recalc_tree(); // may change tree geometry
448 }
451 return(_usericon);
452 }
479#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
480 void userdeicon(Fl_Image* val) {
481 _userdeicon = val;
482 }
486 return _userdeicon;
487 }
490 // Events
492#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
493 const Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int yonly=0) const;
494 Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int yonly=0);
496 const Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
497 Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
499 int event_on_collapse_icon(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
500 int event_on_label(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
502 int is_root() const {
503 return(_parent==0?1:0);
504 }
506 // Protected methods
507 // TODO: move these to top 'protected:' section
509#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
511 inline void set_flag(unsigned short flag,int val) {
512 if ( flag==OPEN || flag==VISIBLE ) {
513 recalc_tree(); // may change tree geometry
514 }
515 if ( val ) _flags |= flag; else _flags &= ~flag;
516 }
518 inline int is_flag(unsigned short val) const {
519 return(_flags & val ? 1 : 0);
520 }
521#else /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
523 void set_flag(unsigned short flag,int val) {
524 switch (flag) {
525 case OPEN: _open = val; break;
526 case VISIBLE: _visible = val; break;
527 case ACTIVE: _active = val; break;
528 case SELECTED: _selected = val; break;
529 }
530 }
532 int is_flag(unsigned short flag) const {
533 switch (flag) {
534 case OPEN: return(_open ? 1 : 0);
535 case VISIBLE: return(_visible ? 1 : 0);
536 case ACTIVE: return(_active ? 1 : 0);
537 case SELECTED: return(_selected ? 1 : 0);
538 default: return(0);
539 }
540 }
541#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
545#endif /*FL_TREE_ITEM_H*/
548// End of "$Id$".
int Fl_Font
A font number is an index into the internal font table.
Definition: Enumerations.H:875
unsigned int Fl_Color
An FLTK color value; see also Colors
Definition: Enumerations.H:932
int Fl_Fontsize
Size of a font in pixels.
Definition: Enumerations.H:904
Fl static class.
Fl_Image, Fl_RGB_Image classes.
This file defines a class that manages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers.
This file contains the definitions for Fl_Tree's preferences.
Fl_Widget, Fl_Label classes .
Base class for image caching and drawing.
Definition: Fl_Image.H:55
Manages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item_Array.H:47
int total() const
Return the total items in the array, or 0 if empty.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item_Array.H:72
Tree widget item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:67
int has_children() const
See if this item has children.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:242
int w() const
The entire item's width to right edge of Fl_Tree's inner width within scrollbars.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:142
int is_visible() const
See if the item is visible.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:431
void usericon(Fl_Image *val)
Set the item's user icon to an Fl_Image.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:445
int visible() const
See if the item is visible. Alias for is_visible().
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:427
Fl_Tree * tree()
Return the tree for this item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:320
void userdeicon(Fl_Image *val)
Set the usericon to draw when the item is deactivated.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:480
void deactivate()
Deactivate the item; the callback() won't be invoked when clicked.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:415
Fl_Widget * widget() const
Return FLTK widget assigned to this item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:228
void deselect()
Disable the item's selection state.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:371
Fl_Image * userdeicon() const
Return the deactivated version of the user icon, if any.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:485
void open_toggle()
Toggle the item's open/closed state.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:338
Fl_Tree_Item * parent()
Return the parent for this item. Returns NULL if we are the root.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:296
int label_y() const
The item's label y position relative to the window.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:150
Fl_Tree_Item * child(int index)
Return the child item for the given 'index'.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:236
int select_all()
Select item and all its children.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:359
Fl_Color labelfgcolor() const
Return item's label foreground text color.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:199
int is_close() const
See if the item is 'closed'.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:334
void labelsize(Fl_Fontsize val)
Set item's label font size.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:186
void user_data(void *data)
Set a user-data value for the item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:171
void * user_data() const
Retrieve the user-data value that has been assigned to the item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:174
void select(int val=1)
Change the item's selection state to the optionally specified 'val'.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:344
const Fl_Tree_Item * parent() const
Return the const parent for this item. Returns NULL if we are the root.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:300
const Fl_Tree * tree() const
Return the tree for this item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:313
int y() const
The item's y position relative to the window.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:139
Fl_Color labelbgcolor() const
Return item's label background text color.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:219
int label_h() const
The item's label height.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:157
char is_selected() const
See if the item is selected.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:390
Fl_Color labelcolor() const
Return item's label text color. Alias for labelfgcolor() const).
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:207
void labelfont(Fl_Font val)
Set item's label font face.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:177
Fl_Font labelfont() const
Get item's label font face.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:182
int label_w() const
The item's maximum label width to right edge of Fl_Tree's inner width within scrollbars.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:154
void select_toggle()
Toggle the item's selection state.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:348
void labelcolor(Fl_Color val)
Set item's label text color. Alias for labelfgcolor(Fl_Color)).
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:203
int is_flag(unsigned short val) const
See if flag set. Returns 0 or 1.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:518
void activate(int val=1)
Change the item's activation state to the optionally specified 'val'.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:401
int h() const
The item's height.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:144
int is_open() const
See if the item is 'open'.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:330
void set_flag(unsigned short flag, int val)
Set a flag to an on or off value. val is 0 or 1.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:511
int is_root() const
Is this item the root of the tree?
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:502
Fl_Fontsize labelsize() const
Get item's label font size.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:191
void widget(Fl_Widget *val)
Assign an FLTK widget to this item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:223
void parent(Fl_Tree_Item *val)
Set the parent for this item.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:306
char is_active() const
See if the item is activated. Alias for is_activated().
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:423
int children() const
Return the number of children this item has.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:232
void labelfgcolor(Fl_Color val)
Set item's label foreground text color.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:195
int x() const
The item's x position relative to the window.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:137
int label_x() const
The item's label x position relative to the window.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:147
char is_activated() const
See if the item is activated.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:419
void labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val)
Set item's label background color.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:212
int deselect_all()
Deselect item and all its children.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:378
Fl_Image * usericon() const
Get the item's user icon as an Fl_Image. Returns '0' if disabled.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Item.H:450
Tree widget's preferences.
Definition: Fl_Tree_Prefs.H:111
Tree widget.
Definition: Fl_Tree.H:323
Fl_Widget is the base class for all widgets in FLTK.
Definition: Fl_Widget.H:101
void deactivate()
Deactivates the widget.
Definition: Fl_Widget.cxx:253
void redraw()
Schedules the drawing of the widget.
Definition: Fl.cxx:1786
void activate()
Activates the widget.
Definition: Fl_Widget.cxx:241
unsigned int active() const
Returns whether the widget is active.
Definition: Fl_Widget.H:708
utility header to pull drawing functions together