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8.6.2 def-selection options

Specify which definitions are of interest and what to say about them.

defs-to-get option.

This is the “regexp to look for after the "/*="” option. This option takes a string argument reg-ex. If you want definitions only from a particular category, or even with names matching particular patterns, then specify this regular expression for the text that must follow the /*=.

subblock option.

This is the “subblock definition names” option. This option takes a string argument sub-def.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

This option is used to create shorthand entries for nested definitions. For example, with:

using subblock thus


and defining an arg thus

arg: this, char *

will then expand to:

arg = { argname = this; type = "char *"; };

The "this, char *" string is separated at the commas, with the white space removed. You may use characters other than commas by starting the value string with a punctuation character other than a single or double quote character. You may also omit intermediate values by placing the commas next to each other with no intervening white space. For example, "+mumble++yes+" will expand to:
arg = { argname = mumble; null = "yes"; };.

listattr option.

This is the “attribute with list of values” option. This option takes a string argument def.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

This option is used to create shorthand entries for definitions that generally appear several times. That is, they tend to be a list of values. For example, with:
listattr=foo defined, the text:
foo: this, is, a, multi-list will then expand to:
foo = 'this', 'is', 'a', 'multi-list';
The texts are separated by the commas, with the white space removed. You may use characters other than commas by starting the value string with a punctuation character other than a single or double quote character.

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