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8.5.2 dimensions options

Specify the output dimensions.

width option (-W).

This is the “maximum line width” option. This option takes a number argument num. This option specifies the full width of the output line, including any start-of-line indentation. The output will fill each line as completely as possible, unless the column width has been explicitly specified. If the maximum width is less than the length of the widest input, you will get a single column of output.

columns option (-c).

This is the “desired number of columns” option. This option takes a number argument count. Use this option to specify exactly how many columns to produce. If that many columns will not fit within line_width, then the count will be reduced to the number that fit.

col-width option (-w).

This is the “set width of each column” option. This option takes a number argument num. Use this option to specify exactly how many characters are to be allocated for each column. If it is narrower than the widest entry, it will be over-ridden with the required width.

tab-width option.

This is the “tab width” option. This option takes a number argument num. If an indentation string contains tabs, then this value is used to compute the ending column of the prefix string.