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2.1 UNIX binary distributions

We release both tgz and RPM binary distributions of Asymptote. The root user can install the Linux x86_64 tgz distribution of version x.xx of Asymptote with the commands:

tar -C / -zxf asymptote-x.xx.x86_64.tgz

The texhash command, which installs LaTeX style files, is optional. The executable file will be /usr/local/bin/asy) and example code will be installed by default in /usr/share/doc/asymptote/examples.

Fedora users can easily install a recent version of Asymptote with the command

dnf --enablerepo=rawhide install asymptote

To install the latest version of Asymptote on a Debian-based distribution (e.g. Ubuntu, Mepis, Linspire) follow the instructions for compiling from UNIX source (see Compiling from UNIX source). Alternatively, Debian users can install one of Hubert Chan’s prebuilt Asymptote binaries from