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Documentation related to libvdeplug2

Package: libvdeplug2

Description: Virtual Distributed Ethernet - Plug library
VDE provides a versatile support to create Ethernet compliant virtual networks. The vdeplug library, like an ethernet plug, can be used to connect virtual machines, namespaces, IoTh (Internet of Threads) processes or VDE utility commands to virtual networks.
This library uses plug-ins to support several VDE implementations and to be open to new developments in virtual networking.
Several plugins are included as standard extensions of the library, e.g.:
 - vde: connect to legacy vde_switch (provided by vde2) or
 to virtual networking sockets, see below
 - vxvde: this plug-in implements distributed virtual switches
 (implementation of a Local Area Cloud)
 - tap: connect to a tuntap interface
 - udp: udp tunnelling
 - ptp: point to point connection
 - vxlan: the plug becomes a vxlan's VTEP
 - cmd: stream the network flow to a command
A plug can provide virtual networking sockets where other plug can be connected (using the vde plugin)
 - hub: the plug implements a hub
 - switch: the plug implements a switch
This package contains a modular library and a set of plugins supporting several VDE implementations
Homepage: http://wiki.virtualsquare.org/
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