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Found 6 packages, which contain /usr/share/man/tr/man1:

Package: login

Description: system login tools
This package provides some required infrastructure for logins and for changing effective user or group IDs, including:
 * login, the program that invokes a user shell on a virtual terminal;
 * nologin, a dummy shell for disabled user accounts;
Homepage: https://github.com/shadow-maint/shadow
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Manual pages:

login(1) newgrp(1) sg(1)
faillog(5) login.defs(5) faillog(8)
lastlog(8) nologin(8)

Other documents:


Package: man-db

Description: tools for reading manual pages
This package provides the man command, the primary way of examining the system help files (manual pages). Other utilities provided include the whatis and apropos commands for searching the manual page database, the manpath utility for determining the manual page search path, and the maintenance utilities mandb, catman and zsoelim. man-db uses the groff suite of programs to format and display the manual pages.
Homepage: https://man-db.gitlab.io/man-db/
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Manual pages:

apropos(1) lexgrog(1) man-recode(1)
man(1) manconv(1) manpath(1)
whatis(1) zsoelim(1) manpath(5)
accessdb(8) catman(8) mandb(8)

Other documents:

/usr/share/doc/man-db /usr/share/doc/man-db/examples

Package: passwd

Description: change and administer password and group data
This package includes passwd, chsh, chfn, and many other programs to maintain password and group data.
Shadow passwords are supported. See /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian
Homepage: https://github.com/shadow-maint/shadow
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Manual pages:

chage(1) chfn(1) chsh(1)
expiry(1) gpasswd(1) passwd(1)
gshadow(5) passwd(5) shadow(5)
subgid(5) subuid(5) chgpasswd(8)
chpasswd(8) cpgr(8) cppw(8)
groupadd(8) groupdel(8) groupmems(8)
groupmod(8) grpck(8) grpconv(8)
grpunconv(8) newusers(8) pwck(8)
pwconv(8) pwunconv(8) useradd(8)
userdel(8) usermod(8) vigr(8)

Other documents:

/usr/share/doc/passwd /usr/share/doc/passwd/examples

Package: vim-common

Description: Vi IMproved - Common files
Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all non GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: manpages and configuration files.
Homepage: https://www.vim.org/
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Manual pages:

helpztags(1) rview(1) rvim(1)
vim(1) vimdiff(1)

Other documents:


Package: vim-gui-common

Description: Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim variants available in Debian. Examples of such shared files are: gvimtutor, icons, and desktop environments settings.
Homepage: https://www.vim.org/
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Manual pages:

eview(1) evim(1) gview(1)
gvim(1) gvimdiff(1) gvimtutor(1)
rgview(1) rgvim(1)

Other documents:


Package: vim-runtime

Description: Vi IMproved - Runtime files
Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
This package contains vimtutor and the architecture independent runtime files, used, if available, by all vim variants available in Debian. Example of such runtime files are: online documentation, rules for language-specific syntax highlighting and indentation, color schemes, and standard plugins.
Homepage: https://www.vim.org/
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Manual pages:


Other documents:


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